How To Become Remarkably Persistent

Photo by William Randles on Unsplash

What does it take to be persistent? Is it reserved only for those who are playing at a high level? When does it happen? How does it happen?

Being persistent is when you continue to follow through with your actions, no matter what obstacles get in the way. It could be big or small, but persistence is what keeps you going towards your desired result.

People will attempt to set simple goals, but what most lack is the ability keep moving, after the first or second setback. Setbacks happen, but it is up to us to maintain enough persistence to keep going.

Persistence can be the difference between achieving a goal and being complacent. Anyone can be persistent, with the following suggestions:

  1. Create a plan. This could be setting a goal or something as simple as completing a daily chore. When you set a time to do something, preferably at the same time everyday, you’re building power behind the habit. No matter what, everyday you will brush your teeth. Or, no matter what, everyday at 6pm, you will exercise. Create a plan that will build the habit.
  2. Take action. As simple as it sounds, do it. Develop your habit until you can’t go without performing it. This is where the disconnect lies, because a lot of people will stop after 3 days or once they come across a challenge, they’ll stop altogether. Keep performing the action until it becomes second nature to you.
  3. Develop a “no matter what” mindset. When you develop a “no matter what” mindset, it sharpens the habit of becoming persistent. You will mentally feel better, knowing you pushed through and made progress, as opposed to quitting. If you don’t take your daily run because it was raining outside, it will haunt your mind. Maybe you could’ve ran in the rain or done something else to get some type of exercise done. Don’t allow silly things to stop you. Do it, “no matter what.”

Persistence promotes satisfaction, which promotes a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind promotes a restful sleep. A restful sleep promotes a productive start to your day and a clear mind.

The true test of persistence comes when you’re tired, distracted or your plans have been thwarted. Persistence will give you a little more strength when you’re tired, laser focus when you’re distracted and a creative mind to continue your plans.

Learn to become persistent with these tips. You will notice a gradual progression with your goals. By encouraging your habits through persistence, you’ll open yourself to more opportunities.

Don’t live a lazy life – be persistent. Put your best efforts forward everyday and watch your goals unfold!



Position Yourself To Win

by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

In life, it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday normal routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, prepare dinner, watch TV, take a shower, and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

Although the routine helps push the day along efficiently, we get so stuck in the pattern, we forget to think through most of it.

We are responsible for what happens in the situations we control. I’m not talking about when ‘life happens’ and throws us a curve ball, I’m talking about what we do to direct our own future.

No one owes you anything. Whatever happens to your goals and dreams is up to you and how bad you want to achieve it.

Position yourself to win.

One way to position yourself to win is to do more. Take those extra classes, pay the bills early,  stay up a little later to finish your tasks – whatever it takes to put you ahead, do it.

If it seems like a little too much, that’s because it is. Normal people do normal things. Magnificent people do magnificent things. It’s your choice as to what type of life you want to lead.

Another way to position yourself to win is to take care of yourself. You can only operate on half a tank for so long before you give out.

There are times where you’ll need to do more than necessary to get to where you’re going, but at the same time, take care of yourself. Getting 3 hours of sleep may work for a couple of days, but to make that an everyday habit is not good for your body or your mind and will ultimately slow you down.

Eat healthy, talk a walk/run, play with the kids, get a massage – self care  is how you’re able to do more. If you don’t take care of yourself, nothing will get done.

When you position yourself to win, you are prepared for anything that comes your way. It’s a good feeling to have most things taken care of.  When something happens, you’ve already prepped for it to be handled. Other people would be scrambling, trying to find a solution or a band-aid to hold it together until they can manage.

It takes some sacrifice, but that’s the price of being great. When you have positioned yourself to win, things happen. Doors will open up and opportunities will begin to flow. All it takes is a little sacrifice and positioning.


Run YOUR Race

Photo by Matt Lee on Unsplash

Life can be hard. But if it was easy, we wouldn’t appreciate it the way we do.

I get it. No matter how much planning you do, it doesn’t seem to go the way you planned it. You set the goal for it to happen in 2 years and it’s been 4 years and you don’t see it. You wrote it down, you did the vision board, and you said the affirmations everyday.

By all means, don’t stop what you’re doing. If you stop, you’ll never see your success. Here’s how to run YOUR race.

  1. Don’t get distracted. Sometimes, we can focus too much on what others have achieved. There’s no rule book saying that we all are supposed to be millionaires by 35. Let go of the little distractions that pull you aside from your goal. Start with silencing notifications on your cell phone. Or, you could turn off the TV for a day, do your work and see what happens. Or, stop letting someone else’s ‘success’ get you down.
  2. Stop comparing your life to theirs. It’s difficult to know that you followed all the rules of life and you still feel like you’re behind. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. You should be further along. That’s life. Things happen everyday, but somehow, we figure out how to move on and keep pushing. Just because you don’t see somebody else’s struggles doesn’t mean they don’t have any. It’s impossible to focus on what you’re doing, if you’re paying attention to someone else.
  3. Focus on YOU. Put the horse blinders on. Figure out YOUR way. Help yourself first, then you can help others. It’s not being selfish. They even tell you on the airplane to put YOUR mask on first, then help the person next to you.
  4. Don’t give up on YOU. How many times have we been disappointed by other people? How many times have you given your best to someone and they step on it? No one is going to care about you, but YOU. Don’t depend on other people for your satisfaction in life. Only you can make things happen.
  5. Take a break. Do not mistake a break for stopping. Things can get heavy sometimes and you need to take a breather. That’s totally fine, but don’t allow taking a breather to turn into quitting. It’s not the same thing. Give yourself a chance to reset. It could bring about new ideas and thoughts to help push you forward.
  6. Celebrate the small wins. The little things that happen everyday, give yourself credit for them. It’s the small wins that pave the way for the big wins. It’s a sign that you’re on the right track. Small wins matter!                                                                                                                                                                            Even though you may not see your goals coming to be at the moment, it’s your responsibility to continue on and make it happen. If you stop, you’ll never get what you dream of – and no one else is going to give it you.

Keep your mind in a successful space. Keep doing the vision boards, writing down your goals and reading your affirmations. That’s what keeps you going. That’s what helps hold you up when others try to bring you down and say you can’t do it.

Have you ever heard someone say that the road to success was a piece of cake? No. Everyone has a story to tell. You just haven’t finished living your story yet, but when you do, what a story it will be and a great opportunity to help others.

YOU will be successful at your goals in life. When you get there, be that voice that helps others. Pay it forward, because you used to be that person.

Smile and know you are on the right track. There are lots of people who give up – don’t be one of them. Prove to yourself that you have what it takes to become the success YOU want to be!

Protect Your Conversation

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

When you have an ‘a-ha’ moment, you want to tell everyone. You’re thrilled and want to share how great your idea is and how you’ll go about your plan. As exciting as it is, everyone won’t share your enthusiasm.

Have you ever been around people who are Negative Nancy’s? No matter what you say, they will surely find a way to make pessimistic remarks. They’re always making snarky comments to bring you down.

If you know someone like this, why would you want to spend your time explaining your idea if you know they’re just going to shoot it down? They intentionally wait for happiness to shine, just so they can bring the rain. Talking to this person can damage your outgoing spirit, so don’t give them too much of your time. I wouldn’t share my hopes and dreams with someone like this.

Having those bright ideas should be an important moment for you. Share it with those who are encouraging and supportive. When you come across those obstacles, you’ll need someone in your corner to help push you forward – not someone that says, “I told you so.”

Be careful who you discuss your goals and dreams with. Talking to the wrong person will certainly kill your dream on the spot. That’s no good for you. You deserve a chance to see it through without any discouragement. You want to be around those who will help you expand and grow, not those who want you to remain stagnant.

Take control of your environment. Be around people that have the same drive as you. Limit your time with the Negative Nancy’s and Debbie Downers. Once you do this, your environment will create itself into a positive circle of optimism. You will be surrounded by forward moving people who encourage you and support your focus.

A plant can not thrive in polluted soil. It eventually becomes weak and stops growing. The weeds will take over and the plant will become part of it’s surroundings.

Change your environment. Be around people who will give you sunshine and rain to grow. Don’t let a bad element overtake you. Plant yourself among the growing element. Be mindful of who you share your bright ideas with. It could be the difference between you reaching your goal or your goal becoming a distant thought.

Making the Impossible Happen

Photo by Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash

It sounds impossible, right?

There’s a quote by Nelson Mandela along the lines of, “It’s always impossible until someone does it.” That someone could be you.

Why not? You have 24 hours. You have a brain. If you can put both of those to use, you’re in the “impossible is happening today” business.

We all have time, but we’re quick to say we don’t have enough of it. It has become the unquestionable excuse. If you look very hard, you’re sure to find more time somewhere.

You don’t always have to sleep for 10 hours every night. You don’t have to go to Happy Hour every Thursday after work. You don’t have to binge watch a different season every weekend. You don’t HAVE to do these things.

What you HAVE to do is manage your time better. Don’t say you don’t have time to start working on your goal, when you’re continuously doing things that don’t absolutely matter. Stop doing favors for others and start doing favors for yourself.

Put yourself first. The dreams that are in your head seem impossible. When you decide to contribute some time to them, you will begin to see how possible they are. Don’t just think about it, create a plan and get started.

If none of your friends are working towards their goals, it may be time to upgrade to a new level of friends. You’re comfortable as long as you stay with your old friends, but comfort is the enemy of growth. Being around a new element will force you to increase your performance.

Also, you have a brain. This means you have a mind. You’ve used your mind before, but now is the time to use it with intent. Think of what you want to do in life and move on it. If other people have done it, you definitely can do it, too – maybe even better.

Your mind is not only used to remember fun facts and enough information to pass a test, it can be used to create your future! Don’t listen to that negative internal chatter. If you can change your mind (which you can), you can change yourself and GROW.

Stop thinking you aren’t good enough. Change your mind and know you are good enough. You’re just as capable as anyone else. The only difference is, they know they can because they think they can. Give yourself the same advantage. Don’t wait on permission – you already have it.

Use your time and your mind wisely. By being aware of those overlooked conveniences, you can start doing the impossible. There is no such thing as impossible – you just haven’t done it yet.