#TBT: How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

Judging your future by your past impedes your progress and stifles your potential. If you have control over the possibilities, why not stretch and see how far you can go?

What is holding you back at this moment? Is there something you want to do, but that invisible voice keeps giving you excuses and telling you it’s not possible?

We’ve all experienced the doubts and fear that creeps into our minds, convincing us that it won’t work. All it takes is a few seconds of listening and we decide to play it safe, without even putting forth an effort.

Effort and failure is what carries you to success. Giving up because it didn’t work the last time you tried, is not the way to go – get out of your past and take action towards a better future.

The Past Is Your Teacher

Learning from the past can be a good blueprint for life. There are unfortunate things that happened, which you don’t care to experience anymore. This is helpful when making quick decisions.

Things like not putting your hand on a hot stove, or wearing a seat belt while riding in a car – those things can prevent significant harm or save your life altogether. Because of this, you depend on your past to help you in the future.

All of the various situations you experience in the past can contribute to how you live your life, currently. Some good, some bad, but it’s up to you to determine how it allows you to move forward.

The present is always happening. Your mind is constantly having thoughts and reacting to stimuli. Your past has a tremendous influence on each moment, as it occurs. How does this affect you in your everyday life?

The Past Doesn’t Decide Your Future

Sometimes, you can let your past dictate your present and future. Unconsciously, you can hold your present hostage by reacting with what you know, as opposed to doing something different to change the outcome.

If you had a bad business deal in the past, it doesn’t mean that every business deal will be bad. If you failed a science test, it doesn’t mean that you’ll fail every science test in the future.

Just because something went wrong the first time around doesn’t mean it will go wrong forever, whenever it happens. When it’s in your control to change the outcome, think of how you can adjust the details to make it work.

Turn the hot stove off, instead of touching it. Get past references before doing a business deal. Attempt to study in a different place before the science test. It is your responsibility to build your future by correcting the mistakes of the past.

How Analysis Paralysis Occurs

Analysis paralysis is a real obstacle. It’s when you overthink or consume so much information, you end up not doing anything at all. It’s better to proceed and make a mistake, because you learn what not to do and can make another attempt. Sitting still and not doing anything because of your fear of what might happen, is not effective.

Researching information is necessary for making decisions, but if you give yourself too many options, you’ll end up doing nothing. You’re so full of different choices, you become unable to make a move. The confusion alone becomes the new issue that needs to be conquered.

Realize that consulting with your past has it’s benefits. If anything, it should assist you in moving forward more strategically, putting you in a place to win. The rear view mirror is used to make better decisions, not to see how terribly wrong things might turn out.

It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t live in your past. Get whatever information and logic you need in order to make intentional moves, but don’t get stuck there. Some people will stay in the past a little too long and begin to overthink the outcome and hinder their growth. This is a common path to analysis paralysis.

Intentional Decisions

When thinking through a situation, you normally go back to your own understanding and experience, but your experience isn’t the only way to creating a definite solution.

If you grew up with parents who were drunk all of your life, you can make one of two decisions. Your experience will either teach you to be a drunk parent, or it will teach you that you don’t want to be a drunk parent. You may have experienced it, but it doesn’t mean you have to follow through in that particular way.

Make intentional decisions. Use your past experiences to make calculated moves in the future. It doesn’t make sense to make the same mistakes repeatedly, especially if you know better.

You can change your outlook on life by making forward-thinking choices. Allow your past to guide you, but don’t let it drive you down the same road that leads to nowhere. Let it give you the boost you need to make more intelligent and constructive choices. Everyone has a past – don’t let yours define you.


How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

How To Change A Bad Past Into A Bright Future

Judging your future by your past impedes your progress and stifles your potential. If you have control over the possibilities, why not stretch and see how far you can go?

What is holding you back at this moment? Is there something you want to do, but that invisible voice keeps giving you excuses and telling you it’s not possible?

We’ve all experienced the doubts and fear that creeps into our minds, convincing us that it won’t work. All it takes is a few seconds of listening and we decide to play it safe, without even putting forth an effort.

Effort and failure is what carries you to success. Giving up because it didn’t work the last time you tried, is not the way to go – get out of your past and take action towards a better future.

The Past Is Your Teacher

Learning from the past can be a good blueprint for life. There are unfortunate things that happened, which you don’t care to experience anymore. This is helpful when making quick decisions.

Things like not putting your hand on a hot stove, or wearing a seat belt while riding in a car – those things can prevent significant harm or save your life altogether. Because of this, you depend on your past to help you in the future.

All of the various situations you experience in the past can contribute to how you live your life, currently. Some good, some bad, but it’s up to you to determine how it allows you to move forward.

The present is always happening. Your mind is constantly having thoughts and reacting to stimuli. Your past has a tremendous influence on each moment, as it occurs. How does this affect you in your everyday life?

The Past Doesn’t Decide Your Future

Sometimes, you can let your past dictate your present and future. Unconsciously, you can hold your present hostage by reacting with what you know, as opposed to doing something different to change the outcome.

If you had a bad business deal in the past, it doesn’t mean that every business deal will be bad. If you failed a science test, it doesn’t mean that you’ll fail every science test in the future.

Just because something went wrong the first time around doesn’t mean it will go wrong forever, whenever it happens. When it’s in your control to change the outcome, think of how you can adjust the details to make it work.

Turn the hot stove off, instead of touching it. Get past references before doing a business deal. Attempt to study in a different place before the science test. It is your responsibility to build your future by correcting the mistakes of the past.

How Analysis Paralysis Occurs

Analysis paralysis is a real obstacle. It’s when you overthink or consume so much information, you end up not doing anything at all. It’s better to proceed and make a mistake, because you learn what not to do and can make another attempt. Sitting still and not doing anything because of your fear of what might happen, is not effective.

Researching information is necessary for making decisions, but if you give yourself too many options, you’ll end up doing nothing. You’re so full of different choices, you become unable to make a move. The confusion alone becomes the new issue that needs to be conquered.

Realize that consulting with your past has it’s benefits. If anything, it should assist you in moving forward more strategically, putting you in a place to win. The rear view mirror is used to make better decisions, not to see how terribly wrong things might turn out.

It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t live in your past. Get whatever information and logic you need in order to make intentional moves, but don’t get stuck there. Some people will stay in the past a little too long and begin to overthink the outcome and hinder their growth. This is a common path to analysis paralysis.

Intentional Decisions

When thinking through a situation, you normally go back to your own understanding and experience, but your experience isn’t the only way to creating a definite solution.

If you grew up with parents who were drunk all of your life, you can make one of two decisions. Your experience will either teach you to be a drunk parent, or it will teach you that you don’t want to be a drunk parent. You may have experienced it, but it doesn’t mean you have to follow through in that particular way.

Make intentional decisions. Use your past experiences to make calculated moves in the future. It doesn’t make sense to make the same mistakes repeatedly, especially if you know better.

You can change your outlook on life by making forward-thinking choices. Allow your past to guide you, but don’t let it drive you down the same road that leads to nowhere. Let it give you the boost you need to make more intelligent and constructive choices. Everyone has a past – don’t let yours define you.


Stop Giving Power To Your Past

Stop Giving Power To Your Past

Giving your power to your past is one of the biggest personal distractions you can allow. Situations that you keep re-thinking over and over again, can keep you complacent.

Whatever situations that have happened in the past can push you, or hold you back. Instead of recalling the success and productive moments of our lives, we unconsciously prefer to remember the negative moments.

No one wants to go back and relive the distressing and awkward moments and with good reason – but what if you could use those moments to create a more productive outlook?

The Good Times

Reminiscing about the good times with family and friends always brings about good feelings. You look back and remember how things were simple and the little silly things you did that made life adventurous.

Those feelings are very strong. It puts everyone in a good mood and lightens up the atmosphere. Everyone wishes that they could go back in time and relive those moments.

When The Past Holds You Hostage

On the other hand, when we think about setting goals and the vision of the future, our minds go south. We remember how everything went wrong the first time we did public speaking, or how we lost the Spelling Bee by misspelling a simple word.

Those feelings are stronger than the good feelings, because they hold you back. Something is reminding you that you don’t want to be embarrassed or make more mistakes. In this instance, you lose your power.

In essence, you’re ending your journey before it even starts. The distractions of the past have frozen your ability to move.

Pick Up Your Feet And Get Moving

As you know, the most important step of success is taking action. The only thing that matters is how to get to the next point.

Before that, you must be in a good mental space. Nothing starts without a thought or an idea, so let’s think positive. Things will go wrong, but be strong enough to know that you will figure it out and above all, you’ll be fine.

All of the mistakes you ever made in your life? That’s feedback. Those things that you call problems? Those are not problems, they’re challenges. The way you look at things can make a world of difference with how you perform.

Shift Your Perspective, Find Your Power

Yes, it’s difficult to forget the bad times in your life. You don’t want to repeat the same negative process over again.

The things that make you feel uncomfortable is where the lessons are. If you must think about it, look at it from a different angle and find a productive solution – don’t just remember it and exhaust yourself all over again.

Use your past to your advantage. You’re robbing yourself if you allow it to keep you from building your future. You are capable of more than you think. Instead of thinking, “I won’t make it,” think, “If I do it this way, it could work.”

When you shift your perspective, things will start to happen. You have the power to open your mind and believe beyond what you think you can achieve. If you can control how you think about your past (especially when it comes to your goals), you will definitely have more control over your future.


Does A Vision Board Really Work?

Does A Vision Board Really Work?

There are many apps and tools you can use to enhance your outlook on your life and goals – but does a vision board really work?

It does take dedication, focus and consistency, but will a vision board help you realize your goals any faster?

A vision board is created to help you see your potential future. The idea is that if you see it, you will work towards achieving those results.

What’s In A Vision Board?

A vision board contains various pictures and sayings, representative of your thoughts and ideas. If you want to be an astronaut, put it on the board. If you want to make lots of money, put it on the board. Whatever it is that you see yourself becoming in the future, cut it out and put it on the board.

This helps to tie your thoughts and ideas into your actions. It makes the connection that you should be doing something beneficial in order to get closer to your future on a a daily basis.

There are many things that you can display, but be sure it is unique to you. Don’t just paste anything on there, be specific and clear. This is your sacred vision, so treat it as such.

What Does A Vision Board Do?

After you create your very own vision board, you should feel productive. You should have a positive and optimistic outlook on your destiny.

When you see your vision board, it should motivate you to do the little things that contribute to the bigger picture. When you glance at it in passing, you should feel inspired and encouraged, even when distractions are present. It should give you confidence and push you to do a little more.

Most of all, it helps you to stick to a plan. It keeps your goals in the front of your mind, as opposed to thinking about them every two weeks and allowing it to slip your mind.

Does It Really Work?

Like anything else, a vision board will work, but only if you work with it.

Some people don’t believe in vision boards, but there are others who have seen results. It can really work, but you have to put it to good use and use it to your advantage.

If you put it in the closet, more than likely, it won’t work – out of sight, out of mind. In order to get the best outcome, place it where you can easily see it everyday and allow your mind to see the future you.

Also, it will take time. Don’t expect your ultimate future to happen within the next three days, just because you created an awesome vision board. The more you see it, the more you will unconsciously begin to work towards your goals. Get used to seeing yourself where you want to be.

What Are You Waiting For?

Start creating your vision board – whatever you imagine, or the thoughts that you think everyday, put it on the board!

See your inspiration daily. You are responsible for the direction of your life. Take control and use your vision board as a tool to get to where you want to be. Not only will it give you the energy and motivation you need to succeed, but it will also serve as a constant reminder of who you are capable of becoming.


How To Activate Your Future In 4 Easy Steps

Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash

How do you begin to build your future? You know what your goal is, but how do you make it, so it comes to life?

Goals are a great way to start your life’s plan. Your future is what you make it. The key thing is to be clear on exactly what you want.

Do you want to be a doctor or do you want to be the top doctor in the southeast? Do you want to be a ballerina or do you want to be the best ballerina, with the most appearances in ballerina history?

It may seem silly at first, but this is how you create your future. It won’t just happen on it’s own – you must be specific and deliberate with your thoughts.

Activate Your Future, Now!

  1. Have a goal. The very first thing you need is a goal that you would like to accomplish. There are many people who haven’t even thought about what they want to do with their life – they’re just going with the flow, hoping for a piece of someone else’s success. This is the starting point. What would you like to do in the future that would give you satisfaction everyday?
  2. Get specific. It’s not enough to want to be successful or to make a lot of money. Think of what you would like to do and how well you want to do it. If you want to be a doctor, what kind of doctor? Where would you like to work? Would you like to volunteer in that field? Don’t be afraid to fill in the details.
  3. Take responsibility for your goal. You’ve figured out what you want to do and all of the details. Now, the responsibility is yours. Do the research and create a plan that will get you where you need to be. Whether it gets hard or it falls apart, be responsible and take care of it. Consider what needs to be done and move on it.
  4. Do the work. The most important step is to do the work. Don’t let anybody’s judgment or any type of procrastination get in your way. After you plan your work, you must work your plan. Make the decision to do what needs to be done and don’t stop until you meet your end result.

Win The Battle, Win The War

Know that there will be obstacles and challenges throughout your journey. This is to be expected, but you must work through them. Take it step by step and focus on what’s in front of you. It’s all a part of the process.

Do the things that will push you towards starting. Be definite, intentional and take action. Commit to your daily growth. Everyday, tell yourself that you will be the best foot doctor in the southeast region of the country and don’t stop until you are!

Decide what you want to be and go out and create it – your future is yours to shape. Believe in yourself and trust the process. Nothing can stop you from achieving the life of your dreams.


Your Achievements Are Not Mistakes

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Have you ever worked really hard on a goal and you actually achieved it? Maybe you got lucky this time and things worked out – or,  maybe it’s not really for you, it was a mistake – or, maybe you consistently put in the time and effort and you’re FINALLY reaping the benefits.

You’re so used to seeing other people achieve success, you begin to think that it can’t happen to you. Like a hamster on the ever-spinning wheel, you do the work, but it feels like you’re going nowhere.

“Why me?” you think. Why not you? There may be some successful people who had an advantage when they started, but it doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to see your success.

When you do become successful, you may be hesitant and think that it was a mistake. Imposter syndrome kicks in and you don’t feel like it’s really yours to hold.

You’re proud of other people and you cheer them on. What about you? You can be a fan of yourself, just as much as you are a fan for others. It doesn’t make you selfish or arrogant. We are all here on this planet to help each other, but in the process, don’t forget to help yourself, too.

It’s OK to put yourself first.

Give yourself credit for what you accomplish – don’t wait for permission to be proud. IT IS YOURS! You did it, you overcame those obstacles that tried to stop you, you fell down, but got back up, it was you that kept your faith and your focus!

Don’t minimize your success. It is not a mistake. Smile, be happy for what you did. You’re quick to be happy for others when they succeed – you need to be even happier when you succeed. Don’t downplay it. You deserve it.

At the same time, comparing your journey to someone else’s doesn’t work. Everyone is on a different path and they have different ways of getting to their destination. You don’t know what they’ve been through and they don’t know what you’ve been through. Everyone’s battle is their own.

Keep your eyes on your prize. When you reach your goal, go ahead and celebrate it! This is what you’ve worked for. The sacrifices you’ve made were worth it. The vision you’ve been imagining for so long is becoming clear, right before your eyes. This is what you committed to – this is what you wanted.

Don’t devalue yourself. It’s not a mistake. Your future is what you make it, day in and day out. Claim it and prepare for your next upcoming success.