Self-Care: Start Choosing Yourself

Self Care: Start Choosing Yourself

Self-care is something we need, but we don’t practice enough of. We’re taught to be respectful and to love one another. Be considerate and kind to everyone you meet – everything that describes the Golden Rule.

What happened to us? Did anyone ever show us how to be independent and love ourselves? We become so caught up in being available to others, yet, we cheat ourselves out of a fulfilling life.

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

People will call you selfish when you do something that doesn’t include or benefit them. You could have given them a million dollars last week, but you’re ‘selfish’ because you didn’t visit them yesterday.

You’ve done all you can to please them and make them happy. Even if they’ve never done anything for you, it makes you feel a certain amount of guilt when they complain about how you treat them.

It’s not your responsibility to make others happy. If you do something nice, that’s great, but if they don’t appreciate it, move on. As a matter of fact, don’t do it for appreciation, do it because you like doing nice things for people. When you expect something in return, emotions get involved and feelings get hurt.

Don’t spend your energy attempting to make it right or trying to mend their feelings. Some people like to make you feel guilty just so you can continue to do things for them. You may feel bad, but at some point, you have to stop living for them and start living your life.

They’re not coming to save you, so you must take care of yourself, first.

Putting Yourself First

You’ve been so used to putting others before yourself, it seems odd to put your own needs first. You are not accountable for their life, but you are accountable for your own.

Think about when you go to work and ask for a promotion – why not take the time to promote yourself with your own personal business? Yes, it may take some time, but you’ll be able to call the shots yourself.

We’ve been trained to always look to others for what we need or want. You never get to truly live life on your terms, because you’re stuck in a place where you have to constantly ask for permission. If you choose yourself, you don’t have to convince anyone else of what you deserve.

Learn to trust yourself. If you want to make lots of money, make a plan and get started! Depending on your boss to provide for you is not smart. Get in the habit of doing for self, even if it takes time to materialize. Commit to a strong work ethic and the time will pass – before you know it, you’ll be the boss of your own life, truly doing as you wish.

Choose You

Self-care also involves self awareness, or how you see yourself. Thinking small of yourself and big of other people hinders your intentions. You can’t have a short, defeated outlook when it comes to pursuing your goal. Your abilities are just as good as anyone else’s, but you’ve got to be proactive and bold towards your plan.

Make little promises to yourself and keep them. That’s the key to believing in yourself and building courage. Exercise that characteristic within yourself and portray it – I am strong, I am beautiful, I am successful, I am smart, I am magnificent. Speak it into existence because you are what you say you are.

Develop the discipline to perform the habits that make you better and your ambition will soar. Expecting others to give you that feeling of worthiness will no longer exist because you can achieve it on your own.

Self-care is imperative. Don’t be afraid to choose yourself. No one is going to do it for you. Have your own back and create your own solutions. Depending on someone else puts you at risk. Take your own risks and be successful because you chose yourself.


Replace Your Old Thinking, With New Thinking

Replace Old Thinking Habits Wiith New Thinking Habits

Too much thinking can make things harder in our minds, than they are in reality. Whenever we’re assigned a new responsibility, there’s a little hesitation that comes along with it.

Taking on something new seems hard, simply because you’ve never done it, or you don’t want to do it. You start to think about all the things that could go wrong, instead of what could go right.

Shift your perspective. It’s an opportunity to grow and learn something new. Let’s take a look at how we can adjust our thinking to accommodate our improvement.

From Old Thinking To New Thinking

  • Old Thinking: “This is how we’ve always done it.” You want to stay comfortable. This can be a challenge within itself. Doing things the same way seems to be the perfect routine, but routines can become outdated. Knowing how you’re going to do something does work in your favor, but at the same time, you should consider adjusting your routine, if it can be more efficient.
  • New Thinking: “There’s always room for improvement.” All it takes is a little more time to see if something new will benefit you. The way technology is today, things change all the time. There’s always a better way to do things. Keep an open mind – what used to take you 30 minutes, might take you 10 minutes if you attempt the new way.
  • Old Thinking: “That’s okay, I’m good.” You’re scared of success. Instead of doing a little more and finding a way to accomplish your goal, you self-sabotage. You tell yourself that you really don’t want it, but in fact, you really do. Being afraid to take a chance on yourself breeds laziness.
  • New Thinking: “How can I make this happen?” Your focus is now on the solution, not the ‘problem’. Starting the process of figuring out a path is the first step. Be confident! When you write down your ideas, your mind begins to create more ideas and different ways to reach your results.
  • Old Thinking: “What will people say?” You fear judgment from others. It scares you to do something that might fail, because someone will make fun of you or criticize what you did. This is another form of self-sabotage. People insult others out of their own insecurities – they’re taking the attention away from themselves and putting it on you. They think they’ll fail, so they think you’ll fail, too.
  • New Thinking: “I got this.” Move forward and continue to make progress. The people who drag you down and insult your actions will see your success and change their tune. Have the courage to stay persistent, even when it seems it’s not working. This is how you get to the next level of a better you. Keep your focus and resist comparing yourself to others – this is your race.

Think For Yourself

Never doubt your abilities. Anything is possible, but you must be dedicated to the process in order to see the achievement. It doesn’t work if you keep stopping based on what someone says or your own hindering thoughts.

Enhancing your life is not easy. Train your thinking towards abundance and positivity. Encourage yourself. There’s no shame in changing your mind to becoming more proactive. Go ahead and raise your standards and work above them. Think for yourself and take pride in what you have accomplished.

Do the hard things – everyone else is doing the easy things, that’s why there’s no growth there. Don’t get stuck by accepting what is – do your own thinking and create what you imagine. Make each day count towards your plan. Take the road less traveled and enjoy the many successes along the way.


Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Commitment begins with a thought or an idea. The goal is to stick with the task, so that you can incrementally improve day by day.

You have an unspoken responsibility of becoming the best person you can be. No one has to tell you this, you just know. Laziness can kick in at any time, followed by complacency.

To become better and more productive, you must make a commitment. How do you start? What does it mean to be committed?

Identify Your Commitment

When you commit to something, you make a conscious effort to do it consistently. No matter what you decide to do, a commitment has to be made first.

Do you want to lose weight? Start by committing to drinking a glass of water and an evening walk everyday. Are you ready to take control of your finances? Commit to saving ten dollars a week. Want to study history? Do the research and find the right books to read and documentaries to watch.

Identify what you want to do and go for it. Most times, we think about what we want to do, but we never get around to actually doing it – that’s because a commitment was never made.

Establish what it is that you want to achieve, commit and take the first step.

How To Make Your Commitment Stick

It may be difficult for you to commit to a personal goal – it happens to everyone. Comfort sneaks in and takes over any challenge you had in mind. How can you make a commitment stick?

One strategy you can use is writing it down. Creating a list of things to do will hold you accountable for taking action. Instead of relying on your memory to do something, write it down. Writing it down makes it official. You won’t get away with conveniently forgetting about it and it allows you to ‘see’ what needs to be done, so you can plan accordingly.

If writing it down isn’t your thing, find a responsible person to hold you accountable. This should be someone you trust. If you don’t perform your committed task, the consequences should be something uncomfortable, like paying them one hundred dollars. You wouldn’t want to give up that kind of money, therefore, you’ll do your best to follow through. Check in at a certain time with this person everyday to be sure you are staying committed to your goal.

Be Relentless

Making a commitment doesn’t work unless you’re consistent with your actions. You have to be ready to see past the distractions and adapt to change. If not, the whole idea of being committed to your idea simply won’t happen.

If you make a commitment and it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. You always have the choice to do it again. Has success ever come easily on the very first attempt?

Your will encounter adversity of some sort. You will have to shift in order to keep going. Be relentless with your commitment. If you’re serious about reaching your goal, you’ll do what’s necessary to get there.

Your ambition and determination should drive your commitment. You must be convinced that no matter what happens, you won’t give in to negative ideas and people. When it does happen, you must make the adjustment and adapt to the new plan.

Are You Ready?

Making a commitment says a lot about you. It says that you’re focused and decisive about what you want to do. Too many people drift into a life of nothingness, by giving away their advantage. The power is within you, but you have to be intentional and use it proactively.

Like anything else, it takes time and effort to be committed to your plan. Don’t be the one who stops at every obstacle you come across. Trust yourself to build the future of your dreams. You don’t have to start big – don’t let someone else’s accomplishments deter you from beginning your journey. Everyone has to start somewhere.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Take baby steps. Make the commitment and take the responsibility to grow into your greatness.


Claim The Life That’s Meant For You

Claim The Life You Were Meant To Live, Without The Pleasing

Have you ever thought about what type of life you really want to live? Is it something that you mindfully work towards everyday?

Somewhere in life, you started paying more attention to what others thought about you, than what you thought about yourself. Something (or someone) told you that it’s important to please and impress others and you took it too far.

These people are pleasers and there are three types: the People Pleaser, the Parent Pleaser and the Pity Pleaser.

The People Pleaser

Some people are people pleasers – they’re unable to function in life, unless they know they are in someone’s good graces. They’ve basically built their life at the convenience of others.

If you ask a people pleaser what they want, they’ll ask someone else before they give an answer. Everything is based upon going with the popular opinion, so they won’t be the odd one out. If someone puts them on the spot, they’d rather die than to give their own honest opinion.

Now, it’s blown into an unconscious habit where they’re constantly looking for opportunities to be someone’s friend, or to be that ‘like-able’ person. It’s important to be presentable and decent towards other people, but don’t cross the line by making it your life’s mission.

The Parent Pleaser

We all start off as parent pleasers. As children, we want the approval of our parents, so we strive for that acceptance because we like the positive feedback. At this moment in time, we don’t know any better because we’re growing little humans and we haven’t experienced much of the outside world.

The unfortunate thing is, some of us never grow out of being a parent pleaser. We constantly look for the chance to impress them by following the path they set out for us. The last thing we want to do is disappoint mom and dad.

This isn’t totally on the child – some parents take advantage of their children by constantly telling them what they should do, what they should wear or where they should go. They leave no room for the child to think independently.

As a teen growing into an adult, you should be able to think for yourself. Mom wants you to be a lawyer, but you want to be an artist. If mom doesn’t get her way, she’ll be mad, so you don’t do it. This can go on for the rest of your life and before you know it, your life has passed you by.

The Pity Pleaser

A pity pleaser is the person who has always experienced anything worse than you. If you tell them about the time you were hit by a truck, they’ll tell you about the time they were hit by two trucks. They look for someone to outdo to make them appear more interesting.

Pity pleasers have the unique ability to make everything all about them. No one else can have a better (or worse) story than they have. Every time someone is going through a challenging time, they’ve always gone through something even more challenging.

There’s no beating the pity pleaser, as they take pride in being better at being the worst. No one has ever had it more rough than them. They feel like they deserve your sorrow and pity support.

Claim Your Life

All of these people have built their lives around what others think of them. For some reason or another, they never leveled up to being personally accountable for their own thoughts and actions.

Everyone has to take responsibility, but the majority of the responsibility lies with you. Pleasers allow their lives to be led by other people. In the end, they’ve realized that they didn’t live their own lives and wished they had.

Think about what you want. It may hurt someone else’s feelings, but you must go out and claim your life! Do what’s best for you, without worrying about who thinks what. No one can live it better than you!

It’s not disrespectful to disagree with other’s opinions, but you are disrespecting yourself by not living and thinking to your own full potential. Claim the life that’s meant for you – live through the rights and wrongs, the successes and the mistakes because it is your unique journey.

You’ll never achieve living the life that someone else wants you to live. Give up being a pleaser and experience the world through your own thoughts and actions.


Dealing With Stress Through Making Progress

Dealing With Stress By Making Progress

Everyone goes through the stress of challenging times. It can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Stress and anxiety can cloud your outlook towards the sound solution you’re looking for.

People will tell you not to worry and to stay hopeful. This may be a good start, but don’t lean on it too much. There’s one thing they won’t encourage you to do.

The Victim Vortex

The unthinkable happens and you instantly begin to stress and go into, “I don’t know what to do,” mode. Without thinking, you begin to panic and everything seems to go downhill.

As you spiral out of control emotionally, you wish there was something that could save you from going deeper and deeper. The only thing that can save you is sleep, or some sort of vice.

This is the path to having a victim mentality. When you think like a victim, you feel like there’s no way out and all you can do is hope that someone will step in and save the day. At some point, you even feel like you deserve to be saved, yet, no one is paying attention.

Having a stress moment happens to everyone at one time or another. Some of us know how to handle it and move on – some of us allow it to carry us into an almost inescapable vortex, where we believe that everyone else owes us.

There’s Still Work To Be Done

As you look to family and friends for support, you’ll get everyone’s sympathy. No one wants to kick you while you’re down and that’s very considerate of them. At the same time, a plan needs to be created for your comeback.

Most people stay in the victim vortex, because it’s safe, even though they aren’t making progress. That type of negative energy is nearly impossible to escape.

On the other hand, it’s nice when everyone is on your side and so understanding. Everyone realizes that it wasn’t your fault and it’s horrible that this even happened to you.

What they don’t tell you is there’s still work to be done. Sitting and waiting for something to change in your favor is not going to cut it. You must get up and be productive. Climb your way out and create a plan, so you’re not caught off guard when it happens again. Something needs to push the train and that something is your effort.

At the time, you may not know what to do, but do something. You don’t know if you’ll run into someone with good information or if you’ll stumble across something on the internet. Attempt new things or go volunteer. You’ll never know where you’ll find your solution if you continue to sit still.

Overall, there’s things you can do, directly or indirectly, to help move the needle. Depending on others to do it for you will only dig you into a deeper hole. Find some courage, make some moves and save yourself!

Less Stress Makes More Progress

If you’re fortunate, you may have that one person who is forward-thinking and wants to push you to be more active towards your situation. That’s the person you need on your team, because they know you can do better and won’t offer pity. It’s difficult to find people who will give you that raw support you really need. Sympathy is nice, but it won’t provide the answer.

Instead of relying on someone else to improve your situation, work on improving it yourself. Having such a positive mindset during a challenging time is hard, but you can get through it.

Give yourself time to feel bad. Get your feelings out and then, get them under control. It may take a day or it may take a week, but give yourself a time frame where you’ll stop the pity party and start being productive.

Time doesn’t wait. One day you’ll look up and it’ll be next year – don’t be in the same place, still feeling sorry for yourself. Your emotions may draw you back every now and then, but have the confidence to pull yourself back into being active.

Most people don’t want to hear about progress when they’re stressed, but you don’t have to be those people. Success favors the bold and if you want to have a fulfilling life, do the things that will get you there. It’s your choice – do you want to stay comfortable, or grow into your greatness?


How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

Judging your future by your past impedes your progress and stifles your potential. If you have control over the possibilities, why not stretch and see how far you can go?

What is holding you back at this moment? Is there something you want to do, but that invisible voice keeps giving you excuses and telling you it’s not possible?

We’ve all experienced the doubts and fear that creeps into our minds, convincing us that it won’t work. All it takes is a few seconds of listening and we decide to play it safe, without even putting forth an effort.

Effort and failure is what carries you to success. Giving up because it didn’t work the last time you tried, is not the way to go – get out of your past and take action towards a better future.

The Past Is Your Teacher

Learning from the past can be a good blueprint for life. There are unfortunate things that happened, which you don’t care to experience anymore. This is helpful when making quick decisions.

Things like not putting your hand on a hot stove, or wearing a seat belt while riding in a car – those things can prevent significant harm or save your life altogether. Because of this, you depend on your past to help you in the future.

All of the various situations you experience in the past can contribute to how you live your life, currently. Some good, some bad, but it’s up to you to determine how it allows you to move forward.

The present is always happening. Your mind is constantly having thoughts and reacting to stimuli. Your past has a tremendous influence on each moment, as it occurs. How does this affect you in your everyday life?

The Past Doesn’t Decide Your Future

Sometimes, you can let your past dictate your present and future. Unconsciously, you can hold your present hostage by reacting with what you know, as opposed to doing something different to change the outcome.

If you had a bad business deal in the past, it doesn’t mean that every business deal will be bad. If you failed a science test, it doesn’t mean that you’ll fail every science test in the future.

Just because something went wrong the first time around doesn’t mean it will go wrong forever, whenever it happens. When it’s in your control to change the outcome, think of how you can adjust the details to make it work.

Turn the hot stove off, instead of touching it. Get past references before doing a business deal. Attempt to study in a different place before the science test. It is your responsibility to build your future by correcting the mistakes of the past.

How Analysis Paralysis Occurs

Analysis paralysis is a real obstacle. It’s when you overthink or consume so much information, you end up not doing anything at all. It’s better to proceed and make a mistake, because you learn what not to do and can make another attempt. Sitting still and not doing anything because of your fear of what might happen, is not effective.

Researching information is necessary for making decisions, but if you give yourself too many options, you’ll end up doing nothing. You’re so full of different choices, you become unable to make a move. The confusion alone becomes the new issue that needs to be conquered.

Realize that consulting with your past has it’s benefits. If anything, it should assist you in moving forward more strategically, putting you in a place to win. The rear view mirror is used to make better decisions, not to see how terribly wrong things might turn out.

It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t live in your past. Get whatever information and logic you need in order to make intentional moves, but don’t get stuck there. Some people will stay in the past a little too long and begin to overthink the outcome and hinder their growth. This is a common path to analysis paralysis.

Intentional Decisions

When thinking through a situation, you normally go back to your own understanding and experience, but your experience isn’t the only way to creating a definite solution.

If you grew up with parents who were drunk all of your life, you can make one of two decisions. Your experience will either teach you to be a drunk parent, or it will teach you that you don’t want to be a drunk parent. You may have experienced it, but it doesn’t mean you have to follow through in that particular way.

Make intentional decisions. Use your past experiences to make calculated moves in the future. It doesn’t make sense to make the same mistakes repeatedly, especially if you know better.

You can change your outlook on life by making forward-thinking choices. Allow your past to guide you, but don’t let it drive you down the same road that leads to nowhere. Let it give you the boost you need to make more intelligent and constructive choices. Everyone has a past – don’t let yours define you.


How Being Optimistic Can Expand Your Perspective

Being Optimistic Can Expand Your Perspective

Being optimistic is a trait we all can possess. It doesn’t favor the successful or the wealthy. Those that are self-made already had an optimistic view before they became who they are.

Most people think being optimistic is like that goofy friend who is happy about everything, even when nothing is working. That may be true on the surface, but being optimistic entails more than being happy and seeing the bright side of things.

The Optimistic Mind

Even if you don’t have that goofy friend, being optimistic is a useful characteristic to have. When you face complications, you can find a glimmer of light in the darkness and work towards it.

Being optimistic is a mind shift. You can do it, but it’s going to take some effort on your part. When things aren’t going well, the first thing most people do is let it ruin their day. They think there’s nothing else they can do, so they quit. You don’t have to be that easy and give in.

Be optimistic with your thoughts and find an effective way to follow through. Getting frustrated when things don’t go your way, is counterproductive. It doesn’t help to throw it all away – you’re capable of figuring things out. Find the light and take some time to think it through.

Take control and exercise your confidence. Why let everything go if you can do something about it? Life happens, but you can let it happen, or make it happen. No matter how bad things get, you always have a choice in how you respond. Use optimism to your advantage – it’s like having a cheerleader in your corner, telling you that it can work, just don’t give up!

Using Optimism In The Right Way

Optimism allows you to be resilient. If you weren’t optimistic, more than likely, you would stay stuck. Whatever it was that was battling you, has won.

It isn’t only about being goofy-happy, it’s about finding a solution and facing challenges. It gives you the possibility of creating a way out of the shadow. In some cases, the answer is so simple, yet, we tend to overthink, causing us to stop before we even start.

Use it as a strategy. When you’re optimistic, your mind works towards an answer. You begin to see that there is more than one option. Before you know it, you’re making your way through that temporary challenge. After you’ve achieved it, you realize your potential to do more.

Be Optimistic

Your brain has the ability to see past the crowded negative thoughts that race through your mind everyday. Instead of letting obstacles stop you in your path, be forward-thinking and move around them.

It’s good to have an optimistic person on your team. They remind you that there’s a way to open that door. It relieves you of self-defeat and allows for more productivity. The solution is easier to meet if you look at it through optimistic eyes.

You don’t have to have a goofy-happy friend – you can be optimistic yourself. When you find yourself looking away from the issue, look at it with a positive vision. Clear your mind and think it out, one optimistic step at a time.


Adversity: How To Get Back Up, When You Fall Down

Adversity: How To Get Back Up, When You Fall Down

Things seem to be going along just fine, and then, out of nowhere – you encounter some type of adversity. Life happens and screws up your plans. You’re left wondering what went wrong, among other confusing questions.

As you can see, life doesn’t go according to your plan. There’s no doubt that it stings, but at the same time, you don’t have to sit there and take it. This is simply a new starting point, perhaps even a rebirth, of your life.

Life Happens

When things occur unexpectedly, your first reaction is emotional. Thoughts of guilt and self-pity flood your mind, as you become more and more discouraged.

It doesn’t help that your friends and family are supporting those negative feelings. They pat you on the back and tell you everything will be fine. Some will provide an escape for you – “I knew your boss didn’t like you – that car saw you coming and they still hit you…” They think it’s helping, but actually, it relieves you of the responsibility of having a more positive outlook.

Yes – responsibility. “But it wasn’t my fault…” you say. This may be true, but the responsibility of fixing it and moving on, is yours. No one else can do this for you, so you have to hold yourself accountable, even if you did nothing wrong. You can wait for someone to save you (which some people do), but then, you’d be neglecting the skills you’re about to build to become a better person.

Get away from the chatter and allow yourself some time to think things through. You know how messed up it is – you don’t need others to confirm that for you. After your emotions settle, the next step is to figure out what you’re going to do to gain some ground.

Being overly emotional never helps, even though it’s the first thing most people do. All the whimpering and whining only drags you deeper into a downward spiral of darkness. It doesn’t make the situation any better, but it makes you feel comfortable.

We think of how horrible it was and who to blame because it didn’t work out. It’s easy to point the finger at someone else. How often do we think of it as an opportunity? Not only can you start over the way you want to, but you will strengthen your skills and stretch your abilities as you go.

Facing Adversity

How do you pull through, when it seems everything is working against you? One thing you don’t want to do is work against yourself. When your emotions take over, that’s when you start to play ‘victim’.

That’s not what we’re going to do. History shows that humans are creative and resilient during times of challenge. There are plenty of examples of people who hit rock bottom, only to rise and touch the sky.

It’s been proven – if you’re human, you can do this.

First, go ahead and let your emotions out. Cry, curse, scream – do whatever it is you need to do. It’s not good to hold all of that unworthy, negative energy inside your body. It only leads to more anxiety and stress, which you certainly don’t need right now.

Here’s where it gets tricky – don’t stay in your emotions. Have your emotions, but don’t live there. This is where people get stuck, because they don’t want to face any more adversity than they have to. They stay in those ‘victim’ thoughts, only to never rebound.

Second, make a list of things you need to do in order to move forward and out of your slump. The day can easily get away from you when you don’t have it written down. Checking things off of your list gives you a sense of accomplishment and a new positive perspective on what you are capable of doing.

Third, start moving. Studies show that movement and exercise improves your mood and brain activity. It also helps tremendously with your stress levels. Once you start moving, your brain will turn on and begin generating new ideas. You’ll start to actively think, instead of being stuck in your feelings.

Fourth, take care of your responsibilities. Don’t let everything fall apart, just because of a hiccup in your life. You’re still in control and your obligations don’t stop, so continue to handle them.

The World Still Turns

You can either lay down and take it, or you can stand up and take it. It won’t be the last time you experience adversity, so it’s best to know what to do now, so you can be stronger and handle it better the next time. Be flexible, so you can make your way out of any position, good or bad.

Get used to change. The foundation of your life is still the same, it’s just that the way you’re used to going about it has shifted. There are still things that need to get done and goals that need to be reached. This is the time to build yourself into exactly who you want to be, according to your own personal blueprint.

We all fall. Everyone else thinks they know how to solve your challenges, but you have to trust yourself. Remember that this is your fight and you’re going to win. Listening to suggestions may help, but the final decision is yours.

Adversity forces you to recognize the challenge and adjust to a new way of thinking. You will either forge a new path and become successful, or you’ll sit in the same place (still wondering why), for years to come.

You’re not a tree. Get up and grow to the next level of your life.


Being Considerate Is A Standard, Not A Choice

Being Considerate Is A Standard, Not A Choice

If there’s ever a time to be unselfish, it’s right now. The #coronavirus has told the entire world to take several seats.

The act of being considerate used to be a high standard. People would actually think of someone else before they spoke or act. Today, not so much.

Even before the virus happened, most people had already lost their sense of manners and common respect. There used to be an unwritten rule that everyone would follow when interacting with each other. Now, it seems like it’s every man/woman for himself/herself.

It Costs Nothing To Be Considerate

It’s not hard to be polite. Actually, it should take less effort to be considerate, as opposed to being selfish. You should get a good feeling on the inside from being a nice person. Being nice doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits those around you, as well. Who wants to be around a person with a nasty attitude?

Everyone won’t appreciate your kindness. Some people are just mean for no reason at all. Nothing in the world matters to them, until it affects them on a personal level. Then, they expect sympathy from everyone, when they’ve never shown an ounce of simple courtesy to anyone else.

Life isn’t like that. The Golden Rule has stood the test of time for a reason – treat others the way you want to be treated. When you put out good energy, you receive good energy, in some form or another. Overall, it puts everyone in a good place and allows for a positive perspective.

Even when people aren’t nice to you, keep your peace and continue to be kind. Sometimes, that’s all someone needs, is to be shown some kindness, because they aren’t used to it. We all grew up in different environments, so it can be difficult for some people to accept when someone is being considerate.

Although it may make you upset when someone isn’t nice, it’s a reflection on them, not you. You don’t control them. All you can focus on is your self and how you respond.

Consider This…

Speaking of being considerate, let’s talk about the world’s current situation dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. You may think you don’t make a difference, but every person on every economic level matters in this situation.

Maybe you or someone you know is affected by it. Overall, how does it make you feel? Wouldn’t it be considerate if everyone would settle down and take the necessary precautions to get rid of the virus?

There are people who are ignoring the medical advice being given. Even with most of the stores and restaurants being closed, they still find a way to be defiant by going out, without thinking of the preventive measures that should be taken.

These people are inconsiderate. “You gotta live your life – everyone’s going to die sometime – I’m not staying in the house, I can go wherever I want…” To them, it seems cool, until it happens to someone close to them. Now, they’re begging others to stay inside and stop their activities to decrease the spread of the virus (remember the Golden Rule?).

This is happening to all of us and it’s going to take all of us to stop it. No one ever thought we would be experiencing a pandemic in this day and age. There are people walking around who don’t even know they have it and they’re spreading it, unknowingly. Don’t be a show-off. It’s not to punish you, but to help everyone. Keep yourself safe, so that you’re keeping others safe, too.

We’re in this together, so let’s be considerate of each other. If someone needs help, be kind, but with caution. As of now, it’s the only way we’re going to get through this.

It’s not weak to be considerate and kind. Let’s take one for the team, be responsible with our decisions and take heed to the safety measures that will help us all.
