The New Year Is Here Again

The New Year Is Here Again

About this time, everyone starts to think about the New Year. Things like what they’ll do different, how it’s going to be better and the countdown begins. It’s a great time where everyone is motivated and inspired to become their best selves.

Many will make resolutions, only to go back to their old habits two weeks later. How can you avoid that trap of going back to being comfortable? What can you do different that will, at least, get you through the beginning of the year?

Start Super Simple

The first mistake is everyone is thinking too much. Yes, we all should think before we do things, but overthinking is what stomps us.

It feels good when we’re all on the same page and everyone wants to do well. The issue is, we think so much, we become stuck. We want something so bad, we just continue to keep thinking about how wonderful it’s going to be once it happens.

Your expectations may be great, but it’s not going to happen on it’s own. The hardest part is starting. As they say, “stop thinking and start doing.” Thinking about losing ten pounds gives you a positive outlook, but actually cutting out certain foods and drinking water is how you’re going to get there.

Daydreaming will spark the idea, but being active and following through will create the result. Motivation is warm and comfortable. You can imagine the outcome and it’s an awesome feeling, but what about the in-between?

If you’ve started thinking about your resolutions, think and then start. There’s something you can do at this very moment to get started – you don’t have to wait for January 1st. Go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water, open the book and read chapter 1 or put on your shoes and walk out the door.

The more you think about it, the more time you waste. It’s the same challenge every year, but this upcoming year, we’re going to make it work by starting simple, today.

Adjust Your Habits

By adjusting your habits, you’re reaching a new level. How do you work on your resolution for the New Year? You build new habits.

If your current habit isn’t helping you, change it. Humans are creatures of habit, so it’s understandable that change can be a difficult task. The unexpected can be scary.

Also know that if you don’t do anything, you’ll keep getting the same results. Nothing changes if nothing changes and it starts with your habits. Get used to doing things in a different way and exercise your “change” muscle.

Hanging around losers won’t get you to the winner’s circle. Your environment has a lot to do with the direction of your life, too. Get around people who speak life into themselves. Be around those who act upon their thoughts and solutions. This gets you to think out of the box, but most of all, it pushes you to take action.

Give Yourself A New Year Head Start

The New Year may begin on January 1st, but you can start today. That warm and fuzzy feeling of anticipation is a nice way of procrastinating. When it finally gets here, you’ve been so hyped and motivated about the possibilities, you’re now mentally exhausted. At this point, you want to put it off to another start date. Don’t give in – give yourself a leg up.

This is one of those times where it’s best to start ahead of the pack. Once the New Year gets here, you’re already on pace with your goals. Sometimes, it’s better to do things without an accountability partner, because they may try to talk you out of starting when you’re supposed to. They’ll let you slide when you’re supposed to be committed.

Start now and get used to doing the work. You may see results by the 1st and you’ll inspire yourself to keep going. While everyone is focusing their energy on an official start date, you’ll already be in a new pattern and experiencing the positive outcomes.

Make the commitment and follow through. Your New Year starts now!

Success Has No Timeline

Success Has No Timeline

It seems that success is supposed to come by the time you’re 30. We should have settled into the big house, with the perfect spouse and the fantastic career.

While this may be someone’s reality, it doesn’t happen that way for most of us. Somewhere down the line, someone convinced you that “having it all” was supposed to come before you turn a certain age.

For others, it’s the direct opposite. While “having it all” is very possible, there is no particular time you should be concerned with when it comes to reaching your goals.

Compare Yourself, To Yourself

Why is your friend successful, but you’re still struggling? Who keeps watering the grass on the other side, so it’s greener? What is it that you’re doing so wrong?

There’s one answer to those questions and others like it – it’s none of your business. When you constantly compare your life to others, it’s always wrong.

When you begin comparing your life’s journey with someone else’s, that’s where you lose. Everyone else will always look better and have more than you. “Perfection” is never within your reach.

Some of us are born with advantages, some of us aren’t. Some of us have both parents living at home, some of us only have one. Some of us are millionaires by the age of 25, some of us by 55.

The point is, life is different for everyone. Each and every person’s journey is unique – there are no 2 lives on the planet Earth that happens exactly alike. Build right where you are, using what you already have.

Their life is so perfect – “why am I so far behind?” If you’re putting in the work, doing the best you can do, your achievement isn’t far away. Don’t measure how successful you are, using someone else’s ruler. Your own efforts will put you right where you need to be.

Focus on what’s in front of you, not what’s happening with someone else. Success doesn’t come to you, when you’re looking at other people. Again, do what you can, with what you have.

Where Is Your Focus?

Always look at what’s ahead in your life. Taking your eyes off of the prize (your goal) will surely slow you down. What someone else is doing doesn’t make your journey any less worth traveling.

Plan and prepare for what you want to do. Control what you can. You can only do this by betting on yourself and minding your own business.

When you look at what others are doing, you’re giving them the attention you should be giving yourself. You give them credit for what they’ve done, when you should actually be giving yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.

We don’t see what other people do to become successful. They don’t tell you how hard it was, the friends they lost along the way or the sacrifice they made in order to reach their goal. All you see is what happened in the end.

Maybe they did something unthinkable to achieve what looks like a dream life – the whole point is, you don’t know. Instead of going through all of the guessing and assuming, focus on what you’re doing and how you’re going to be outstanding in your own life.

Success Will Come In Time

Concentrate on what you can do to make yourself a success. The world will open up to you when you begin to live your life. Don’t let your ego get in the way by thinking you have to keep up with someone else’s life, just to prove you’re worthy. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone.

It’s good to have people who inspire and motivate you, but don’t expect their success to be your success. You can follow the exact same blueprint of Serena Williams, but that won’t make you a champion within the same amount of time.

The only thing you can do is take responsibility for how hard you work. You have the power over how disciplined or resilient you can be. No one can put in the work for you – you must do that yourself.

Be inspired and motivated, but know that your success will come in your time, not theirs.

#TBT: The Best Investment To Make When You Have Nothing

#TBT: The Best Investment You Can Make when You Have Nothing

What is the best investment to make, when you have nothing? Is it stocks? Real estate? Car collection or hand bags?

Before you even think of making an investment, you must have a lot of money, right? Wrong. There’s one thing you can invest in that’s free and well worth your time and energy.

The returns on this specific investment is infinite. All you have to do is have a mindset of discipline, confidence and resilience to begin.

What Can You Invest In Without Money?

You don’t necessarily need money to invest in something. People invest their time and energy into things they want to see grow and become better.

The biggest investment you can ever make in your life, is investing in yourself.

Yes, you! There is something that you enjoy doing or want to know more about – this is what you invest in. You put forth extra effort and stay up late because you want to see it develop into something more.

Throughout that process, you are learning and building yourself into a valuable resource. You are investing the time and energy it takes to become an unstoppable version of yourself.

How do you invest in yourself?

  1. Know what you want to do. What are you good at? Is there something you do everyday, flawlessly, that is hard for others? There is something you’re awesome at. If you’re not, you can become awesome at it. Know what you want to do (or have an idea) and be clear on it. Some people get caught up in the idea of knowing and they forget to take action, but the process doesn’t stop there.
  2. Read and research. Learning never stops. You can always read and discover something you didn’t know and apply it to your life. It doesn’t take money – you can do research on the internet or listen to a lecture full of gems. Have an open mind when it comes to new information. Improvements can always be made.
  3. Develop strong habits. Habits create your identity. Routines put those habits into practice. It’s good to be spontaneous, but habits must be in place to promote productivity. No one is spontaneously successful. Constructive habits and skills will increase your personal value.

Make Time For Your Personal Investment

Most of us are looking for ways to impress other people so we can get a job, be in a certain circle or get to the next level. We do things to gain attention from other people, as opposed to building ourselves.

When you invest your time and energy into others, it can be a disappointment. They may not see your significance and dismiss it, without a thought. You’re at their mercy.

Now you’re stuck, trying to figure out who to impress next so you can move on. Instead of making other people see your value, see the value in yourself. Why not attempt to put your future into your own hands?

Invest in yourself. Benefit yourself before you give your benefit away to others. When you invest in yourself, you open up doors to new possibilities and endless opportunities. It also gives you the highest advantage of profiting from your own skills, first.

The investment that you make in yourself is priceless. You are the best investment that you could ever make and no one can take that away. Stocks and real estate will go up and down on a whim, but the constant investment you make in yourself will allow you to grow in many ways throughout life.


Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Make The Commitment To Do Your Best Everyday

Commitment begins with a thought or an idea. The goal is to stick with the task, so that you can incrementally improve day by day.

You have an unspoken responsibility of becoming the best person you can be. No one has to tell you this, you just know. Laziness can kick in at any time, followed by complacency.

To become better and more productive, you must make a commitment. How do you start? What does it mean to be committed?

Identify Your Commitment

When you commit to something, you make a conscious effort to do it consistently. No matter what you decide to do, a commitment has to be made first.

Do you want to lose weight? Start by committing to drinking a glass of water and an evening walk everyday. Are you ready to take control of your finances? Commit to saving ten dollars a week. Want to study history? Do the research and find the right books to read and documentaries to watch.

Identify what you want to do and go for it. Most times, we think about what we want to do, but we never get around to actually doing it – that’s because a commitment was never made.

Establish what it is that you want to achieve, commit and take the first step.

How To Make Your Commitment Stick

It may be difficult for you to commit to a personal goal – it happens to everyone. Comfort sneaks in and takes over any challenge you had in mind. How can you make a commitment stick?

One strategy you can use is writing it down. Creating a list of things to do will hold you accountable for taking action. Instead of relying on your memory to do something, write it down. Writing it down makes it official. You won’t get away with conveniently forgetting about it and it allows you to ‘see’ what needs to be done, so you can plan accordingly.

If writing it down isn’t your thing, find a responsible person to hold you accountable. This should be someone you trust. If you don’t perform your committed task, the consequences should be something uncomfortable, like paying them one hundred dollars. You wouldn’t want to give up that kind of money, therefore, you’ll do your best to follow through. Check in at a certain time with this person everyday to be sure you are staying committed to your goal.

Be Relentless

Making a commitment doesn’t work unless you’re consistent with your actions. You have to be ready to see past the distractions and adapt to change. If not, the whole idea of being committed to your idea simply won’t happen.

If you make a commitment and it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. You always have the choice to do it again. Has success ever come easily on the very first attempt?

Your will encounter adversity of some sort. You will have to shift in order to keep going. Be relentless with your commitment. If you’re serious about reaching your goal, you’ll do what’s necessary to get there.

Your ambition and determination should drive your commitment. You must be convinced that no matter what happens, you won’t give in to negative ideas and people. When it does happen, you must make the adjustment and adapt to the new plan.

Are You Ready?

Making a commitment says a lot about you. It says that you’re focused and decisive about what you want to do. Too many people drift into a life of nothingness, by giving away their advantage. The power is within you, but you have to be intentional and use it proactively.

Like anything else, it takes time and effort to be committed to your plan. Don’t be the one who stops at every obstacle you come across. Trust yourself to build the future of your dreams. You don’t have to start big – don’t let someone else’s accomplishments deter you from beginning your journey. Everyone has to start somewhere.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Take baby steps. Make the commitment and take the responsibility to grow into your greatness.


What’s The Excuse That’s Been Holding You Back?

What's The Excuse That's Been Holding You Back?

Everyday, it’s a different excuse. You’re having a bad hair day, the dog got away or the storm knocked out the internet. Therefore, you won’t take action.

These may be valid reasons as to why you won’t do anything, but in reality, they’re not reasons, they’re excuses.

We can think of many reasons not to do anything productive. Deeper than that, we’ll allow it to make sense, so we won’t feel guilty about not following through. How can we do better?

Time Is Not An Excuse

One of the biggest excuses is not having enough time. We tell ourselves that millionaires are millionaires, because they have all the time in the world. “If I had that kind of time, I’d be rich, too,” we say.

Millionaires may be rich, but with the exception of those who were born rich, what were they doing with their time, prior to being rich? Were they sitting around, talking about why rich people are rich?

This is the part that no one talks about – the late nights and early mornings, making ends meet, putting in time with the kids, keeping up with awkward schedules, etc. For the most part, they were working towards their goals and they never gave up. You’ve heard stories of people who work on their side business for 4 hours, after they came home from working 2 jobs. There’s discipline in that type of work ethic and it pays off.

Remember when you never had the time? Well, it’s up to you to bend it to your benefit and leverage it as much as possible. It’s all the same 24 hours, so if you want it to work out, you have to make it work for you.

Our minds tend to keep us on a schedule of daily habits. If you want to have a chance at reaching your goal, enhance your routine. Stretch, adjust or eliminate the details in your daily pattern. Disrupt your autopilot habits and become more aware of the goal you’re trying to achieve.

You could shorten your time watching television and replace it with creating a plan. Maybe you could research while you eat dinner. Or, you could listen to a podcast while taking a shower.

There are many ways you can make more time – it just takes a little altering to make it work towards your advantage.

It’s Not In Your Control

Everything that happens in life is not controlled by you. If you can accept that simple fact, you’ll save yourself a lot of stress.

Some of us get upset when life happens – we become emotional and start having negative thoughts. Like a child, we have a tantrum and we let it stop us from doing what we planned to do.

Yes, this presents a challenge, but at the same time, you have the ability to think your way through it. There may be a change of plans that have to take place, but it can be done.

Some of the things we tell ourselves is, “It is what it is…” or “I’m not about to do that, just so I can do this…” We make up these ridiculous excuses to justify our laziness. Now, you’ve allowed the situation to hijack your progress.

It’s difficult to get up after being knocked down. It becomes comfortable to stay there, because it’s easier than getting knocked down again. Why even try? Get rid of this excuse – it only puts you on a path to nowhere.

Don’t let the things you’re unable to control, have control over you. Have a ‘can-do’ attitude when things happen unexpectedly. These are the small battles that need to be won, so that you can move closer to your results. It’s not the end, there’s just another way to do it.

How Do You Want This To End?

The easy part of this, is that you get to make the decision on the outcome you want to see. The hard part is, you must consistently get up and take action, if you want to get there.

If you were in a physical fight, it’s natural to defend yourself and fight back, because you want to win. You’re doing your best to prevent yourself from being hurt. It’s the same with accomplishing your goals. When an obstacle hits you, don’t just lay down and take it – get up and take another swing.

Use your mind in the right way. That involves thinking positive thoughts and creating a growth environment for yourself. Instead of lingering on the problem (challenge) at hand, linger on finding a solution. How you respond to a challenge determines if you’ll be successful or not.

Don’t make a convenient excuse – overcome them. Whether you create them or life creates them, don’t let them get in your way. You are more than capable of changing your direction in order to make it happen and win.


Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success

Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success
The following is an excerpt from the book, “Help! I’m Stuck: How T Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

The Most Convenient Excuse

What is the most common excuse people use the most?

“I don’t have enough time.”

It’s not true, I don’t care who you are. We all work under a daily 24 hour time frame. How do you think other people become successful? They manipulated their 24 hour schedule.

To achieve your goals, you will have to make some sacrifices. If you’re unable to do everything within your day, you need to make some adjustments. Time is not the issue, following through strategically with your plan is.

It can be a challenge at first, but it is definitely possible. You will have to learn to make time, for time.

First, you must stop making the excuse that you don’t have enough time. If you truly want it, you’ll find the time to work on your plan.

Put in time on your lunch break, after work, after dinner, early in the morning, or on the weekends. Skip the party, and Happy Hours (among other things).

“But I hang out with my friends on the weekends. I have to wake up to go to work at six in the morning.”

Take a weekend off from hanging out with your friends, or get up at four in the morning to work on your goals, then go to work. 

It’s simple, but many people make it hard. Living a lazy life will bring you lazy results. Sacrifices will have to be made. You will have to skip Happy Hour from time to time.

The only way you’ll get the results you wish for is by putting in the time and consistent effort.

Actually, you could do all of these things and still make time to work on your plan. You may have to stay up late during the work week or get up early in the morning on the weekends, but there’s time to do it. The question is, will you make the sacrifice?

Utilize Every Minute

Once you begin to find the time to work on yourself, you’ll begin to see how critical each minute is.

Your goals should drive you to work diligently through to completion. If it doesn’t make you want to get up earlier or work later into the night to accomplish them, apparently, you don’t want it bad enough.

When you work on your dream, you’ll want to stay up later. You’ll want to be more productive on the weekends. You’ll want to turn down your friends for Sunday brunch. You’ll find it hard to focus on anything else. Your mind will become inundated with thoughts of success.

You’re on the right track. Your mind has become consumed with ideas and you become more aware of the time you have in your day.

Twenty-four hours won’t seem like enough time, but you will make it work. Every ounce of time you find within your day, you exhaust it. You are going to make it happen with the time you have been given.

Your environment will likely change to people who are more respectful of time. Everyone in your circle will be doing outside projects or side hustles. When you’re surrounded by people who are enthusiastic about their work, it rubs off on you.

Being in a productive environment helps you to stay on track and it allows you to become more creative.

Working towards your goals may seem hard, but after you start, the process becomes nearly effortless. You’ll lose those self-limiting beliefs as you grow. When you overcome challenges, you’ll learn from the past and know what to do the next time. Learning from the obstacles of the past allows you to make solid decisions and to move with more confidence in the future.

Excerpt from “Help! I’m Stuck: How To Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

Even At A Turtle’s Pace, You Can Still Make Progress

Even At A Turtle's Pace, You Can Still Make Progress

Everyone makes progress with their goals in their own time. We don’t achieve success together, not unless we’re on the same team. Developing the habit of progress is important to your goals.

It may take some people five years to write a book, while it may take others only three months. Time is always of the essence, but when it comes to making progress with our dreams, everyone is different.

A Turtle Still Makes Progress

A turtle is one of the slowest animals on earth. We could learn a lot from them about being persistent. Slow action is better than no action.

No matter how slow a turtle is, it always gets to it’s destination. It may not get there the same time as a dog, but nevertheless, it will get there.

A turtle probably doesn’t know it, but it has what we humans call persistence. No matter what happens, all it knows is to keep going (even in traffic).

It doesn’t matter how slow you think you’re going. The main point is that you don’t quit. Continue to make progress, even in the face of adversity.

Mistakes Are Proof Of Progress

Some of us stop ourselves before we even begin. We have a fear of making mistakes and having to deal with obstacles.

A mistake isn’t a hint that you should give up. A mistake is simply feedback. It will let you know what kind of adjustments that need to be made in order to improve what you’re doing.

Most people stop at mistakes. They think of it as a dead end. How else would you figure out how to do anything, without making mistakes?

A mistake will help you more than it will hurt you. It may seem painful in the beginning, but overall, it’s there to let you know that there’s a better way and you can make progress and create quality work.

Problems Promote Progress

Like mistakes, problems are there to help us towards a path of improvement. It’s hard to see it that way when your mindset is constantly set on ‘victim’ mode.

If you look at a problem as a challenge (because that’s what a problem really is), your mind will switch to finding solutions, as opposed to playing the victim.

When you play the victim, everything is everyone else’s fault. You take no responsibility for what happens and you complain to make it go away.

Problems won’t go away until you see them as challenges and become a solution-oriented person. Instead of accepting what happens, turn it around and create a strategy to overcome it. It may take time, but it’s still progress.

Follow Through

Be intentional by following through with your goals. The time will pass anyway, so you should go ahead and just start.

What if you would have started when you first thought about it? How far along would you be if you hadn’t procrastinated? Following through is a strategy that is often forgotten, once a mistake or ‘problem’ occurs.

Fast or slow, progress can be made as long as you continue to follow through. Whether it takes two years or two months, just keep moving forward. By putting it off, you’re making a promise that it’ll never happen.


The Process Of Success Is Not As Hard As You Think

the process of success

The process of success has nothing to do with a ‘secret’ or a ‘hack’. We make it seem as if there is a button we can push and the next day, we’re successful. It doesn’t happen that easily, but it’s not as hard as you think.

Social media will have you thinking that all of our achievements are just one magic step away. You are always one step away, but only if you keep going. If you quit, you’ll only be left with an empty feeling of regret.

Give Yourself Permission, Not Excuses

Most of us have a reason to stop ourselves before we start.

“The time isn’t right.”

“I need more information.”

“I’m waiting to see if Beth is going.”

“Doug tried to do it and he lost lots of money and failed.”

We are so creative when it comes to making excuses. Excuses only give you permission NOT to start. What you need to do is give yourself permission to start.

What are you waiting on? Why are you so scared? If it won’t kill you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and make the attempt. You don’t have to wait on anyone or anything. Give yourself permission to reach your goals.

Make The Commitment

After you decide to give yourself permission, make the commitment that you will stick with it, no matter what happens.

Intentions are good, but commitment is better.

Distractions are the enemy of commitment. Although the internet is a great resource, we often use it for other things and it becomes a huge distraction.

It’s easy to become sidetracked by anything if you don’t have a solid commitment towards your work. For example, your environment can be a distraction. People want you to take a ride with them to the store or something on TV catches your eye. Before you know it, the day is gone, along with your productivity.

When you make a commitment to yourself, not only are you building your confidence, you are also building your belief. You can’t build your personal foundation by letting distractions throw you off balance.

Be aware of where your time goes. There will always be other things you’d like to do, but commit to your plan first.

Take Action!

Again, what are you waiting for? You have enough information to begin, so start taking action!

This is where most people become paralyzed and afraid. There’s always something that will conveniently stop you from starting.

In order to be successful, you have to fail – it’s part of the process. There’s no way around it, but through it.

Get in the habit of starting. No matter what it takes, do something to get the ball rolling. By taking action, you are putting your plan into motion and allowing yourself to play on another level.

Success Awaits

It’s not as hard as you think. When you give yourself permission, make a commitment and take action, anything is possible. It all begins in your mind.

By establishing these habits, you develop yourself into a more disciplined, focused and confident person. If you stay on your path and create your own luck, you’ll open your future up to more opportunities than you can imagine. Success awaits!


3 Things That Stop You Before You Get Started

3 Things That Stop You Before You Start

What’s stopping you from becoming the magnificent person you want to be? There are 3 things that stop you before you get started and today, you’ll get past those challenges to get on the right track!

When you look in the mirror, there’s no one else there but you. You are responsible for your life and what you tolerate. Own your life – the good things, the bad things, the mistakes – take control of it all.

What’s Stopping You?

  1. Other people. This is the most common culprit. We allow other people’s thoughts and opinions to direct our lives. If we do something that someone doesn’t like, we let it affect us. If someone else is having a bad day, we let it bleed over into our lives. Learn to separate your life from someone else’s. Your life is your own – don’t be so quick to hand it over to someone else. Have sympathy for others, but live your own life.
  2. Excuses. Stop giving yourself an out. Giving yourself an excuse to feel better gets you no where. The entire point is to improve yourself and to become great. You deny every chance of your growth when you give excuses. Life may happen, but there’s still an opportunity to work around it. You can still choose to wake up earlier or stay up later – eat clean or eat junk food – save a few dollars or spend all you have. It all comes down to choosing an excuse or choosing that extra push.
  3. Your inner voice. It’s not too late. You’re not too old. Just because it didn’t happen when you were 12, doesn’t mean it can’t happen when you’re 52. Don’t kill your own dreams. Anything can happen at any time. The negative chatter in your mind was put there by someone else, but you have to let it go. It only holds you back from your limitless potential. Every time you hear that negative inner voice, chase it with a positive answer.

Let’s Get It Started

Commit to yourself and your future. No one can stop you unless you allow them to stop you. Get out of your own way and make progress.

Anything can happen, but you must decide to start and take action, one step at a time. Don’t get used to turning down what you really want to do, just to satisfy someone else.

Distractions will pull your attention away from you plan. Do what it takes in order for you to be productive and move forward. Your focus will ultimately drive you towards your desired goal, so concentrate on what’s important and do your best to get it done.

The Final Outcome

Own your life without feeling guilty. It’s okay to say ‘no’ to others, so you can get started working on yourself. In the end, you are the only one accountable for your results – it’s in your hands.

Give yourself permission to start. Stop thinking that other people are right when it comes to your goals. Protect your mindset and step into your confidence. Success is earned by those who have the courage to start and focus on their plan.


What Are You Afraid Of?

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The majority of us are afraid of doing simple things. Eating alone, attending a seminar by yourself, or putting your work out into the world – for some reason, it scares us to be judged by others.

Being judged is the reason you are afraid. You don’t want anyone to make fun of you or you don’t want them to think of you a certain way. It’s time to get over what ‘they’ think and find your confidence!

Be In Control

Is there a question you need to ask someone in order to possibly move forward? Ask it. Do you have an invention that needs to be approved? Get it done. Does your career require you to speak in public? Then speak.

Whatever it is, just do it! Being afraid of someone saying ‘no’ or putting down your idea is not the end of the world – 10 times out of 10, you’ll live.

Allowing that type of control over your life is unacceptable. It’s not something that will ruin your day, it could potentially ruin your life. Learn to take a verbal punch and keep it moving.

Does It Really Hurt?

When you’re rejected, it may hurt, but you must build yourself to tolerate it because you’ll get rejected more times than you’ll get accepted. Nothing is hurt, but your feelings. If it doesn’t hurt you physically, you’re good to keep going!

There will always be insecure people who will try to make you feel bad about your progress. When you give them your attention, it only makes it worse. Ignore them and be determined to find your way.

Stop letting other people’s judgment shape your life. You have more power than you think, so dig in and begin to use it. Be strong and push forward.

The Pain Of Regret

Imagine being an older version of yourself. Would you be at peace, knowing you were too afraid to take those chances? Would you be satisfied with the fact that you let others affect the way you lived your life?

The pain of regret is very real. You’re unable to go back in time and change the outcome of your life, so live it with full intention. Give yourself permission to not care about what other people think. They will be the ones who wished they had the confidence you had.

Be Courageous

The older you become, the more you realize that time is flying by. Some of those opportunities won’t always be available – you don’t have time to be afraid.

If you’re going to be afraid, be afraid that you won’t get another opportunity and take that chance. Be afraid that you might lose function of your body and start making moves. Be afraid that someone will control your mind and start thinking for yourself.

The fear of people judging you will keep you from your own greatness. You were built to climb many levels in life, not to be held back because of what they think. Don’t second guess yourself, based on someone’s negative opinion.

Be your own hero. Direct your own action packed, suspense-filling life movie. Have stories to tell your future grandchildren, so they can see how brave and awesome you were. Live your life to the fullest.
