Success Is Not Magical And The World Is Not Fair

Success Is Not Magical And The World Is Not Fair

We see the success, but not the process. Many of us use hope as a strategy, but that only leads to a headache and disappointment.

What is it that others are doing to accomplish their goals? Creating vision boards, watching motivational videos and reading inspiring books can help, but it won’t do the work for you.

Looking at other people can give you an ambitious feeling towards your own goals, but what are you actually doing to get there?

Don’t Overthink, Just Start

You want to be there already. You’re on chapter one and they’re on chapter twenty and it frustrates you. “What am I doing wrong?” you ask yourself.

Comparing yourself to others doesn’t help. It’s great to see that someone has done it – it gives you faith that you can do it, too. When it comes to the work and effort, that’s a different story.

What you’re missing is the middle – the actual process. That means continuous effort, many sacrifices and everything in between. It’s the boring part that no one acknowledges until you become a success.

Because we tend to compare ourselves to others, it becomes a hindrance. It causes us to constantly think about why we aren’t where they are. We begin to makes excuses and deny responsibility in order to make ourselves feel better.

All of this overthinking can push you to the point where you forget about starting your own journey, because you’re consumed with their success. Your plans are thwarted, simply because you’re stuck on how you should be in their shoes by now.

If you keep worrying about others, you’re unable to work on yourself. Mind your business and start building your own success. You’re not supposed to create their vision, you’re supposed to create your vision.

It’s Not Fair

If you ask anyone who is successful, they’ll tell you that it wasn’t as easy as it looks. Achievement doesn’t happen in a straight line.

It happens to everyone. A potential business didn’t get the loan, the athlete has an injury or you didn’t pick the winning lottery ticket. Whatever the reason, everyone will encounter a setback. The difference is in your level of resilience.

This is another place where people give up and get stuck. They complain, “It’s not fair” and they stop. Newsflash: It will never be fair. Throwing yourself a pity party won’t change anything. Thinking of how others have an advantage over you is a waste of your productive time and energy.

Instead of trying to wrap your mind around why someone else has more privilege, find a way to meet and overcome your own challenges. There’s always a way to do something – you just have to think it through, find a solution and take action.

Everyone has their own mountain to climb. You won’t reach the peak by looking at them. It may not be fair that they have a rope to help them to the top, but that shouldn’t be your concern. Yes, it would be helpful if you had one, but at the moment, you must focus on what’s in front of you.

Don’t lose your opportunity by watching someone else. Be patient with yourself, but most of all, start the journey.

Success Is Yours If You Want It

It doesn’t happen with a snap of your fingers. Hoping, wondering and wishing aren’t blueprints for success. Don’t fool yourself – it can be done, but it’s going to take consistent effort and determination.

Success must be earned. It can be magical, but you have to create that magic by taking action. We all have dreams, but as they say, at some point, you have to wake up and work for it.

Doing something everyday that will bring you closer to your goal will put you further ahead than watching others. Get started and let your mistakes and failures be your guide.

When Worry Lives In Your Head

When Worry Lives In Your Head

The things you worry about take up space in your mind. It’s like the bandwith on your device – it drains your time and energy and slows down other parts of your life.

We can get so caught up in our worrying that we forget to work towards a solution. Is worrying productive? Of course it’s not, but some of us make it a priority as if it’s necessary in order for us to live.

To Worry Or Not To Worry

Worrying is one of those things that can be picked up as a habit from your environment. If you grew up seeing someone being stressed out all of the time, there’s a great chance that you’ll follow the same pattern.

As a child, if you see your parent(s) worrying about bills, it seems like the ‘adult’ thing to do. At a young age, you never think that maybe your parent(s) could be irresponsible with money, which could be the cause of their own stress.

In situations like this, it can be helped. Sometimes, we don’t realize that we cause our own frustrations – we do it to ourselves. No one likes to blame themselves, but we have to take accountability before we can move forward.

If you budget your money in a way that takes care of the bills, you alleviate the weekly worry that you cause. Go to sleep earlier or wake up earlier, so you won’t be late. Exercise and eat a better diet if you don’t feel your best when you’re around others. Whatever puts you in a state of constant worry, do something that can prevent that feeling of uncertainty.

When you prepare in advance for things that you can control, it becomes possible to live in a more productive and happier space. There are things you can do to enhance your confidence and eliminate the doubt that you create.

What happens when things are out of your control and you can’t help but to worry?

Is There Ever A Reason To Worry?

“What about when someone ends up in the hospital or their house burns down?”

Yes, these life situations happen. Some things, we aren’t able to control, but we still have to adapt and adjust. To sit in worry and sadness does not benefit anyone.

Our first reaction is to start worrying, but it shouldn’t be the only reaction we have. In cases when life happens, it’s natural to worry. It’s unnatural to stay in that worry.

If someone is in the hospital, don’t add to their worries with yours. The best thing you can do is be positive and speak life into them. It doesn’t help them if you’re as uneasy and unstable as they are. See the possibilities with them.

When people worry, it can do more harm than good to those they’re worrying about. To be strong when others are in their weakest moments is definitely a difficult thing to do, but you can be the light that they need to see. If everyone else is depressed along with them, it takes away from the strength needed to fight their battle.

Words and actions are powerful.

Be Helpful, Not Hurtful

When it comes to things we can control, the best way to prevent worrying is to prepare. We may not be able to predict everything that’s going to happen, but some things can be helped.

It doesn’t make sense to be a worry-wart when you can actively participate in your own life and make things better. We’re all a work in progress, but you must be active and allow yourself the opportunity to improve.

Life happens to everyone and it can be a cause of worry. The best thing you can do is look on the bright side and work towards positive action. Deal with the situation at hand, but also, be brave enough to see the possibilities. Don’t let worrying make it worse.

Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself. Don’t let stress and anxiety live your life for you. The more confident and prepared you are, the less worrisome you’ll be.

Be a warrior, not a worrier.

Change Is What Grows You

Change Is What Grows You

Change is a scary concept to most people. Depending on how you look at it, it can be a terrible thing or life-changing.

We’ve been taught that change means something negative is about to happen, or that whatever it is, won’t work out.

As a result, we avoid change as much as we can. This stunts our growth and keeps us in the same place, year after year, yet, we wonder why nothing good is happening to us.

Change Your Perspective

Certain words strike a certain meaning when we hear it. We think failure means it’s over, a mistake means it can’t be done and a problem means to stop after the first attempt.

We associate all of these words in a negative way, but in reality, we can give them a more positive meaning. Failure means you’re learning, a mistake means you’re receiving feedback and a problem is simply a challenge.

Knowing that these words hold a different, more positive meaning, how does it make you feel? Do you think there’s a possibility that you can achieve your goal or do you still think it’s impossible?

Changing your perspective with words and different situations can help you become more productive. As you can see in the example above, words have power. When you change how you define those words, it changes your thought pattern and your habits for the better.

Fix Your Actions

Are you one of those people that does the same thing day in and day out and wonder why nothing is pushing you forward? It’s because you haven’t changed anything to spark something different to happen.

You must take responsibility for your own actions by changing what you do. Develop a different way to achieve what you want. We all hit a plateau after a while – that means it’s time to take it to the next level.

Don’t keep eating fast food and expect to lose twenty pounds. Ignoring your homework assignments won’t help you pass that class. Spending your money without saving or investing won’t get you closer to retirement. Something has to change.

Yes, change may be difficult, but if you want to be successful, it’s mandatory. You’ll have to change your habits if you want to see change in your life. You’re playing life backwards if you think you can get the best out of it by not putting in any effort. Even the best habits could use a little improvement.

How Do You See Change?

All change is not bad. It’s what promotes growth, challenges you and allows you to step into your greatness. Don’t be afraid if it comes up in your life – switch your perspective and follow through with confidence.

As long as you can control your response to what happens, you can make change positive. There are some things that happen out of your control, but if you can do something to make it better on the other side, change can be your friend.

If you want different results, you must be willing to shift. Everything you’ve done up to this point doesn’t have to stay the same – you can adapt and adjust at any given moment.

Nothing is written in stone. If you don’t like it (whatever it is), get up and do something about it. Make a change and watch how life opens up to progress and opportunity!

#TBT: How Creating Better Habits Can Prevent Future Problems

How Creating Better Habits Can Prevent Future Problems

By not having strong habits in place, we can become our own worst enemy. Potential obstacles can be a challenge, but it can be handled effectively, beforehand, with the right effort.

Little things that we tend to overlook for too long, can become big distractions. If we aren’t careful, snowballs can become avalanches and spiral out of control.

Yet, some of it is in our control. There are many situations we can prevent from happening, but we must intentionally practice building our habits in a productive way.

Weak Habits Won’t Help

Building powerful habits can help you avoid falling into small, predictable traps. By procrastinating on the little things and putting them off, you forget about it and then it becomes a bigger issue that should have never happened.

Let’s take paying monthly bills, as an example. Most bills are due at the same time, every month. We know this, but we’re so used to the thought of it being due, that it slips our minds and we forget to pay it on time (or some of us just ignore it completely).

Before you know it, the lights have been turned off, due to our lack of attention. Now, we have to make phone calls and wait for the services to be restored. Late fees have to be paid and we may have to wait 3 business days before they can turn them back on.

Time and money have been lost, due to weak habits.

It Happens In All Areas Of Life

You know what needs to be done, but for whatever reason, you decide to procrastinate and do it later. It doesn’t just happen with bills – it happens in all areas of our lives.

The diet that was supposed to start today, doesn’t start because you didn’t prepare for it. You’re still eating entire pizzas and cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner. In your mind, you’ll start tomorrow, but you need just one more day.

Every weekend, you’re still shopping online and buying what you want. That’s fine for some people, but if you want to improve your life and you keep telling yourself that you’re going to save money, that’s not going to work.

How To Advance Your Habits

Everything seems simple in your mind, but it’s hard to do when it comes to taking action. If you want to make a change for the better, here’s what you need to do:

First, make the commitment. You’ve already done that part in your mind, but now, you must physically act on it. Your commitment to yourself should be held to a high standard. Give yourself consequences, if that helps. If you eat that doughnut, you must do 50 push ups. Think before you procrastinate.

Secondly, prep yourself. Put your bills on auto-pay. Get rid of the junk food in your house. Put internet controls on your computer to limit your lazy time. When you prep yourself, you put yourself in a better position to be successful.

Third, take action. Even if it’s not perfect action, do it anyway. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all. You learn along the way and get better as you go along. If you have to do it over, do it over, but don’t stop. Always move forward.

Always Think 2 Steps Ahead

Once you develop these productive habits and more, you’ll experience less of those ‘preventable’ situations. This part of your life can run on autopilot to your benefit.

Think prevention – what can I do so this won’t happen, again? Are there routines I can put in place to avoid these annoying interruptions? Figure it out before it happens.

By being a progressive thinker and action taker, you will be able to stay 2 steps ahead of the game. Reacting at the last minute, especially when you were capable of handling it earlier, places you in a better position to be more productive and ready.

Don’t wait for it to become a problem – position yourself to manage it ahead of time. When you think 2 steps ahead, you win back your money, time and energy.


How Commitment Leads To Action

How Commitment Leads To Action

The first thing you do before taking action on any goal is make a commitment. If you don’t consciously do this, more than likely, things will fall apart.

The following excerpt is from the book, “Turn On Your Light: Your Guide To Success-Building Habits.” It’s written by Betty Bootstrap, a contributor of the Goalden Lady.

Making the Commitment

It’s easy to think how everything will go in your mind. We make plans without considering obstacles and challenges being present. In order for your plans to see the light of day, you must make the commitment.

Making a commitment is scary for some people. The fact that you are doing something with all of your efforts and determination can be a big promise to take on. However, your plan won’t get done without it. 

After you have an idea, what do you normally do? Nothing. The most we’ll do is think about it, shoot it down or halfway discuss it. 

The most important thing to do after you have an idea is to take action. Do something that will signal to your mind that you are making a commitment. 

Have you ever had an idea and someone else had the same idea? Maybe you’ve seen a product on TV or a service that has been implemented. It’s crazy because you had the same exact idea!

The only difference between you and the other person with the same idea, is that they took action.

While you were sitting there thinking about it, they made a commitment, pushed forward and developed ‘your’ idea.

This is why it’s critical to get in the habit of making a commitment. You never know where it will take you or how it will affect your life.

What Does Commitment Include?

Making a commitment can be challenging, especially if you’re not used to doing it. A lot of times, we just hold our ideas in our heads. Ideas are made to be explored and the only way to fully explore them is to make a commitment. 

When you make a commitment, you are willing to make some sacrifices. Things like hanging out, watching TV or scrolling through social media for hours, will have to take a backseat. 

Commitment entails focus, work and time. You’ll have to set aside time to do the work. There’s no such thing as not having enough time. This means weekends, after work and possibly before work. 

Focus is a high priority while you’re doing your work. Being intentionally focused and present with what you’re doing is a good use of time. Being busy, just to be busy, is a waste of your time, so focus on your idea and bringing it to completion.

Side Effects

There are side effects to making a commitment. Your mind will tell you to do something else fun or to work on it later. These thoughts will come while you are focusing and building your idea. You are guiding your mind down a different path and it’s uncomfortable.

When it becomes uncomfortable, that’s when you have to focus harder and be more determined. That’s where your commitment lies. This is what pushes you through those negative thoughts.

Obstacles will occur. Don’t allow an obstacle to ruin your idea. There will be times where things will keep happening and it will make you think about giving up, because it’s not working out. Obstacles are what gives us answers and confidence (after we overcome them) to move on.

There will be everything in your way to make you give up your commitment. When you make a commitment, you are taking your life to the next level – something most people are afraid to do. Opportunities will open up and present themselves more often when you commit.

*Excerpt from, “Turn On Your Light: Your Guide To Success-Building Habits.”*

When Motivation Becomes A Distraction

When Motivation Becomes A Distraction

I know you’re thinking, “How can motivation become a distraction?” It sounds impossible, but there are ways people allow motivation to interfere with their goals.

Motivation is inspiring. It is the catalyst that creates motion. It gives us that mental push we need to move forward and accomplish our dreams. Without it, the world would move a lot slower.

We all have those things in our lives that help us take action, but what happens when that thing holds you back and causes inaction?

Motivation Is Like A Drug

For the most part, drugs are addictive. People become slaves to a substance that controls their minds and eventually, their actions.

Motivation is like a drug. Everyday, you consume motivational content, in one form or another, and it becomes addictive. It becomes hard to put it down because you want more and more.

Like drugs, motivation gives you a high. Although it’s not fatal, it can stop you from taking the action needed in order to get to your destination.

Social Media

If motivation is like a drug, who’s the pusher? Social media.

It’s great when you discover new content on social media that inspires and invigorates you, but in the end, that’s all you end up doing – scrolling through content.

Motivation feels good. You can picture yourself being successful, just like the person in the post. When you wake up in the morning and you start scrolling down your timeline, it feeds you with more and more. It gets you pumped up to take action. You’re ready to go, but then, you crash before you even start.

How many times have you (or someone you know) attended a seminar and you leave fired up and ready to take on the world, only to get home and follow up by doing nothing? The motivation is there, but you feel like you need more in order to move on.

The Distraction

This is when motivation becomes distracting. Your energy is there as long as you’re reading or looking at the content, but you never actually get around to putting one foot in front of the other and making it happen.

You become stuck and figure you need more motivation. Back to social media you go and consume more content. The more encouragement you can get, the harder you think you’ll work towards your goals. Day by day, it steals your attention and you become more sluggish.

Yes, your intention is to grind and hustle like the content says, but you only put in a little work and you’re back to needing more motivation. How can you turn this around?

Action Over Motivation

Like a drug addict, you have to go cold turkey when it comes to consumption. Yes, that means taking a break from social media and other forms of inspiring content.

Let’s not make the mistake of thinking that personal development is bad, because it’s not. Personal development has given people a positive way out of negative situations. It has transformed many destructive mindsets into thinking of productive possibilities.

At some point, you have to put in the work and take more action. Yes, it helps get you on your way, but nothing will happen unless you get to work!

Less Is More

Flip the script. Put a time limit on how you consume content. Put that extra attention towards taking action and making progress with your daily plan. Use that motivation to push you forward – it doesn’t take much.

It will be difficult, but make it simple: less consumption, more action. Create your own encouraging ideas to post for others to become motivated. Be the example.

But it won’t get done unless you put down the device and start taking action.


What To Do When Life Sucks

what to do when life sucks

We all have these elaborate ideas of how we want life to turn out. There are goals that we’re after and dreams that we want to fulfill.

What happens when things don’t go our way? Is it a sign to stop? Should we ignore it and keep going? Or, do we cut our losses and move on to something easier?

Everyone has a different response to life. Every challenge is unique, but there are two main things you can do to remain stable and see it through.

2 Things To Do When Life Sucks

  1. Believe in yourself. It sounds corny, but it’s true. People say it so much that it has lost it’s true meaning. When things don’t go your way, instead of letting it happen, think about how to respond in a positive manner. Know that you can handle it, because you’ve handled things before. This may be a little different, but you have to fix your mind to believe that you can overcome it. The first thing we normally do is get down on ourselves and our ability to face it. Change your perspective and have the confidence to know that you will be fine and do your best. The only thing that’s stopping you is the negative story you tell yourself in your mind.
  2. Take responsibility. Whatever happened may have not been your fault, but take responsibility for how you respond. Things happen all the time, but how you respond is key. Some people let things happen and they end up somewhere they don’t want to be. Take control and guide the situation in a favorable direction. At the very least, attempt to make things better. Do your part by figuring it out and taking the appropriate action. If it doesn’t work, be responsible and do something else. Giving up won’t help at all, but if you hold yourself accountable, the results could work towards the improvement of your situation.

The Outcome

If you do these two things, you’ll be putting yourself at an advantage. While it may not be fair, life will suck at some point and the best thing you can do is respond to it in a way that will benefit you.

That’s not to say that things will turn out exactly the way you want them to, but it’s definitely better to drive the situation than to let it drive you. If you let it drive you, there’s no telling where you’ll end up. Then, you’ll wish you exerted more effort and energy into controlling the outcome.

Be Mentally Strong

Above all, don’t let it get you down. It’s so easy to let the pieces fall where they may, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Know that you have the choice to make things better in your life.

Sometimes, we forget that we even have a choice. We’re so used to our circumstances that we become complacent and fall into a non-productive routine, where we just let things happen. Your effort still counts, even if you have made numerous attempts.

You have the power to change your position. When life happens, believe that you can handle it and take responsibility for how you respond. Step in and be a part of driving the solution, as opposed to giving in to the issue. Knowing how to manage life when it sucks, can make all the difference.


Increase Your Action To Destroy Your Fear

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

Fear keeps us in procrastination mode. We only procrastinate, not because we don’t feel like doing something, but because our fear is keeping us from taking action.

Fear has a way of making us feel comfortable. If we attempt something new, there’s a chance it won’t work and we don’t like that feeling. Therefore, we avoid moving forward, so we won’t have to feel that embarrassment or negative judgment.

How do we overcome fear? Why does it have such a hold on us? Is there a way we can destroy the thought?

How does fear work?

As far as achieving your goals is concerned, fear is not real. Fear is something that you’ve created in your head, so you won’t have to go through the hard work and dedication that it takes to reach a goal.

Think about people who go after what they want. It seems that they have not an ounce of fear in them. They have laser-like focus and nothing stops them. Even if they fail, they automatically turn around and change course, but they continue towards the same goal.

Somewhere down the line, we’ve been brainwashed to avoid pain by being fearful. Therefore, we ignore the failing path to our results, because we don’t want to get hurt by failure.

Failure is nothing more than learning.

When you fail, you know what NOT to do. Now, you can proceed with the knowledge that the first way won’t work. Since you’ve failed at it, you know how to proceed more wisely.

By increasing your action, you destroy your fear. When you fail at something, take another action until you get through it. Don’t waste time by being hurt and giving in to doubtful feelings. You discovered a solution that didn’t work, now you can move forward with finding one that does.

You are your own biggest enemy. If you remove those limiting thoughts and beliefs from your mind, you can accomplish anything. After you have a small win from overcoming that obstacle, you’ll gain confidence and confidence will drive out the fear, more and more.

Your mind will want to give up. It will begin to create excuses. Excuses are another form of procrastination, which is another form of fear. If you take a deep breath and just do it, you’ll see that it’s not as hard as you think it is. If it won’t kill you, do it!

People will also put fear in you through insults and by giving you examples of who tried, but didn’t make it. Know this: that is their insecurity. They will put their fears on you. Don’t listen to them. Instead, give them a little inspiration and show them how it’s done.

It’s not a good idea to tell negative people your goals, because they will only say things to bring you down. Share your ideas with people who can help or who are supportive. Or, you could just keep it to yourself and let your actions speak on your behalf.

Overcoming Fear

The key is to keep taking action. The more action you take, the more your fear will disappear. Don’t hold yourself back by avoiding obstacles. That resistance is the path that will take you to your end result – that’s the path that will carry you to success.

Keep taking action. If you come across a challenge and you don’t know what to do, ask someone who might know or Google it. You are more than capable of figuring out other possibilities to accomplish your goal. Whatever you do, don’t allow fear to drive your dreams away. Instead, drive your fears away by taking continuous action.


Have Faith Over Fear

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

When the unthinkable happens, it’s hard to let it go in your mind. The loss of a job, a loved one or having anxiety can all trigger that one, go-to emotion…


Doubt sets in. Worry takes over. Panic ensues. It’s the natural path your mind takes when you attempt to gain control of a situation.

How many times have you wanted to try something, but doubt enters your mind and you slowly let it go? How many times have you worried about something and in the end, you felt like you wasted time thinking about it because everything turned out fine? How many times have you automatically thought the worst of a situation and began to panic out of habit?

Fear is natural when you’re running from danger, but it’s learned when you use it as a ‘first response’ emotion when it comes to facing challenges and obstacles.

Faith, on the other hand, is knowing that you can handle whatever situations arise. It doesn’t cloud your vision or destroy your life. Some way and some how, you just know that things will be fine.

Some people think that faith works on it’s own. If you believe it, it will happen. Well, that’s partially right, but that’s not exactly how it works.

Faith is believing. As with anything, it starts in your mind, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to put in the work to push it through.

Don’t have faith and just stop. Have faith and then, do the work.

The Goalden Lady

The situation you’re going through may be scary, but would you rather carry that anxiety around with you, or have faith and help make it better?

Putting in the work behind faith is necessary. Your mind is doing the mental part of believing and you must do the physical part of taking action. Faith doesn’t work well alone, but when you put forth the effort and energy to make it happen, you’ll get the results you were looking for.

How do you put faith over fear? First, the cure to fear, is action. Even if you are afraid to take action, that’s the only way you’re going to conquer fear. Acknowledge the fear and move forward. If it doesn’t physically harm you, do it.

Secondly, if action cures fear, then all you need to do now is have faith along with the action. Buy that house, ask him out, speak to the crowd. No matter how big or small, do it scared and make progress in the right direction. Do it enough times and you won’t be scared anymore – you’ll be able to help others on how to do it, too.

Having faith doesn’t guarantee that everything will go your way, even if you do take action. Obstacles will come up and test you and your fear will speak to you. This is not a sign to stop, but a sign to work through it and keep going. There is something better for you on the other side.

Keep working on it. If you stop at the first sign of defeat, it’ll never happen.

Have faith over your fear. Staying in the same position in your life just because you are afraid to move forward will get you absolutely no where. Your potential is limitless. When unexpected situations happen, fear will keep you complacent, but faith will carry you through.


How Fear Can Drive Your Life

Photo by James Healy on Unsplash

Fear is an emotion that we all experience. Being scared can push you towards greatness or it can paralyze you.

When we think of fear, we think about monsters, death or something that suddenly startles us. We learn to avoid it at all costs and move on with our lives.

What about fear of starting? Fear of not knowing? Fear of failure? Fear can come in many different dimensions.

Fear is very sneaky and strategic. A lot of times, you create it yourself, as opposed to an outside force creating it for you.

Think of when you tell your friend about a great idea you had. You’re excited, energized and ready to take action.

When you eagerly tell your friend about your idea, she doesn’t react the way you expected her to. Instead, she responds with, “Mary tried something like that and nothing happened. What a waste of time.”

Feeling as thought someone sucked the life out of you (because she did), you take what she says to heart. You think about it for a while and decide not to even try. If it didn’t work for Mary, why would it work for you?

Your friend put fear in you – not a scary, ‘Boo!’ type of fear, but the fear of taking action.

Wouldn’t you rather see for yourself, how your idea would have turned out? Experience your own results? Just because everyone has already tried it and failed, doesn’t mean you won’t be the one to make it work.

We all have different work ethics and levels of discipline. Maybe Mary didn’t stick with it long enough or she didn’t have the resources to continue. It doesn’t even matter what happened in Mary’s situation, the point is, you should do it anyway!

Another type of fear that stops us from making progress in our lives is the fear of not knowing.

Hindsight is 20/20. It’s safe because you’ve already seen how a situation might turn out. That type of knowledge will keep you in one place for the rest of your life.

We’re not talking about the fear of being burned by a stove or juggling 20 knives. We’re talking about fear of possibility.

If you went on a job interview and didn’t get the job, don’t let that stop you from applying to another similar job. Fear will paralyze you mentally.

You never know what will happen. We tend to think through a scenario in our minds, without making the attempt through our own actions.

“I won’t pass that test, it’s too hard.” But what if you do?

“I can’t build an underwater rocket.” But what if you can?

If it sparks you, do it! You never fail until you quit – failing only shows you how to do it better the next time you try!

Failure is the path to your masterpiece – The Goalden Lady

You must put the physical effort into it, before you assign it a negative result. Otherwise, you’ll never know what’s possible – you’ll only know that it didn’t work out in your mind.

Fear is a dream killer. The only way to get over it, is to go through it. Don’t let fear put imaginary limits on you. Stop allowing others to place their fears and limitations on you – you’re not them.

You could be the person to succeed at figuring it out or doing it the best.
