Participating in something new can be exciting. You’re all fired up and you expect nothing but the best to happen.
In your mind, you’re thinking, “This is great! It’s going to change everything for me!”
Once you get the information and it’s time to do your part to make things happen, your excitement starts to fade. Eventually, it didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Your life is still the same.
Other people and things can only help you so much. It happens a lot, where people are expecting a ‘magic pill’ and nothing happens.
For example – you attend a real estate seminar that says you can make $10,000 in one month. The ‘guru’ shows you how it’s done.
When you go home, you look at the material.
A month has passed by and you think, “This was a scam. It didn’t even work.”
On the other hand, take a look at what happened. Did you follow through or are you disgruntled because it wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be?
If you honestly put in the effort, you can call it what you want to call it. If the only thing you did was let the material collect dust, you can’t say anything because you didn’t make a true attempt.
Don’t resort to being negative just because you didn’t do the work. Nothing is done for you. You can get help and support, but it’s still up to you to follow through on your end.
Using excuses is taking the lazy way out. Now you’re stuck in an emotional rut and everything stinks.
There is no ‘magic pill.’ There is no ‘hack.’
Your life is based upon your effort. You can only control what you do. Other people can give you suggestions and advice, but ultimately, you are the deciding factor of your success.
Life kicks everyone down. We’ve all lost money, we’ve all had a tough break, we’ve all had unexpected things happen.
It’s hard to think on the bright side of things when you’re going through it. Even when you think you’re failing, you have to do your part. Stop playing the victim and start finding your way.
Here are a few ideas to help get out of that rut:
- Take 15 minutes. You can’t be mad forever, but you can be mad for 15 minutes. Get it out of your system for 15 minutes – shout, cry, throw something, whatever it is. Just do it for 15 minutes. After that, you have to get back to figuring out your next move.
- Listen to that song. Everyone has that one song that makes you feel on top of the world. It gives you energy and makes you feel unstoppable.
- Move. After listening to that song, it’ll make you want to move. Go for a walk, lift some weights, run – just go outside and move. When you move, you feel better.
- Help somebody. Being helpful to someone can make their day. In return, it makes your day. Whether you volunteer at a homeless shelter or help someone with their groceries, you’ve made a contribution to the goodness of the world.
Even though it can feel like it, you’re not the only one going through something. Don’t get stuck in that rut, or else you’ll become that negative person that no one wants to be around.
Everyday is a chance to do better. It may not get better all at once, but it’s those little everyday fights that win the big battle over time.