Is Overthinking Slowing Down Your Progress?

Is Overthinking Slowing Down Your Progress?

It happens to the best of us – we get stuck in our thoughts and we end up not doing anything at all, due to overthinking. That simple, yet difficult, decision can take days to figure out.

Stop pondering and wondering. Take a position and act on it. Riding the fence will not help and it only feeds into being indecisive. Life doesn’t always give second chances, so we must gain ground when we can.

Overthinking Causes Regret

Have you ever thought about a time when you should have done something, but instead, you let the opportunity slip away? What made you procrastinate or shy away from that chance?

More than likely, it was overthinking. When you have a choice to make, it shouldn’t take days to decide. We get caught up in our feelings and we move based on emotions or by what others think. Later, we beat ourselves up because we didn’t take action on that choice. The opportunity has passed for someone else to take advantage.

Regret happens the older you get, so don’t act on the way you feel. Be a robot, eliminate your emotions and perform consistent actions based on your goal – that’s how you reach success.

If you do that, you no longer have to wonder or face the irritation of regret.

Overthinking Ignites Fear

Another reason we tend to overthink is because we are scared of the results we may encounter.

No one wants to be a loser, but remember: you never lose, you learn. Once you understand this, overthinking won’t be such a challenge.

The fear of something not going the right way, or the fear of ‘what if’, will always be there to haunt you. What you have to do is remove that fear by moving forward and being committed to the outcome, whatever it may be. You can always go back and improve.

Everyone experiences fear. The difference is, some people will allow it to paralyze them and others will follow through and do it anyway. Win or learn, those that never give up always end up on the right side of achievement.

Is Your Ego The Issue?

Your ego is that voice in your head that talks you into or out of doing certain things. It gives you feelings of courage or discouragement. Listening to your ego can be good if you choose to listen to the positive side.

To some, having an ego isn’t good. People who have strong egos are said to be arrogant, full of themselves or overconfident. Actually, it doesn’t seem so bad to believe strongly in yourself. Besides, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

Others whose egos aren’t as strong, are the ones who overthink. They let the soft side of their ego hold them back, as opposed to jumping in and learning as they go. To make them feel better, they call others with confidence vain or cocky. Don’t let your ego consume your mindset with weakness and fear.

Take A Position And Decide

It doesn’t matter if you end up making the wrong decision – you can correct it along the way, while continuing to make progress. Being stagnant with your decision-making only enhances your overthinking.

Take a chance, jump off the porch, dive in – do whatever you think is the best at the moment, but by all means, move! Overthinking is the death of progress and success. You don’t gain anything from wasting time, worrying about whether to go left or right.

Free your overthinking mind from unnecessary stress and anxiety. It doesn’t take much to consider your choices and act. Don’t make it harder than it is. Move with certainty and boldness and claim your future without regrets!


How To Cope With Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism can be hard to take. You feel like you know what you’re doing and no one else can tell you any different.

People who give unsolicited advice are just jerks. They think they know more than you and want to appear smarter. Someone’s always trying to outdo you.

This isn’t always the case. In some instances, people see you being productive and they simply want to give support and help.

Take Your Feelings Out Of It

Let’s understand something: whenever you are making a decision that’s not personal, take your emotions out of it. This is where most people mess up.

We live in a world where everyone is sensitive and you have to watch what you say. People are easily offended and it gets in the way of good business.

This is not how you should operate. Your emotions have nothing to do with your productivity or your work, so keep them out of the equation. There have been very bad outcomes because someone acted on their feelings, as opposed to being logical.

Emotions can do more harm than good. When you let your feelings dictate how you do business and go about your goals, it gets very personal and causes confusion. It may seem very cold, but you must learn to keep your personal feelings separate from your goals and business.

Constructive Criticism Is There To Help

Now that we’ve gotten our emotions under control, let’s see how we can learn how to tolerate constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism is when someone tells you how to do something another way, in order to get better results. The thing is, most people don’t like others telling them when they may be doing something wrong.

There are some people who will talk, just to be talking, but there are others who really want to help you on your journey. They see something that you may not be able to see at the moment and want to offer a suggestion.

Don’t get caught up in your emotions and start thinking, “Who are they to tell me what to do? I know what I’m doing!” Sometimes, this type of thinking will hold you back.

Keep an open mind and take heed to their advice and give it a try. If it works, that’s awesome – if it doesn’t work, don’t get mad, just keep going.

Constructive Criticism Isn’t Always Bad

It can be difficult to decide who’s really being honest with their constructive criticism. Would you want your ego to get in the way of you receiving good advice? No, so you need to be able to tell who is on your side.

Everyone communicates differently, so it can be hard to tell. For the most part, someone who is offering productive advice will take the time to speak with you in private or give you an explanation as to how you can improve. Others will say it in a way that may embarrass you or make you feel inferior.

Constructive criticism is helpful. There are good people who want to see you win. Be grateful that they are generous with their knowledge and willing to share. Don’t be the person with the big ego and learn things the hard way.

Keep An Open Mind

The one thing you don’t want to do is reject every idea. No one wants to be criticized in a negative way. It’s important that you keep an open mind and determine who is helpful and who is not.

Therefore, don’t dismiss it all as weak information. You’ll be able to tell who’s being sincere and who’s pulling your leg. Their input could be the tip you need to get to that next level.

In the end, you want to accomplish your goal, successfully. Along the way, you will encounter people who want to see you win and those who want to see you lose. Leave your emotions out of it, align yourself with those who want to support you and return the favor by helping someone else in the future.
