Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success

Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success
The following is an excerpt from the book, “Help! I’m Stuck: How T Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

The Most Convenient Excuse

What is the most common excuse people use the most?

“I don’t have enough time.”

It’s not true, I don’t care who you are. We all work under a daily 24 hour time frame. How do you think other people become successful? They manipulated their 24 hour schedule.

To achieve your goals, you will have to make some sacrifices. If you’re unable to do everything within your day, you need to make some adjustments. Time is not the issue, following through strategically with your plan is.

It can be a challenge at first, but it is definitely possible. You will have to learn to make time, for time.

First, you must stop making the excuse that you don’t have enough time. If you truly want it, you’ll find the time to work on your plan.

Put in time on your lunch break, after work, after dinner, early in the morning, or on the weekends. Skip the party, and Happy Hours (among other things).

“But I hang out with my friends on the weekends. I have to wake up to go to work at six in the morning.”

Take a weekend off from hanging out with your friends, or get up at four in the morning to work on your goals, then go to work. 

It’s simple, but many people make it hard. Living a lazy life will bring you lazy results. Sacrifices will have to be made. You will have to skip Happy Hour from time to time.

The only way you’ll get the results you wish for is by putting in the time and consistent effort.

Actually, you could do all of these things and still make time to work on your plan. You may have to stay up late during the work week or get up early in the morning on the weekends, but there’s time to do it. The question is, will you make the sacrifice?

Utilize Every Minute

Once you begin to find the time to work on yourself, you’ll begin to see how critical each minute is.

Your goals should drive you to work diligently through to completion. If it doesn’t make you want to get up earlier or work later into the night to accomplish them, apparently, you don’t want it bad enough.

When you work on your dream, you’ll want to stay up later. You’ll want to be more productive on the weekends. You’ll want to turn down your friends for Sunday brunch. You’ll find it hard to focus on anything else. Your mind will become inundated with thoughts of success.

You’re on the right track. Your mind has become consumed with ideas and you become more aware of the time you have in your day.

Twenty-four hours won’t seem like enough time, but you will make it work. Every ounce of time you find within your day, you exhaust it. You are going to make it happen with the time you have been given.

Your environment will likely change to people who are more respectful of time. Everyone in your circle will be doing outside projects or side hustles. When you’re surrounded by people who are enthusiastic about their work, it rubs off on you.

Being in a productive environment helps you to stay on track and it allows you to become more creative.

Working towards your goals may seem hard, but after you start, the process becomes nearly effortless. You’ll lose those self-limiting beliefs as you grow. When you overcome challenges, you’ll learn from the past and know what to do the next time. Learning from the obstacles of the past allows you to make solid decisions and to move with more confidence in the future.

Excerpt from “Help! I’m Stuck: How To Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

How To Save Yourself

Photo by Jeff Isaak on Unsplash

We give so much of ourselves to other people. It’s the nice thing to do. What happens when you don’t have anymore left to give?

It should never get to this point, but it does. Everyday, we put others before ourselves. We make sure other people are fine, yet, we continue to strain ourselves through lack of sleep, ignoring our inner voice and most of all, sacrificing our peace of mind.

Everyone loves you and you’re an awesome and reliable person, but what happens if you just don’t show up?

This is why you must save yourself, FIRST. We can only do so much by saving other people from their problems. Their problems become our problems and we allow it.

Save yourself. Even when you’re in an airplane, they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before you help others. You can’t help anyone if you’re in trouble yourself.

  1. Say no. They’ll get over it. Most of all, they’ll learn to handle their own challenges and become more self-reliant. Or, they may find someone to replace you, but at least it won’t be you.
  2. Stop doing things. It’s easy to get caught up, doing everyday chores on autopilot. The truth is, if you can do it, so can they. Of course, no one can do it like you do it, but you have to remove yourself from the equation sometimes and let them figure it out.
  3.  Say ‘yes’ to yourself. Reward yourself. Take a random day off. Watch the sun set. Go to a park and feed the ducks. Stay in the bed a little longer. Do something for you. You deserve it more than anyone else, but no one is going to give you time to yourself – you must take it.

All of this is not to say don’t be helpful. It feels good to help out, but sometimes, people will take you for granted. They expect you to be their personal savior all the time.

Don’t let your niceness become your weakness.

Give yourself permission to say no. Take care of yourself – that’s the only way you’ll be able to help others when they really need it.

If you have a family, pace yourself. Tending to various needs of your loved ones can become a daunting task. Put a plan in place, so you won’t be worn out. Everyone can pitch in and help.

Most of all, take time for yourself. It’s okay to be selfish. You need to be selfish, so you can show up when it’s necessary. You’re not useful to anyone if you aren’t fit mentally and physically.

It’s hard to be great, especially when everyone else is constantly taking the best part of you. Take care of yourself, first. Your future self will thank you for taking the time to become a better you.



Position Yourself To Win

by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

In life, it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday normal routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, prepare dinner, watch TV, take a shower, and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

Although the routine helps push the day along efficiently, we get so stuck in the pattern, we forget to think through most of it.

We are responsible for what happens in the situations we control. I’m not talking about when ‘life happens’ and throws us a curve ball, I’m talking about what we do to direct our own future.

No one owes you anything. Whatever happens to your goals and dreams is up to you and how bad you want to achieve it.

Position yourself to win.

One way to position yourself to win is to do more. Take those extra classes, pay the bills early,  stay up a little later to finish your tasks – whatever it takes to put you ahead, do it.

If it seems like a little too much, that’s because it is. Normal people do normal things. Magnificent people do magnificent things. It’s your choice as to what type of life you want to lead.

Another way to position yourself to win is to take care of yourself. You can only operate on half a tank for so long before you give out.

There are times where you’ll need to do more than necessary to get to where you’re going, but at the same time, take care of yourself. Getting 3 hours of sleep may work for a couple of days, but to make that an everyday habit is not good for your body or your mind and will ultimately slow you down.

Eat healthy, talk a walk/run, play with the kids, get a massage – self care  is how you’re able to do more. If you don’t take care of yourself, nothing will get done.

When you position yourself to win, you are prepared for anything that comes your way. It’s a good feeling to have most things taken care of.  When something happens, you’ve already prepped for it to be handled. Other people would be scrambling, trying to find a solution or a band-aid to hold it together until they can manage.

It takes some sacrifice, but that’s the price of being great. When you have positioned yourself to win, things happen. Doors will open up and opportunities will begin to flow. All it takes is a little sacrifice and positioning.