Preparation And Action Removes Fear

Preparation And Action Removes Fear

Preparation is a great way to eliminate fear. You fear what you don’t know, but in order to beat that feeling of insecurity and anxiety, you must set aside some time in advance to get ready.

We live in a microwave society where most people want things to happen in an instant. It’s awesome that technology has accommodated us by making some tasks easier and quicker to accomplish, but there are still some things that we need to prepare for in advance and with constructive thought.

Be Accountable For Your Actions

With responsibility comes accountability. Being able to own your mistakes and think for yourself is how you evolve as a person. There are too many people who allow others to dictate their circumstances, just by not holding themselves accountable.

So many of us have a “it wasn’t me” mindset when it comes to life. We think if we can get away from taking the blame, life will be better. If you don’t take responsibility and prepare for what may come, someone else will handle it for you and that doesn’t turn out well.

Holding yourself accountable for your actions is how you grow. Even if it wasn’t your fault, you can control the narrative by taking the reins and moving forward. Equip yourself with the information needed to bring about a solid outcome. Yes, it takes time and effort to prepare (and a strong mindset to correct possible mishaps), but it will serve you better on multiple levels.

When you are accountable for yourself and the things you do, that’s when life becomes better. Constantly looking for someone else to throw under the bus is backwards. Be prepared – tackle those obstacles and hold yourself responsible. There’s always someone to blame for your problems, but your life won’t be productive until you decide to take control and become accountable for your actions.

Decisions, Big And Small

The smallest decision can have the biggest impact. Everyday, we have choices to make and it creates the world we live in. Being lazy today can inhibit your success tomorrow.

When it’s time to make a decision, don’t delay. Some of your future situations are based off of the choices you prepare for now. If the information is there, use it to your best interest and make appropriate plans.

Sometimes, we procrastinate and hope things will play out in our favor. Of course, it’s nearly impossible to prepare for every single thing that may happen, but it helps to be in front of the eight ball instead of behind it.

Your decisions lead your life. Poor decisions will give you poor results. Always think 2 steps ahead when considering your choices. Think about what you want the outcome to be and guide your thinking in that direction. Also, think about where things could go wrong. It may not turn out how you want it to, but either way, you’ll be prepared no matter what happens.

Prepare For The Best And The Worst

Being accountable for your decisions and responsible for your actions are beneficial to being self-reliant. As long as you depend on someone else to take the blame or make choices for you, your life is not your own.

Action and preparation cures fear. If you don’t want something to turn out a certain way, prepare for it by doing something about it now. Don’t wait until it’s too late. You don’t want to be in a worse predicament than you were before. Do something to prevent the worst from happening or do something that will play in your favor.

Don’t be afraid if things turn out differently than you planned – that’s what makes it adventurous. There will be things you’re unable to control along the way, but there are some things that will pleasantly surprise you, too.

When you prepare, you build confidence – things don’t seem as scary. You don’t feel stressed or stuck when you develop a plan and have it ready. By practicing preparedness, you are overcoming your fear by taking action.

Get Rid Of Your Stinking Thinking

Get Rid Of Your Stinking Thinking

The way you think and talk to yourself is imperative to your growth. If your self-talk is negative, it needs to change – how you think of yourself determines how much you’ll accomplish in this world.

It’s not about mindlessly repeating affirmations everyday like clockwork, but it’s about recognizing your potential. Why live with bad thoughts when you have the freedom to live with great thoughts?

Your Past Affects How You See Yourself

It’s understandable – some of us were raised in a toxic environment where people constantly said horrible things to us. They made sure to tell you how awful and stupid you were on a regular basis. After a while, it gets stuck in your head like a broken record and you began to believe it.

Your self-esteem is affected by this nonsense. Growing up, it unconsciously became your identity and you fell in line with those types of actions. “If they say I’m bad, then I’m bad…” you’d think to yourself.

Attempting to unlearn such terrible things is a challenge. When something has been cemented into your mind, it’s like it belongs there. Your brain doesn’t want to change, but this is a habit that you must make a concentrated effort to undo.

Speak Kindly To Yourself

You have the power to be kind – why not be kind to yourself?

People place doubts in our minds and we automatically accept it. We like to believe the bad before we believe the good. It’s easier and makes for better gossip. We love telling stories of other’s failures, but we quietly overlook the stories of triumph and success.

Even if you encounter an obstacle, it’s not the end. Don’t start thinking it’s all over and there’s nothing else that can be done. Those thoughts of defeat are lying to you. The opportunity is there to prove yourself that it can be done. Take the time to think it through with a winning mind.

In that moment, you have a choice. Will you think, “It’s no use – it’ll never happen…” or, “Let me do it the other way and see what happens…”? Your entire thought pattern leads to whether you will overcome that obstacle.

What’s In Your Think Tank?

It’s so much easier to think the worst before you think the best, but that’s where the change needs to happen. It doesn’t take any physical effort – all it takes is for you to switch your words, be positive and know that you are a problem-solver.

Be the opposite of what that little voice in your head says you are. Sometimes, all it takes is a positive song that picks you up to enhance your mood. When done intentionally, affirmations can work as well.

What you need to take away from this is that you have a choice. People will say negative things to you just because, but don’t let it stick. Have a mindset so strong that you set your own rules and thrive with confidence.

Your attitude is not contingent upon what someone else says – in fact, you can adjust it. Don’t depend on someone else to see the best in you – you must know it and believe it. Stay away from the trap of other people’s opinions.

We all have the ability to think magnificent thoughts. Why choose to think the worst? Be kind to yourself, spoil yourself with positive thoughts and take actions that inspire you to level up.

Finding Your Inner Strength

Finding Your Inner Strength

Inner strength is something that you can not find from anywhere else – it’s inside of you. This means that no one can give it to you or offer it at your convenience.

You feel like you can take on the world when someone encourages you and that’s a great feeling. What happens when there is no one there to give you that motivation? Do you wait for it before you move on or do you somehow create it yourself and go about your day?

Your Emotional Attachment To Opinions

Most people allow the opinion of others to dictate how their day goes. If someone gives you a compliment on your shirt, you’re in a pleasant mood. If someone rudely interrupts your conversation, you’re annoyed and it ruins the rest of your week.

Throughout life, everyone isn’t going to “like your shirt”. It’s nice that you were given a word of kindness, but does it throw you off when you receive the opposite?

Allowing your emotions to be attached to someone else’s opinion is one of the easiest ways to lose yourself. You’ll find yourself always trying to please others and living for what they say about you. You don’t have control over what someone says or thinks about you, but you do have control over how you respond to it.

There are people in the world who live to bring others down. They get their excitement from watching you crumble under their words. Don’t be an easy target – if you know they say certain things to spark a reaction, as simple as it sounds, just don’t react.

No one controls your emotions but you. You have a goal to conquer, so don’t let a little negative comment or action disrupt what you’re doing. It’s all a distraction to keep you down – know that you have the inner strength to ignore it and move on.

Waiting For Permission

Another way you give away your power is by waiting for permission. Growing up, it was the thing to do – you raise your hand to ask to go to the restroom or you ask your mom to go outside and play. Permission has it’s place for certain things, but it shouldn’t become a habit when it comes to your vision.

As an adult, you shouldn’t ask or wait for permission to follow your dream. No one in this world has the blueprint to the perfect life. If you ask, people will mostly give you a negative point of view or a million reasons why it wont’ work. Again, their opinion keeps you from accomplishing your goal.

Create a life where you are in control. Waiting for someone to agree with your idea is a waste of time. If you know what you want to do, do it. If it goes wrong, you learn from it and keep going – time waits for no one.

When others say, “Don’t do that, it’ll ruin your life…” your inner strength says, “Let’s do it and see what happens – you’ll figure it out along the way.” Looking for approval from others never works in your favor.

Imagine what you could do if you followed your own power.

Your Inner Strength Is Already There

Your inner strength is tested everyday. You already have it, you just need to activate it for yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to flip your switch on – you are the source.

Motivation is nice, but it’s best to be your own motivation. You can look to others for inspiration, but at some point, you have to take the reins and inspire yourself. Encouragement feels good, but you can talk to yourself better than anyone else can.

You’d be surprised at how often you give away your emotional energy to others on a daily basis. Find the power to walk your own path. Your inner strength is there – don’t be afraid to use it.

When Worry Lives In Your Head

When Worry Lives In Your Head

The things you worry about take up space in your mind. It’s like the bandwith on your device – it drains your time and energy and slows down other parts of your life.

We can get so caught up in our worrying that we forget to work towards a solution. Is worrying productive? Of course it’s not, but some of us make it a priority as if it’s necessary in order for us to live.

To Worry Or Not To Worry

Worrying is one of those things that can be picked up as a habit from your environment. If you grew up seeing someone being stressed out all of the time, there’s a great chance that you’ll follow the same pattern.

As a child, if you see your parent(s) worrying about bills, it seems like the ‘adult’ thing to do. At a young age, you never think that maybe your parent(s) could be irresponsible with money, which could be the cause of their own stress.

In situations like this, it can be helped. Sometimes, we don’t realize that we cause our own frustrations – we do it to ourselves. No one likes to blame themselves, but we have to take accountability before we can move forward.

If you budget your money in a way that takes care of the bills, you alleviate the weekly worry that you cause. Go to sleep earlier or wake up earlier, so you won’t be late. Exercise and eat a better diet if you don’t feel your best when you’re around others. Whatever puts you in a state of constant worry, do something that can prevent that feeling of uncertainty.

When you prepare in advance for things that you can control, it becomes possible to live in a more productive and happier space. There are things you can do to enhance your confidence and eliminate the doubt that you create.

What happens when things are out of your control and you can’t help but to worry?

Is There Ever A Reason To Worry?

“What about when someone ends up in the hospital or their house burns down?”

Yes, these life situations happen. Some things, we aren’t able to control, but we still have to adapt and adjust. To sit in worry and sadness does not benefit anyone.

Our first reaction is to start worrying, but it shouldn’t be the only reaction we have. In cases when life happens, it’s natural to worry. It’s unnatural to stay in that worry.

If someone is in the hospital, don’t add to their worries with yours. The best thing you can do is be positive and speak life into them. It doesn’t help them if you’re as uneasy and unstable as they are. See the possibilities with them.

When people worry, it can do more harm than good to those they’re worrying about. To be strong when others are in their weakest moments is definitely a difficult thing to do, but you can be the light that they need to see. If everyone else is depressed along with them, it takes away from the strength needed to fight their battle.

Words and actions are powerful.

Be Helpful, Not Hurtful

When it comes to things we can control, the best way to prevent worrying is to prepare. We may not be able to predict everything that’s going to happen, but some things can be helped.

It doesn’t make sense to be a worry-wart when you can actively participate in your own life and make things better. We’re all a work in progress, but you must be active and allow yourself the opportunity to improve.

Life happens to everyone and it can be a cause of worry. The best thing you can do is look on the bright side and work towards positive action. Deal with the situation at hand, but also, be brave enough to see the possibilities. Don’t let worrying make it worse.

Believe in yourself, don’t belittle yourself. Don’t let stress and anxiety live your life for you. The more confident and prepared you are, the less worrisome you’ll be.

Be a warrior, not a worrier.

Don’t Find Yourself, Create Yourself

Don't Find Yourself, Create Yourself

No one ever talks about how to create the person you want to become – it’s always about “finding” yourself. The way you use words matter and in this case, it can mean the difference between drifting through life and living intentionally.

What does it mean to “find” yourself? Have you been lost all this time? Is life already planned out, without your input? Would your thoughts and ideas even make a difference?

What Is “Finding” Yourself?

Life as a young adult can be an adventure. We have many options, depending on our situation – going to college, finding a job, sitting at home or just figuring things out.

There’s another option what some people like to call “finding” yourself. This phrase is mostly used when you don’t know what you’re doing, where you’re going or how you’re going to get there.

Fast forward five years and ask the person who was “finding” themselves what they are doing now. Some will have a story to tell, but most will still be stuck at figuring out who they are and what they want to do.

When you’re “finding” yourself, it implies that you’re lost. It seems like you must go somewhere and reclaim an identity that someone stole from you. There’s nothing lost about you – who you are is not randomly waiting for your surprise arrival.

Sometimes you’ll find things and sometimes you won’t. Do you want to take that chance in the peak of your life? Or, would you rather be deliberate about following a path that will lead you close to where you really want to be?

How To Create Yourself

Taking some time to “find” yourself should be phrased differently. We like to call it creating yourself (words matter).

Instead of “finding” yourself, create yourself. This gives the idea that you are in control of directing your life. “Finding” yourself happens by chance, but creating yourself happens with intention.

If you don’t know who you want to be, this is the perfect time to begin building a foundation for yourself. You get to develop quality standards and enhance certain habits, everyday.

Start by doing research on the person you admire most. Do they wake up early in the morning? Do they read ten books a month? Are they only working four hours a week? Where do they live? Do they work more than they sleep?

These are lifestyle habits that give you an idea of how to follow your own path. You don’t have to do everything single thing that they do, but it gives you a sense of building yourself. This is how we all start – we pull what we admire from others and piece it into our own lives.

At the same time, if there’s something that doesn’t work for you (like waking up every morning at 5am), don’t be afraid to change it. Make adjustments to your liking. Everyone’s blueprint isn’t the same. Some people are early risers and some are night owls.

This is where the creating comes in – this is you building yourself. If a certain routine doesn’t work for you, create another one. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Don’t be timid about making mistakes and experiencing failure – they only point you in the right direction.

Be Proud Of Your Progress

Eventually, creating yourself will put you on the right path to the life you want to live. Don’t just set out to “find” yourself, be intentional and have a purpose.

Be thoughtful about who you want to be and what you want to do. Don’t leave it up to the world to tell you who you are, CREATE who you are! The power is in your hands – you are the writer, director, actor/actress and the editor of your life’s movie.

Take what you already know and use it to your advantage to grow even more. The progress you make will inevitably lead you to your success!

Move Forward And Get Out Of Your Own Way

Move Forward And Get Out Of Your Own Way

Have you ever heard of someone say, “Get out of your own way?” As backwards as it may sound, there is some truth to that saying.

Instead of deciding to move forward, we blame others for things that happen to us. We find comfort in complaining and pointing the finger. This makes things okay at the moment, but it does nothing for you in the long run.

Deal With It

There are situations that happen and we tend to hold on to them, as if it was our fault. Things like being laid off from a job or the loss of someone close to you can have a negative affect on you.

We all deal with different things in different ways, but sometimes, we allow it to keep us stuck. Missed the game-winning shot? Don’t carry that guilt with you forever. It happened – the only thing you can do is move forward and practice even harder.

Instead of moving forward and practicing harder, we often keep that hurtful replay in our minds as we continue to grow older. Now, it makes us afraid to take chances in situations where others are depending on us. Most of the time, no one else is willing to step up and take that chance because of the possible consequences of missing.

But what if you make it? What if you succeed at making the game-winning shot? Then, everyone loves you and sings your praises. They will tell others how they knew you could do it – what an awesome moment to remember!

If you miss, some people will be mad and come up with excuses as to why they knew you should have passed the ball.

Your Mind Will Hold You Back

As you keep the negative impacting thoughts and memories in your head, your confidence decreases and your attitude begins to suck. Just because it didn’t work the first time, doesn’t mean you can’t make it work the next time.

This is the part where you need to get out of your own way. No one is holding you back – it’s your mind and what you choose to think that’s holding you back.

Think on another level. Leave the negative voices and impeding thoughts behind. It may not seem like it, but you do have a choice and it is your right to move on and make progress.

Train your mind to accept challenges. Study how to follow through and become courageous again. Remember when you were a little kid and you believed you could do anything? You and your friends would spend all day building a rocket. There was nothing that stopped you, no matter how long it would take or how much material you lacked – you kept working on it until it became real!

As a kid, you weren’t in your own way. As a matter of fact, there was no such thing as limits. You would ALWAYS find a way to make it happen.

Move Forward And Find A Way

This is the same mindset you should have as an adult. Don’t allow others to identify what you can or can’t do. Many people get stuck in the opinion of others, but you don’t have to.

Practice shifting your mind from lack to abundance – from no to yes – from “I don’t think so” to “Yes, I can”.

Most importantly, put positive action to those positive ideas, build your confidence and step out of your own way.

You Win Everyday And You Don’t Even Know It

You Win Everyday And You Don't Even Know It

It’s the ultimate goal – everyone wants to win. Sometimes, we neglect the small wins, but those are the ones that move us towards the big wins.

When you don’t notice the little wins, you end up looking to others for confirmation of your worthiness and you lose your way. You become the victim and you want others to tell you that you’re great or acceptable.

You’ve been winning, but you’ve been listening to other people for so long, you don’t see it. Everyone’s wins aren’t the same. Everyday, we slay different dragons to the best of our ability – those are the small wins that we overlook.

Win In Your Mind

The very first rule of winning is don’t give power to what others think or say. This is the easiest way to throw you off of your path and waste valuable time.

The only thing that matters is what you think and how you move. Keep your mind focused on what you’re doing and not on what Sue says about your makeup – that’s not important. Your goals are way more significant than her simple opinion about how you looked today.

Be concerned with how you’re going to make today better than yesterday. People’s judgments are based on their insecurities. They want to shame you, to hide what they think of themselves, so it’s never really about you. Don’t let that doubt bring down your energy.

Fight that negative chatter in your head – it probably came from someone who said something senseless about you and you allowed it to linger. For every negative thought you have, replace it with a positive one.

Someone else’s careless opinions are never more important than what you already know. Have the courage to trust yourself.

A Win Is A Win

Big or small, a win is a win. Recognize the small wins, just like you recognize the big wins. Whether you find a dollar walking down the street, or you hit the lottery for $1,000, a win is a win.

We tend to give the big wins more attention than the small ones. The small wins are what carry us to the big wins. The details are what creates the big picture. If you’re unable to succeed on a small level, it won’t propel you to succeed on a bigger level.

Did the vending machine give you extra chips? That’s a win! Were you able to navigate a four way stop safely? That’s a win! Did a stranger smile at you today? That’s a win!

Why are those little things considered a win? These are wins, because if the vending machine took your money, you would be angry. If you were in an accident at that four way stop, it would ruin your day. A stranger being impolite to you would bother you mentally and destroy your focus.

Find the benefit in those small gains. They occur all the time – you just have to recognize them. It makes your day a little more positive and easier to handle.

What Makes A Winner?

Coming out on the other side of that challenge is what makes you a winner. You could have easily ignored it, or allowed it to become an opportunity for someone else. Instead, you chose to face it and work through it.

When other people are involved, it’s not important if you win first place or third place – you got farther than those who didn’t try at all. Even if it’s fifth place, be proud of the fact that you accomplished what you set out to do. Many people quit before they even start. A winner makes adjustments, while continuing to move forward.

Find your confidence and be your best. There’s always going to be someone with more advantages than you. If you are better than you were before, that’s all that counts. That’s a win!

Stop letting yourself be defined by what others say about you – that’s for losers. Don’t fall into the trap of living up to someone else’s standards of you. You win when you please yourself.

When you win on the inside, you can win on the outside. Start from within and have the courage to make those small wins count. If it helps, write it down and keep your own score card on how well you do throughout the day. When you achieve the little things, it gives you the drive to excel to bigger things.

Bet on yourself, move forward and be the winner that you already are!


Is Overthinking Slowing Down Your Progress?

Is Overthinking Slowing Down Your Progress?

It happens to the best of us – we get stuck in our thoughts and we end up not doing anything at all, due to overthinking. That simple, yet difficult, decision can take days to figure out.

Stop pondering and wondering. Take a position and act on it. Riding the fence will not help and it only feeds into being indecisive. Life doesn’t always give second chances, so we must gain ground when we can.

Overthinking Causes Regret

Have you ever thought about a time when you should have done something, but instead, you let the opportunity slip away? What made you procrastinate or shy away from that chance?

More than likely, it was overthinking. When you have a choice to make, it shouldn’t take days to decide. We get caught up in our feelings and we move based on emotions or by what others think. Later, we beat ourselves up because we didn’t take action on that choice. The opportunity has passed for someone else to take advantage.

Regret happens the older you get, so don’t act on the way you feel. Be a robot, eliminate your emotions and perform consistent actions based on your goal – that’s how you reach success.

If you do that, you no longer have to wonder or face the irritation of regret.

Overthinking Ignites Fear

Another reason we tend to overthink is because we are scared of the results we may encounter.

No one wants to be a loser, but remember: you never lose, you learn. Once you understand this, overthinking won’t be such a challenge.

The fear of something not going the right way, or the fear of ‘what if’, will always be there to haunt you. What you have to do is remove that fear by moving forward and being committed to the outcome, whatever it may be. You can always go back and improve.

Everyone experiences fear. The difference is, some people will allow it to paralyze them and others will follow through and do it anyway. Win or learn, those that never give up always end up on the right side of achievement.

Is Your Ego The Issue?

Your ego is that voice in your head that talks you into or out of doing certain things. It gives you feelings of courage or discouragement. Listening to your ego can be good if you choose to listen to the positive side.

To some, having an ego isn’t good. People who have strong egos are said to be arrogant, full of themselves or overconfident. Actually, it doesn’t seem so bad to believe strongly in yourself. Besides, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

Others whose egos aren’t as strong, are the ones who overthink. They let the soft side of their ego hold them back, as opposed to jumping in and learning as they go. To make them feel better, they call others with confidence vain or cocky. Don’t let your ego consume your mindset with weakness and fear.

Take A Position And Decide

It doesn’t matter if you end up making the wrong decision – you can correct it along the way, while continuing to make progress. Being stagnant with your decision-making only enhances your overthinking.

Take a chance, jump off the porch, dive in – do whatever you think is the best at the moment, but by all means, move! Overthinking is the death of progress and success. You don’t gain anything from wasting time, worrying about whether to go left or right.

Free your overthinking mind from unnecessary stress and anxiety. It doesn’t take much to consider your choices and act. Don’t make it harder than it is. Move with certainty and boldness and claim your future without regrets!


Be Self-Aware And Live For Yourself

Be Self-Aware And Live For Yourself

Part of building a strong foundation for your life is being self-aware. It takes effort to think yourself into your vision. When you know who you are, you will live for yourself.

Often times, we let others see our future before we do. Negative words are spoken in our presence and our minds automatically accept what was said.

How do you create your own dream? Why do you believe what others say about you? Do you really know who you are?

Be Self-Aware For You

People will judge anyone else, but themselves. It’s a quirky way to take the attention off of themselves and put it on others. This relieves any kind of embarrassment that could possibly happen when interacting within a group.

Understand that everyone has their opinions, but you don’t have to let it drive your life. More than likely, you’ll hear untrue opinions and hearsay about yourself throughout life. If you’re not careful, it’ll sink into your mind and ruin your self-esteem.

The issue isn’t you. It only becomes you when you begin to accept those opinions and judgments about you. You have the ability to turn it around. There doesn’t need to be a public debate about who you are, but you do need to know it on the inside, where it counts.

Are You Self-Aware? Who Are You?

Have you really thought about who you really are? We can easily talk about other people and give our thoughts on who we think they are, but can you honestly say who you are?

This is important, because if you’re not self-aware, you’ll take everyone else’s opinion and go with it. Allowing other people to shape your life through their assumptions can be destructive.

If someone says you’re not so smart, you may fall into that hole. Don’t step into other’s ideas of you. You are smart, but they only said it because they think that of themselves.

Get to know yourself. What do you like to do? Are you outgoing? Does being around kids bother you? When are you at your best? What do you know you need to work on? Are you working towards any goals?

Your Life Depends On You

Live your life, because no one else can live it for you. Be the director of your movie. You are the leading star, not the extra.

You may take the advice of others who have your interest at heart, but ultimately, it’s your life, so it’s your choice. Many times, we let others control and direct our movie.

A strong mindset is one of the most valuable things in your life. You possess the power to make a choice. Stop blaming the outcome of your situation on someone else. They may have had something to do with it, but again, it was your choice.

Be responsible for the decisions you make. Whether they are good or bad, take the results and own them. Most people point the finger at someone else – that’s easy. When you take responsibility for your choices, you are essentially taking control of your life and being self-aware in the process.

“I Am Not What You Say.”

Creating the person you want to become isn’t a simple task. All of the judgment, opinions and obstacles can wear a person down. It doesn’t have to be that way, if you know who you are.

Life has a way of making you feel like everyone and everything is working against you. At some point, everyone has felt this way. The ones who get over it, are the ones who know who they are and they keep going.

Be self-aware. Master yourself. Defeat the challenges and distractions that happen everyday. Don’t allow your attitude to fit into someone else’s small opinion of you.

Believe this: you are great – your potential is endless – you are brave and beautiful – you can do what you think you can do – it’s never a problem, just a challenge – it’s never a mistake, just feedback – you never lose, you just learned what didn’t work.

Always move forward and be the star of your movie.


The Journey To Finding Yourself

The Journey To Finding Yourself

Knowing who you are can be a real challenge. Years of environmental conditioning can alter your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. Often times, we go throughout our lives and assume the identity that has been given to us. Finding yourself, indeed, is a lifelong journey.

Ever since you were young, people have been saying things to you and about you. The bad things they say tend to stick with us, because we replay it in our minds and begin to believe it.

How do we get to know ourselves? Should we receive what other people say about us as true? Do you have the courage to find and become who you are meant to be?

How Do You Go About Finding Yourself?

Finding yourself is definitely a journey that you want to take seriously. It’s not something that you have to wait to do until you’re 18 – you can start at anytime.

Understand that this will take time and you must be patient. It’s unrealistic that you will find yourself in 30 minutes and be done with it. This will be something to practice on a regular basis, if you want to see results.

To begin, take a few minutes each day and write down something that has held you back every time you wanted to do it. Where did it come from? Why do you believe it? How can you change it to your advantage?

It’s not for you to dwell on the past, but for you to work through it and become mindful of why you believe it. Then, you can find a way to combat the negative and turn it into a positive.

People Can Be Critical

Imagine someone told you that your ideas suck and if it was great, someone else would’ve done it by now. As a result, every time you have an idea, you don’t take action.

Everyone is worthy of seeing their idea through. There will always be people who are critical of the positive things you do. It’s their way of getting in your head, so they can feel ‘big’. If you allow them to take advantage of your thoughts in this way, they will have control over you, because they have the power to change your mind.

It’s your responsibility to guard your mind. You can listen to what others say, but you don’t have to accept it or let it sink into your thoughts. You have the right to dismiss anything that anyone has to say about you – even when it comes to TV or social media.

Figure out a way to turn this critical way of thinking around. Whenever your mind slips into thinking unproductive thoughts, have the confidence to believe in yourself. Crush that criticism and work towards your initial plan.

Believe In Yourself

Going through the process of finding yourself may be long, but it is well worth it. Remember, this is life work, not homework – everything won’t happen overnight. Not only does it make you a more productive person, but it strengthens your self-esteem.

Other people will put their insecurities and fears on you. It’s important that you know this, so you won’t believe and internalize what they say about you. This is why knowing yourself is so necessary.

You don’t have to be what others say you are. Continue your journey to find yourself. Believe in who you are and live up to that idea. Create yourself – don’t leave it up to others to do it. Some people give great advice and say nice things, but for those that don’t, learn to let it go and move on.
