The Power Of Your Potential

The Power Of Your Potential

When you know that you have great potential, it can work in your favor. The world is so full of distractions and negativity, it can be easy to forget the power we have in our own lives.

We’ve been so used to listening and following instructions as children, but as adults, we simply forget that we can follow our own paths. You don’t have to allow others opinions to set the trajectory of your life.

Your Potential Has Always Been There

Your potential is what you’re capable of doing. The possibility is there, but some of us don’t know how to realize it and make it real.

You’ve heard people say, “You have potential…”, or “You’re not living up to your potential.” Yes, you can do better – there’s always room for improvement. The idea is that you KNOW it, even if no one tells you.

Sometimes, you wait on someone to give you a good feeling before you start that project. You’re waiting on that vote of confidence from them, but why?

It gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling, knowing that someone else believes in you. Allowing someone to make you feel this way can be detrimental, because you’ll get used to waiting on someone else before you start. You should already know you can do it and move forth, anyway.

Compliments and encouragement are nice to hear, but even when no one is around to say those positive things to you, you need to know and believe that you already have that ability. Create the habit of starting those ideas on your own.

That hobby you’re interested in? Stop thinking about it and start doing it. Considering a new project? Don’t sit and watch how well someone else does it, do the research and find a way to take the first step. Whatever it is, it’s all in your control – use your potential to your advantage, because it is your advantage.

Don’t Miss Out On Life

We hear people talk about FOMO (the fear of missing out), but mostly, it’s talked about in a negative way. Fearing that you may miss out on things that make no real difference in your life can be a disappointment, but what would happen if you used in towards yourself?

FOMO can work well with your potential. When you feel self-doubt about starting something new, think about what would happen if you never start. Think about missing out on creating opportunities for yourself, as opposed to waiting for them to happen to you.

This type of FOMO thinking shifts your perspective when you use it in the right way – it leaves no regrets in your mind, because you’ll act upon whatever you’re thinking about. Whether it turns out good or bad, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you did your best and you tried.

Free yourself mentally from hanging on to other people’s words and thoughts about you. Your potential is already there, you just need to put it to work. Be forward thinking and put in the effort. No one has to tell you that you can do it – have the courage to step into it.

Activate Your Potential

Everyday, you should set out to win at something. Having a target to shoot for is what activates your potential.

If you’re going to have FOMO, have FOMO about missing out on your own life. Waiting, wishing and wondering won’t help you achieve your goal. The longer you procrastinate, the closer you’re getting to that later stage of regret.

Time is your most precious asset – once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. We waste so much time with distractions and pleasing other people. Be wise and start living YOUR life. Everyday is a chance to get it right.

Get out of your head and get into your life! Those goals won’t achieve themselves. Use your potential and discover just how far you can take it. You’ll be surprised how far you can go when you put forth your full potential!

The Standards You Set For Yourself


Standards give us something to live up to. It’s a way to improve ourselves without the constant influence and competition of others.

People who lack standards usually remain stagnant. There’s nothing to convince them that they can become better than what they already are, because they’re comfortable.

What happens when you become stuck in a rut and you’re unable to hold yourself accountable for your own actions?

Why Have Standards?

Standards allow you to elevate in life. When there’s a certain desire you want to live up to, it motivates you to improve and become better.

Having standards and rules for yourself promotes growth in life. You know how you want to live, how much money you want to make, the type of family you want to have, etc. – these things are thoughts and ideas that you hold in your mind while you strive and make them come true.

You also set yourself apart from others who have no ambition or goals, and you become the type of person you aspire to be. It’s not easy to live up to your own personal standards – it takes resilience, discipline and focus (among other characteristics), but if you make a plan to get there, it’s definitely possible.

Your Potential

Becoming a more productive version of yourself everyday is a great foundational standard to live up to. As mentioned before, it inspires your ability to grow.

When you hang around people who don’t seem to care about what they do and who don’t have any goals, it’s easy to adopt the same attitude. As they say, birds of a feather, flock together.

This can damage your potential, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. By changing your environment and who you hang around, you can adjust your standards and goals to new and more productive levels.

Always put yourself in a place of advantage. Once you master a task or situation, move on to something else. See how much you can learn and how far you can go. Push your limits and discover your capacity. Never allow anyone to bring you down to their level.

Holding Yourself Accountable

Part of living up to your personal standards is holding yourself accountable. You are your own responsibility – the only person that can save you, is you.

How many times have things gone wrong in life, whether you planned for it or not? Did you sit there and accept the outcome or did you take the time to reassess and create another solution?

This is where most people become stuck – things don’t always go as planned, but it’s your job to get up, figure it out and make one more attempt. You must hold yourself accountable in order to move forward.

Most people like to have “accountability partners” or someone to help them along their journey. That’s fine, but ultimately, the responsibility is yours. Your accountability partner may tell you it’s okay to eat a slice of cake or to buy one more lottery ticket. Sometimes, they can be your worst enemy, as opposed to helping you become better.

What Standards Do You Have?

If you have plans on becoming a better person, then you have standards. Anything you want to do to improve your place in life is a standard you have created for yourself.

Understand that you are your only competition – you should strive to be better than the person you were yesterday. It may be a challenging task, but that’s how self-improvement works.

Create your standards and work on them daily. Develop your daily habits to match the person you want to become. It may seem like a difficult task, but all you have to do is take one step at a time and you’ll become the successful person you’ve always imagined.

The Fear of Judgment: What Can You Do?

The Fear of Judgment: What Can You Do?

The fear of judgment is one of the biggest fears that people have today. Any other form of negativity is acceptable, but when someone judges you, it’s a defeated feeling.

How does this fear develop? Is it something you can unlearn? Can you make yourself immune to these kinds of stubborn critiques?

The Fear of Being Judged

Maybe this type of fear began in school. You had to do a presentation in front of the class and the teacher would grade you on how well you did.

This is enough to make most people nervous. When someone is watching you and will be giving an opinionated assessment on what you’re doing, it can cause a little anxiety.

It’s good to be aware of how others perceive you, but when you take it too seriously, it becomes a hindrance. Other people’s opinion becomes your standard because you are constantly trying to appeal to their thoughts.

Also, when other people insult your ideas, it makes you second guess yourself. You start wondering what if they’re right or you’re not good enough to make your idea happen. Most of it is out of jealousy because you are elevating your life and they haven’t moved an inch. That’s the only way they can hold you back and sometimes, we allow it to stop us from starting.

What others think (or say) about you is not who you are. It is not the end of the world if someone has a negative view of you. People may create a vision in their minds of who they think you are, but it’s not necessarily true – it’s just an opinion.

Unlearn That Feeling

The best way to get over the fear of judgment is to not care at all. It can be difficult to do (because we’ve all been taught to please others to a degree), but it’s crucial to your growth and your life’s success.

No one else is you and no one can be you. That should be motivating in itself! You’ve created yourself up to this point and you should know who you are. If someone makes a judgment about you, it shouldn’t make you stop in your tracks. Your goals are your number one priority, not what someone says to insult you.

If someone says something untrue about you, ignore it. Don’t give away your energy so easily. People will say things to get under your skin or simply out of jealousy. If you know this, why let it affect you?

Unlearn this thing where you have to please everyone and be who they want you to be. It’s a false assumption. Trust yourself enough to weed out the bad voices and the people who say those negative things. They judge you because they are insecure. They feel bad, therefore, they want someone else to feel bad, also.

By knowing yourself, you can unlearn the habit of taking any kind of judgment to heart.

No Judging

Since you know how it feels to be judged in a negative way, you should act accordingly. Never assume or judge anyone else, whether you know them or not. Everyone is different and should be given the opportunity to create their own lives as they see fit.

Not judging others gives everyone a chance to grow and expand their mindset. The thought of not following through with a task or a goal, just because someone thinks you can’t do it, is ridiculous. Don’t live the rest of your life fitting into someone else’s box that they designed for you.

You only have one life. Live it to your fullest potential and until you make your dreams come true. No one else can do it for you. Take the initiative, act on your plan and fulfill your destiny. You have one shot.


#TBT: Believing In Yourself Is Half The Battle

Believing In Yourself Is Half The Battle

The internet has made a great impact within the last decade, especially with our minds. We are constantly bombarded with ads and comparison posts on social media.

Using the internet in the right way can be extremely productive, but on the other hand, you can easily fall victim to what you see and it’s effects on how you think.

Do you get caught in the ‘comparison’ trap? Are you a better person after you put down your device? Has the internet changed the way you think about yourself?

How Strong Is Your Self-Belief?

Believing in yourself is something that has to be worked on daily. There are times when you may feel a little intimidated, but you must have a solid foundation when it comes to your self-esteem.

The key to believing is building up your confidence. When no one else thinks you can do it, know that you can. Not only that, but practice being your best in everything you do. Creating a habit of high expectations will allow you to stand out from the crowd.

Be mindful of how you do things – as they say, how you do one thing is how you do everything. When you start accomplishing small daily tasks, it’ll carry over into accomplishing the bigger tasks. This is how you develop confidence, which is the path to believing in yourself.

Believing, One Day At A Time

When we see others on social media, everyone looks like they’ve succeeded in life. We begin to wonder, “Why am I not successful?

Most of the people on social media are showing off a fake lifestyle. The money, cars, private jets and vacation spots are props. They do it to make themselves look good, yet, it makes you feel inferior and slow.

Never compare yourself to anyone on social media (or in life). Everyone’s journey is unique to them. You will not get there at the same time as someone else, no matter how closely you follow their plan.

Understand that your success will come in your time. As long as you continue to have the courage to believe in yourself and take it one day at a time, you will make progress and that leads to success.

Believing In Yourself

Your actions also play a big role in believing in yourself. When your mind is set to follow through with a challenge, the next step is being determined enough to take action.

If you don’t believe you can do anything, then you won’t take action. On the other hand, if you have strong self-esteem, you will take action at a high level.

Believing makes way for high performance. Even if you have no one who cheers for you, you have to be your own cheerleader. It doesn’t matter what others think, you already know you can do it.

Build Yourself, Build Your Life

We all want to achieve great things in life, but it takes time and a strong mindset. Great things are very attainable in real life, but first, you must have that foundation of self-belief.

The biggest obstacle you will endure is having no one to tell you how great you are. You possess unlimited potential. Your greatness depends on your confidence to follow through.

Talk to yourself and tell yourself how unbeatable you are. Shine your own light and be magnificent. Never be embarrassed if you lose – you’re only learning so you can be just as effective and efficient the next time.

Don’t wait on anyone else to recognize your excellence. No one needs to tell you how intelligent and capable you are. Believe in yourself and be the example for others to follow.


The Power In Your Potential

The Power In Your Potential

We think we know our own potential. Most of us have been living our lives according to what other people think and that’s not your potential. In fact, it goes further than you think.

Your potential is infinite – there is no end to your ability to do anything. We say to ourselves, “I can do anything!” The real question isn’t whether you can do it or not, but will you actually put in the necessary time and effort to do it?

How Do You Think Of Your Potential?

Everyone has the capability to do what they please. If that’s the case, why is it so difficult to follow through and achieve your plan?

There’s no doubt that there’s power in thinking and saying you can do something. An idea starts in the mind. You are responsible for growing it to it’s fullest potential.

You give up power when you let other people’s judgments guide you. You ask for their opinion and trick yourself into thinking that you need their approval. Sometimes, you just want an audience to cheer you on before you start.

The absolute power is in the act of doing it for yourself. We all know that anyone is capable of doing anything. Have the confidence to make it happen, whether others support you or not.

Use Your Power For Yourself

If you’ve made it this far, you’re ahead of the crowd. You can talk about accomplishing your goals all day long, but nothing will work, unless you do.

Instead of wanting others to support you and validate your ideas, do it for yourself. They can’t see your vision, because it’s yours. Put forth the physical effort by showing up and doing the actual work.

Hold yourself accountable. It may help to have an accountability partner, but in the end, it’s up to you whether you will do it or not. When it gets hard, other people will easily tell you to take it easy or say ‘I told you so.’ It’s not important to them like it is to you. Don’t let yourself down.

You must be fine with others not liking your ideas. Be comfortable with negative feedback and the criticism that comes along with your journey. Be persistent and carry out your idea towards your potential. Keep others and their distractions at a distance.

Will You Do It?

Are you strong enough to stick with your idea, even when everyone else thinks it’s impossible? Do you still see your own light? Yes, it can be hard, but there are other places where you can find support and encouragement.

The internet has allowed the world to connect through the touch of a screen, or with the click of a mouse. You are no longer held captive within one specific environment.

There are motivational blogs to read – even social media can be a great support, IF you follow the right people. Select a podcast that serves your motivational interests and feeds your mind with inspiration.

Join a group of people who are on the same growing path as you. This will allow you to connect with positive energy and will benefit you moving forward.

Potential Is Power

Don’t be discouraged by others. It’s easier to insult and criticize someone, than it is to be helpful. Keep your eye on the prize and be disciplined enough to battle through your limits.

By using your resources wisely, you’ll be able to find the right community that shares the same hunger for achieving the impossible.

Understand that you won’t find your power in other people. You have to find it within yourself. Always bet on you – others may count you out before you even start, but know that you have the focus and discipline to push through to the end.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Living

How To Overcome The Fear Of Living

Living your best life is sometimes, an understatement. The majority of us live in a state of unconscious fear, simply because we aren’t living to our fullest potential.

You may get up every morning, get dressed, go to work and pay your bills, but that’s not living – that’s just holding on. That’s doing what you have to do to survive.

What about doing what makes you happy? If you could do anything and feel awesome about it every single morning, what would it be?

The Fear Of Living

Unfortunately, we all have (or have had) a fear of living. You’re afraid to bet on yourself. Other people’s judgment dictate your next move.

The fear of living is when you allow your friends to make decisions for you. It’s when you feel guilty because someone says, “You’ve changed.” These are just some of the ways that your outside environment causes you to pause, in your own life.

It’s human nature to want to be liked and accepted, but when it works against you, it’s time to switch your perspective on how you look at things.

Recognize The Fear…

Take off the mask. It’s time to be brutally honest with yourself and become self-aware.

Are you doing certain things so others will like you? If that’s the case, you’re doing it for the wrong reason. Get some confidence, decide what you like and go do it.

Even if your parents are pushing you in a certain direction, if you don’t like it, it’s time to speak up. You are capable of thinking for yourself and knowing that you enjoy. Don’t let anyone take that gift away from you.

When you realize that fear, you can act on it. The only thing that cures fear is taking action. As long as you are giving away your attention, you will be under someone else’s control.

…And Get Over It

There’s a saying that goes:

Get it over with. Then, get over it.

We punish ourselves mentally by holding on to something we need to let go of. It could be a mistake that we made or something wrong that we did. Whatever it is, get over it.

Also, we put too much energy into worrying. We think over and over again about what if something goes wrong. It hasn’t happened yet, so get it over with. Then, get over it.

There’s a likely chance that things could go right, but we never worry about that. Stop beating yourself up over what hasn’t happened and do your best. If it doesn’t turn out the way you expected, get over it. Keep going and do your best next time.

Worrying and anxiety is a form of fear and it keeps us from living and doing our best. When you worry and have anxiety, you’re stealing the present moment away from yourself. You can only live and do your best with what you have in the moment.

Live Today

How long are you going to listen to others instead of listening to yourself? When are you going to actually do what makes you happy without feeling guilty because someone else doesn’t like it?

Take action and start working towards your dream. Everyone’s journey is exclusively their own. Don’t let anyone tell you how to walk in your own shoes. Your potential is infinite. Put forth your effort to reach it – step by step, day by day.

Your life and your experiences are tailored to you. As you begin to overcome your fear of living, your very own life will unfold and you will have no regrets.


Have Faith Over Fear

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

When the unthinkable happens, it’s hard to let it go in your mind. The loss of a job, a loved one or having anxiety can all trigger that one, go-to emotion…


Doubt sets in. Worry takes over. Panic ensues. It’s the natural path your mind takes when you attempt to gain control of a situation.

How many times have you wanted to try something, but doubt enters your mind and you slowly let it go? How many times have you worried about something and in the end, you felt like you wasted time thinking about it because everything turned out fine? How many times have you automatically thought the worst of a situation and began to panic out of habit?

Fear is natural when you’re running from danger, but it’s learned when you use it as a ‘first response’ emotion when it comes to facing challenges and obstacles.

Faith, on the other hand, is knowing that you can handle whatever situations arise. It doesn’t cloud your vision or destroy your life. Some way and some how, you just know that things will be fine.

Some people think that faith works on it’s own. If you believe it, it will happen. Well, that’s partially right, but that’s not exactly how it works.

Faith is believing. As with anything, it starts in your mind, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to put in the work to push it through.

Don’t have faith and just stop. Have faith and then, do the work.

The Goalden Lady

The situation you’re going through may be scary, but would you rather carry that anxiety around with you, or have faith and help make it better?

Putting in the work behind faith is necessary. Your mind is doing the mental part of believing and you must do the physical part of taking action. Faith doesn’t work well alone, but when you put forth the effort and energy to make it happen, you’ll get the results you were looking for.

How do you put faith over fear? First, the cure to fear, is action. Even if you are afraid to take action, that’s the only way you’re going to conquer fear. Acknowledge the fear and move forward. If it doesn’t physically harm you, do it.

Secondly, if action cures fear, then all you need to do now is have faith along with the action. Buy that house, ask him out, speak to the crowd. No matter how big or small, do it scared and make progress in the right direction. Do it enough times and you won’t be scared anymore – you’ll be able to help others on how to do it, too.

Having faith doesn’t guarantee that everything will go your way, even if you do take action. Obstacles will come up and test you and your fear will speak to you. This is not a sign to stop, but a sign to work through it and keep going. There is something better for you on the other side.

Keep working on it. If you stop at the first sign of defeat, it’ll never happen.

Have faith over your fear. Staying in the same position in your life just because you are afraid to move forward will get you absolutely no where. Your potential is limitless. When unexpected situations happen, fear will keep you complacent, but faith will carry you through.


The Art of Rising

Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash

We all have potential -it’s there. There’s always an option, if we choose to use it. When we are faced with that opportunity, what do we do? Walk away, ignore it or embrace it?

Throughout life, we experience different situations and circumstances. Some situations and circumstances may be similar, but for the most part, no two are alike. Either you do the right thing or make the best choice.

Your decision should always involve moving forward (and doing the right thing). Sometimes, you get stuck – it seems too hard to do it the right way or it may cause you to have to start over.

Be a helium balloon. Practice the art of rising. It’s a great habit to develop and will keep you on the path of daily improvement.

  1. Rise to the occasion. If you have an opportunity to do something different, make the attempt to do it. Backing away only enhances your ability to be more stubborn and stagnant. When you’re stubborn and stagnant, nothing happens. You’re here to live life and to experience the best of it, not to watch it pass by and regret it later. After you try it, if the opportunity is not for you, at least you know from experience.
  2. It’s your fault if you stay down. Life happens. None of us likes to be knocked down, especially when we’re in a good place. Things can happen out of your control, but it’s not a sign to give up. When life knocks you down, your job is to get back up – not to get comfortable and stay there. If you don’t do anything to improve your situation, it’s your fault. Use your resources to get to where you want to be.
  3. Rise everyday. Allow growth in your life. Aspire to something greater than you are now. Make it a daily practice to do better than yesterday. Be a better person and improve upon yourself on a regular basis.

The art of rising contributes to your personal progress. It forces you to be responsible for your own life. Too many times, we leave it up to others to guide and control how we live.  Why let someone else write the book on your life?

Step up your game and play your part. Stop allowing others to determine your fate, just because it happened that way to someone else. You’re not someone else, you are a person who continuously bounces back, like a helium balloon!

Rise. Create and follow the path for your life. The fault isn’t in falling down – the fault is in staying down and not rising.
