The New Year Is Here Again

The New Year Is Here Again

About this time, everyone starts to think about the New Year. Things like what they’ll do different, how it’s going to be better and the countdown begins. It’s a great time where everyone is motivated and inspired to become their best selves.

Many will make resolutions, only to go back to their old habits two weeks later. How can you avoid that trap of going back to being comfortable? What can you do different that will, at least, get you through the beginning of the year?

Start Super Simple

The first mistake is everyone is thinking too much. Yes, we all should think before we do things, but overthinking is what stomps us.

It feels good when we’re all on the same page and everyone wants to do well. The issue is, we think so much, we become stuck. We want something so bad, we just continue to keep thinking about how wonderful it’s going to be once it happens.

Your expectations may be great, but it’s not going to happen on it’s own. The hardest part is starting. As they say, “stop thinking and start doing.” Thinking about losing ten pounds gives you a positive outlook, but actually cutting out certain foods and drinking water is how you’re going to get there.

Daydreaming will spark the idea, but being active and following through will create the result. Motivation is warm and comfortable. You can imagine the outcome and it’s an awesome feeling, but what about the in-between?

If you’ve started thinking about your resolutions, think and then start. There’s something you can do at this very moment to get started – you don’t have to wait for January 1st. Go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water, open the book and read chapter 1 or put on your shoes and walk out the door.

The more you think about it, the more time you waste. It’s the same challenge every year, but this upcoming year, we’re going to make it work by starting simple, today.

Adjust Your Habits

By adjusting your habits, you’re reaching a new level. How do you work on your resolution for the New Year? You build new habits.

If your current habit isn’t helping you, change it. Humans are creatures of habit, so it’s understandable that change can be a difficult task. The unexpected can be scary.

Also know that if you don’t do anything, you’ll keep getting the same results. Nothing changes if nothing changes and it starts with your habits. Get used to doing things in a different way and exercise your “change” muscle.

Hanging around losers won’t get you to the winner’s circle. Your environment has a lot to do with the direction of your life, too. Get around people who speak life into themselves. Be around those who act upon their thoughts and solutions. This gets you to think out of the box, but most of all, it pushes you to take action.

Give Yourself A New Year Head Start

The New Year may begin on January 1st, but you can start today. That warm and fuzzy feeling of anticipation is a nice way of procrastinating. When it finally gets here, you’ve been so hyped and motivated about the possibilities, you’re now mentally exhausted. At this point, you want to put it off to another start date. Don’t give in – give yourself a leg up.

This is one of those times where it’s best to start ahead of the pack. Once the New Year gets here, you’re already on pace with your goals. Sometimes, it’s better to do things without an accountability partner, because they may try to talk you out of starting when you’re supposed to. They’ll let you slide when you’re supposed to be committed.

Start now and get used to doing the work. You may see results by the 1st and you’ll inspire yourself to keep going. While everyone is focusing their energy on an official start date, you’ll already be in a new pattern and experiencing the positive outcomes.

Make the commitment and follow through. Your New Year starts now!

Make A Commitment or Hope For A Coincidence?

Make A Commitment or Hope For A Coincidence?

Your level of commitment has a lot to do with how far you’ll go with your goals. If you never promise yourself to remain determined and unbothered, you’ll be in the same place, year after year.

What about those people who seem to be lucky – the ones who are born into money or who have numerous assets passed down to them? Is it fair to say it was merely a coincidence of life?

Commitment Is A Great Start

There’s this thing you want to do. It’s going to change your life and take away all of your worries and stress. Within that moment, you decide to commit to making it happen.

Committing to a goal is a huge part of the success foundation. Things don’t just happen out of the blue or fall into your lap – there must be an idea, an action and a result.

How do you develop an idea into a result? By commitment. Committing yourself to the journey that is supposed to create a better version of yourself is part of what it takes.

Some of us will commit in the beginning and fall off, mainly because the result isn’t coming fast enough. Yes, it becomes challenging and the obstacles can be overwhelming at times, but by making the commitment, you should have the desire to see it through.

People say motivation is a scam or it doesn’t work, but everything starts with a thought. Nine times out of ten, motivation sparked your decision to commit in the first place. Your greatness may not happen in a week, but it surely won’t happen if you give up.

This is what separates the average from the extraordinary.


Granted, there are some people who will never have to start their life from the bottom or know what it feels like to struggle. We all are dealt a different hand, but don’t let that get in the way. Stop comparing and get to work.

It does no good to be jealous of your friend’s massive inheritance or their family passing on a job to them. Are you just going to pout and speak badly upon their “luck” to make yourself feel better?

That’s what most people do. It’s easy to complain and blame someone else for your shortcomings. It’s not a coincidence that they were born with more advantages. Stop thinking you got the short end of the stick and become the person to create an inheritance to pass to your family.

We fail to see that this is what happened to the “lucky” ones. Someone started, prepared and made the commitment to build their empire. This doesn’t happen out of the blue – someone was determined, consistent and did the work.

Advantages don’t happen by coincidence. It started somewhere, with someone who was forward-thinking. It’s not that someone wished hard enough, but someone took action hard enough and it happened.

Call it a coincidence if you want to, but at some point, someone had to get the ball rolling and it created a benefit for others. That’s how coincidence works.

Will You Wish Or Work?

Your grandparents may not have had a million dollars for you to inherit, but you can make the commitment and begin creating opportunities that will assist the ones you love. Life isn’t always fair, but you do have the ability to do something about it.

For one, you can take advantage of the internet. There are limitless videos, pdf’s and other sources you can look into. Commit to investing in yourself and improving your circumstances. The access is available for everyone, but you must not become distracted by the noise and use it to your best interest.

Also, mind your own business. Everyone is living their own lives – they don’t need a commentator or someone to talk about what they’re doing wrong. Discussing someone else’s downfall might make you feel good, but you’re only slowing down your own progress – its’ a waste of energy. Instead, use that energy to train your mind to focus on you and what you’re going to accomplish.

Overall, pick your poison – are you going to compare yourself to others, blame it on coincidence and complain, or are you going to roll up your sleeves and decide to commit to the betterment of your future?

#TBT: Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

#TBT: Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Commitment begins with a thought or an idea. The goal is to stick with the task, so that you can incrementally improve day by day.

You have an unspoken responsibility of becoming the best person you can be. No one has to tell you this, you just know. Laziness can kick in at any time, followed by complacency.

To become better and more productive, you must make a commitment. How do you start? What does it mean to be committed?

Identify Your Commitment

When you commit to something, you make a conscious effort to do it consistently. No matter what you decide to do, a commitment has to be made first.

Do you want to lose weight? Start by committing to drinking a glass of water and an evening walk everyday. Are you ready to take control of your finances? Commit to saving ten dollars a week. Want to study history? Do the research and find the right books to read and documentaries to watch.

Identify what you want to do and go for it. Most times, we think about what we want to do, but we never get around to actually doing it – that’s because a commitment was never made.

Establish what it is that you want to achieve, commit and take the first step.

How To Make Your Commitment Stick

It may be difficult for you to commit to a personal goal – it happens to everyone. Comfort sneaks in and takes over any challenge you had in mind. How can you make a commitment stick?

One strategy you can use is writing it down. Creating a list of things to do will hold you accountable for taking action. Instead of relying on your memory to do something, write it down. Writing it down makes it official. You won’t get away with conveniently forgetting about it and it allows you to ‘see’ what needs to be done, so you can plan accordingly.

If writing it down isn’t your thing, find a responsible person to hold you accountable. This should be someone you trust. If you don’t perform your committed task, the consequences should be something uncomfortable, like paying them one hundred dollars. You wouldn’t want to give up that kind of money, therefore, you’ll do your best to follow through. Check in at a certain time with this person everyday to be sure you are staying committed to your goal.

Be Relentless

Making a commitment doesn’t work unless you’re consistent with your actions. You have to be ready to see past the distractions and adapt to change. If not, the whole idea of being committed to your idea simply won’t happen.

If you make a commitment and it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. You always have the choice to do it again. Has success ever come easily on the very first attempt?

Your will encounter adversity of some sort. You will have to shift in order to keep going. Be relentless with your commitment. If you’re serious about reaching your goal, you’ll do what’s necessary to get there.

Your ambition and determination should drive your commitment. You must be convinced that no matter what happens, you won’t give in to negative ideas and people. When it does happen, you must make the adjustment and adapt to the new plan.

Are You Ready?

Making a commitment says a lot about you. It says that you’re focused and decisive about what you want to do. Too many people drift into a life of nothingness, by giving away their advantage. The power is within you, but you have to be intentional and use it proactively.

Like anything else, it takes time and effort to be committed to your plan. Don’t be the one who stops at every obstacle you come across. Trust yourself to build the future of your dreams. You don’t have to start big – don’t let someone else’s accomplishments deter you from beginning your journey. Everyone has to start somewhere.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Take baby steps. Make the commitment and take the responsibility to grow into your greatness.


I Have A Vision, Now What?

I Have A Vision, Now What?

A vision is one way to help you stay consistent with reaching your goals. You hear the ‘gurus’ talk about having a vision (and a vision board), but what does it really take to make it happen?

This is where most people stop. They imagine what they want to be and forget about it, but crafting your vision isn’t something you do only one time. It takes more than a simple, floating thought to manifest your dreams.

Make The Commitment

Again, you hear people say you need a vision to be successful, but what goes into that? Is it just looking at pictures of your dream home and a bunch of money? Of course not – there’s a more intentional way of getting there.

One of the first things you must do is make the decision to commit. If this is your goal, you want to use all of your power to make it come true. Just saying, “I’m going to open my business,” is not enough.

With commitment, you create new habits. You may even think new thoughts in order to make your way towards the achievement that you want. These habits and thoughts are what’s going to support the start of your goal, but only if you commit.

Don’t just say it – be it. If it requires getting up at 5am, get up at 5am. If you’re more productive as a night owl, rearrange your schedule to accommodate a new routine. You don’t have to wait for something to happen – immerse yourself in it and make it happen.

It all starts in your mind. Know what you want to do and be direct with how you’re going to approach it. Commit yourself to the process, just as you would if you were planning your vacation. If something gets in the way (as it will), hold yourself accountable, find a solution and follow through.

Focus On Your Vision

Your mindset has to be focused on getting to your goal. Do the research, make the phone calls or whatever it takes to get you going. It’s your vision – make it real. See yourself working hard, making progress and overcoming potential obstacles. Don’t just see it once a week, see it everyday, several times a day.

To ‘think’ of your vision isn’t enough. Smell the ocean air when you walk onto the balcony of your beachfront home. Feel your feet sinking into the sand as you walk across the ebb and flow of the water. See the sun set as you eat your dinner. Taste the freshness of the seafood that was caught fresh from the ocean, moments before you purchased it.

Your vision involves your senses and your action. None of this will happen if you don’t make any forward movement. You can imagine what it’s like all you want, but making it happen is totally different.

Put a strategy in place to grow your vision. Letting it sit in your head only keeps you in the same place as before. There must be some sort of daily starting point to push the needle towards your dream. Develop a physical strategy that pulls your vision into existence and be proactive.

For example, write down what your vision looks like, along with building your vision board. Make time to read and look at it everyday, when you awake and right before you go to sleep. Research success stories about others who’ve made it in the same industry. Actually do something everyday that promotes your idea. Not just thinking – doing.

Your Success Is Waiting…

The vision is already in your head, it’s just waiting to see the light of day. The only way that’ll happen is if you take baby steps.

Whether your vision is big or small (but it should be big), it needs to be broken down into manageable tasks. These are things that you can do daily to contribute to the bigger picture.

You don’t just lose thirty pounds in a day. Don’t let the size of the vision overwhelm you. Start drinking water in place of soda, or eat an apple instead of chips. The little things are what make the big things happen, but you must take action.

Your vision is done – it’s just waiting on you to fill in the blanks and complete it. All you need is the confidence to commit and follow through with your daily focus. Your commitment may become greater and your strategy may change, but it will lead to that magnificent vision you created for yourself and your future.

Be proactive! Every action you take brings you one step closer!

How Commitment Leads To Action

How Commitment Leads To Action

The first thing you do before taking action on any goal is make a commitment. If you don’t consciously do this, more than likely, things will fall apart.

The following excerpt is from the book, “Turn On Your Light: Your Guide To Success-Building Habits.” It’s written by Betty Bootstrap, a contributor of the Goalden Lady.

Making the Commitment

It’s easy to think how everything will go in your mind. We make plans without considering obstacles and challenges being present. In order for your plans to see the light of day, you must make the commitment.

Making a commitment is scary for some people. The fact that you are doing something with all of your efforts and determination can be a big promise to take on. However, your plan won’t get done without it. 

After you have an idea, what do you normally do? Nothing. The most we’ll do is think about it, shoot it down or halfway discuss it. 

The most important thing to do after you have an idea is to take action. Do something that will signal to your mind that you are making a commitment. 

Have you ever had an idea and someone else had the same idea? Maybe you’ve seen a product on TV or a service that has been implemented. It’s crazy because you had the same exact idea!

The only difference between you and the other person with the same idea, is that they took action.

While you were sitting there thinking about it, they made a commitment, pushed forward and developed ‘your’ idea.

This is why it’s critical to get in the habit of making a commitment. You never know where it will take you or how it will affect your life.

What Does Commitment Include?

Making a commitment can be challenging, especially if you’re not used to doing it. A lot of times, we just hold our ideas in our heads. Ideas are made to be explored and the only way to fully explore them is to make a commitment. 

When you make a commitment, you are willing to make some sacrifices. Things like hanging out, watching TV or scrolling through social media for hours, will have to take a backseat. 

Commitment entails focus, work and time. You’ll have to set aside time to do the work. There’s no such thing as not having enough time. This means weekends, after work and possibly before work. 

Focus is a high priority while you’re doing your work. Being intentionally focused and present with what you’re doing is a good use of time. Being busy, just to be busy, is a waste of your time, so focus on your idea and bringing it to completion.

Side Effects

There are side effects to making a commitment. Your mind will tell you to do something else fun or to work on it later. These thoughts will come while you are focusing and building your idea. You are guiding your mind down a different path and it’s uncomfortable.

When it becomes uncomfortable, that’s when you have to focus harder and be more determined. That’s where your commitment lies. This is what pushes you through those negative thoughts.

Obstacles will occur. Don’t allow an obstacle to ruin your idea. There will be times where things will keep happening and it will make you think about giving up, because it’s not working out. Obstacles are what gives us answers and confidence (after we overcome them) to move on.

There will be everything in your way to make you give up your commitment. When you make a commitment, you are taking your life to the next level – something most people are afraid to do. Opportunities will open up and present themselves more often when you commit.

*Excerpt from, “Turn On Your Light: Your Guide To Success-Building Habits.”*

Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Commitment begins with a thought or an idea. The goal is to stick with the task, so that you can incrementally improve day by day.

You have an unspoken responsibility of becoming the best person you can be. No one has to tell you this, you just know. Laziness can kick in at any time, followed by complacency.

To become better and more productive, you must make a commitment. How do you start? What does it mean to be committed?

Identify Your Commitment

When you commit to something, you make a conscious effort to do it consistently. No matter what you decide to do, a commitment has to be made first.

Do you want to lose weight? Start by committing to drinking a glass of water and an evening walk everyday. Are you ready to take control of your finances? Commit to saving ten dollars a week. Want to study history? Do the research and find the right books to read and documentaries to watch.

Identify what you want to do and go for it. Most times, we think about what we want to do, but we never get around to actually doing it – that’s because a commitment was never made.

Establish what it is that you want to achieve, commit and take the first step.

How To Make Your Commitment Stick

It may be difficult for you to commit to a personal goal – it happens to everyone. Comfort sneaks in and takes over any challenge you had in mind. How can you make a commitment stick?

One strategy you can use is writing it down. Creating a list of things to do will hold you accountable for taking action. Instead of relying on your memory to do something, write it down. Writing it down makes it official. You won’t get away with conveniently forgetting about it and it allows you to ‘see’ what needs to be done, so you can plan accordingly.

If writing it down isn’t your thing, find a responsible person to hold you accountable. This should be someone you trust. If you don’t perform your committed task, the consequences should be something uncomfortable, like paying them one hundred dollars. You wouldn’t want to give up that kind of money, therefore, you’ll do your best to follow through. Check in at a certain time with this person everyday to be sure you are staying committed to your goal.

Be Relentless

Making a commitment doesn’t work unless you’re consistent with your actions. You have to be ready to see past the distractions and adapt to change. If not, the whole idea of being committed to your idea simply won’t happen.

If you make a commitment and it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. You always have the choice to do it again. Has success ever come easily on the very first attempt?

Your will encounter adversity of some sort. You will have to shift in order to keep going. Be relentless with your commitment. If you’re serious about reaching your goal, you’ll do what’s necessary to get there.

Your ambition and determination should drive your commitment. You must be convinced that no matter what happens, you won’t give in to negative ideas and people. When it does happen, you must make the adjustment and adapt to the new plan.

Are You Ready?

Making a commitment says a lot about you. It says that you’re focused and decisive about what you want to do. Too many people drift into a life of nothingness, by giving away their advantage. The power is within you, but you have to be intentional and use it proactively.

Like anything else, it takes time and effort to be committed to your plan. Don’t be the one who stops at every obstacle you come across. Trust yourself to build the future of your dreams. You don’t have to start big – don’t let someone else’s accomplishments deter you from beginning your journey. Everyone has to start somewhere.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Take baby steps. Make the commitment and take the responsibility to grow into your greatness.


There’s Always An Excuse

There's Always An Excuse

We’ve been used to using an excuse to get out of just about anything we don’t feel like doing. Sometimes, we use them so consistently, it seems like it’s not a big deal and it turns into a worthless routine and a waste of energy.

Actually, excuses over a long period of time will cause you to miss out on your own life. How do you even begin to create a habit of avoiding excuses?

Understand What An Excuse Is

Excuses are lazy reasons we give ourselves, or others, to not follow through with what needs to be done, or a responsibility.

Some may say, “…but it’s a valid reason…”. If it’s a valid reason, then it’s not an excuse. Don’t get caught up in thinking that every excuse is a valid reason.

Deep down inside, we know when we give in to those ‘valid’ reasons. Later, we begin to feel some sort of guilt because we dodged what we could’ve done.

Excuses are disguised as reasonable explanations, when they’re really not. Don’t let it fool you into being lazy and unproductive. Also, beware of others who try to give you excuses to use.

Recognize What Your Excuse Sounds Like

Everyone has a certain word or phrase they use when confronted with a request or responsibility. It usually sounds something like:

“I don’t want to.”

“I’m tired.”

“Why can’t she do it?”

“I did it yesterday.”

“If he would’ve done it the right way in the first place…”

All of these are the beginnings of a whiny excuse. When you recognize what your excuse sounds like, you can make the attempt to avoid going down that road.

Start by knowing you can do whatever it is that needs to be done. You can make it happen and move on with your day. Handle your responsibilities with confidence and be accountable for what you do.

Just Do It!

What should you do if you hear yourself about to create an excuse? Just do it!

How do you overcome a life full of excuses? You conquer it by dealing with it head on. Be honest with yourself and lean into it. Yes, it’s hard, but there’s no other way to rid yourself of this ugly, unfulfilling habit.

It’s easier said than done, but it is very possible. Free yourself and become the excellent person you want to be. Nothing comes easy – it starts with eliminating those useless thoughts and words and taking action towards becoming more responsible.

If You Want To Be Excellent…

It all begins in the mind. If you want to be excellent, don’t wish for it, be it.

Being the example holds you to a higher standard. People who play on a different level never consider using excuses. When something needs to be done, it gets done.

No matter how tired you may be, or how late it is, you can always do a little more. When you practice being ambitious, it gets easier with time. You’ll become a beast at getting things done. There’s no room for being average in your journey to success.

Understand the power you have. Many people have done great things before you and you possess the ability to do great things, also. As long as you keep moving forward and stay focused, committed and resilient, you can make all the dreams in your heart come true.


Expect More From Yourself Than You Do From Others

Expect More From Yourself Than You Do From Others

Some of us expect more from others than we do from ourselves. We want other people to be loyal to us, responsible for their actions and reliable when needed.

Some people’s actions can be disappointing, especially if you expected more from them. They look out for themselves and will sacrifice a friendship when convenient.

Who Are You Loyal To?

The word ‘loyalty’ has been used a lot lately. When you are loyal to someone, you make a commitment to be trustworthy and to stand by that person, no matter what happens.

To some people, loyalty is like doing favors. If you help me now, I’ll help you later. If you don’t, then basically, our friendship is over. That’s not loyalty, that’s blackmail.

Being loyal is great, but be careful who you’re loyal to. Some people only want to be loyal when there’s something in it for them.

Loyalty should be unconditional, not based on how much you’ve done for someone. It’s not an equation where everything has to be equal on both sides. The expectation of being loyal is a trap that destroys many relationships.

The best person you can be loyal to is yourself.

Being Responsible Is A Reasonable Expectation, Right?

What you define as responsible and what someone else defines as responsible, can be two different things.

My mother would tell us, “If you loan someone money, never expect it back.” Why? Because when your friend has a sudden loss of memory about paying you back, you become angry.

The responsible thing to do would be to pay back the money, but some people think that if you’re a friend, you should understand. You’re left with the guilt of having to ask for your money back, or at least hoping they’ll give it back without you having to ask. It could break up any friendship.

If you never expect it back, there won’t be any potential issues. Also, it will save you tons of emotional stress and resentment.

Being Reliable

Being reliable is an excellent trait to find in anyone. What happens when you run into someone who isn’t as dependable as you think they should be?

When you’re a dependable person, it’s only natural that you think everyone else should be just as reliable as you are. Sometimes, that’s just not the case.

There will be some people who will use you to their advantage, without giving it a second thought. Once someone shows you who they truly are, believe it! Accept their actions for what it is and move on.

No one is like you. Of course, if you ask someone to do something, they should have the common courtesy to be dependable enough to follow through, but again, some people are selfish and only think of themselves.

What You Think They Should Be

Do you notice a pattern? The pattern is: You think everyone should be…

Everyone is not who you think they should be. We all have different experiences in life, therefore, we handle things differently.

You can think all day about how others should be a certain way, but the reality is, they’re not. It comes to a point where you’re only disappointing yourself.

Therefore, you should set expectations and standards for yourself and follow through. Even if you disappoint yourself, you know what you’re capable of and you’re honest about it. It’s hard to lie to yourself.

Do yourself a favor and don’t put expectations on other people. You’ll only end up being angry and holding grudges while they go on with their lives. Instead of expecting a certain behavior from others, put those standards on yourself. By doing this, you’ll become the shining example for others to look up to.

The Process Of Success Is Not As Hard As You Think

the process of success

The process of success has nothing to do with a ‘secret’ or a ‘hack’. We make it seem as if there is a button we can push and the next day, we’re successful. It doesn’t happen that easily, but it’s not as hard as you think.

Social media will have you thinking that all of our achievements are just one magic step away. You are always one step away, but only if you keep going. If you quit, you’ll only be left with an empty feeling of regret.

Give Yourself Permission, Not Excuses

Most of us have a reason to stop ourselves before we start.

“The time isn’t right.”

“I need more information.”

“I’m waiting to see if Beth is going.”

“Doug tried to do it and he lost lots of money and failed.”

We are so creative when it comes to making excuses. Excuses only give you permission NOT to start. What you need to do is give yourself permission to start.

What are you waiting on? Why are you so scared? If it won’t kill you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and make the attempt. You don’t have to wait on anyone or anything. Give yourself permission to reach your goals.

Make The Commitment

After you decide to give yourself permission, make the commitment that you will stick with it, no matter what happens.

Intentions are good, but commitment is better.

Distractions are the enemy of commitment. Although the internet is a great resource, we often use it for other things and it becomes a huge distraction.

It’s easy to become sidetracked by anything if you don’t have a solid commitment towards your work. For example, your environment can be a distraction. People want you to take a ride with them to the store or something on TV catches your eye. Before you know it, the day is gone, along with your productivity.

When you make a commitment to yourself, not only are you building your confidence, you are also building your belief. You can’t build your personal foundation by letting distractions throw you off balance.

Be aware of where your time goes. There will always be other things you’d like to do, but commit to your plan first.

Take Action!

Again, what are you waiting for? You have enough information to begin, so start taking action!

This is where most people become paralyzed and afraid. There’s always something that will conveniently stop you from starting.

In order to be successful, you have to fail – it’s part of the process. There’s no way around it, but through it.

Get in the habit of starting. No matter what it takes, do something to get the ball rolling. By taking action, you are putting your plan into motion and allowing yourself to play on another level.

Success Awaits

It’s not as hard as you think. When you give yourself permission, make a commitment and take action, anything is possible. It all begins in your mind.

By establishing these habits, you develop yourself into a more disciplined, focused and confident person. If you stay on your path and create your own luck, you’ll open your future up to more opportunities than you can imagine. Success awaits!


The Process Of Getting To The End Result

Planning goals can be overwhelming. There are many things to decide and put into place, in order to get to the end result, because that’s what we want, right?

Getting to the end result is the priority, but there’s much to do before that. There’s a few things that need to be done first, before you meet your success.

Create A Plan

Creating a plan gives you a blueprint to go by. Even though you have a plan, be sure you leave room for flexibility. Anything can happen and you should be prepared to accommodate those new ideas that come up at the spur of the moment.

No one’s plan is ever perfect – it changes as you go along. The plan is actually there to give you an idea of where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

Write it all down. Keeping it in your head only gives you the option to procrastinate. If you write it down where you can see it, you’re more likely to follow through. It also allows you to see the big picture, while working on the small details.

Make The Commitment

This is a big one. People want the end result, but they don’t want to do the work or sacrifice their weekends, among other things. They would rather skip the process and go straight to accomplishing their goal.

It looks simple on social media, but what you don’t see is the commitment that was made. No one ever posts the uphill battles or the disappointments they experience. You must know that you will commit to taking action in order to see the results you want.

Make the commitment that you will continue to move forward, even if obstacles get in your way. Before you take any type of action, make the commitment in your mind that you will show up, no matter what happens.

Decide To Do Whatever It Takes

Once you make the commitment, you have to take action. Nothing happens until you take action.

It may be the wrong type of action, but you won’t know until you do it. If it is the wrong action, turn around and do something else until you get it right. Be determined to find a new way.

One of the biggest challenges is that people will say they want it and take action, but as soon as something doesn’t go their way or they run into too much ‘work,’ they decide it’s not for them and they quit.

Do whatever it takes. The more you stop, the more you have to keep starting over. After you make the mental commitment, take action and keep going, even when it gets hard.

The End Result

Depending on your goal, it may take days, months, or even years before you reach the end result, but you must follow through if you want to see it happen.

There will be difficult times – it’s not supposed to be easy. This is what separates you from the average people. Your motivation will be tested, but as long as you keep moving forward and eliminate the excuses, you will reach your intended results.

Be extraordinary. Do what others are too lazy to do. The more action you take, the closer you’ll get to your goal. Don’t be afraid to do what needs to be done to achieve your success!
