Are You A Procrastinator Or A Producer?


Procrastination shows up in every aspect of our lives. Most of the time, when we think about doing something, the first reaction we have is to put it aside and do it later.

Life waits for no one. Living with regrets when you’re older is just as bad as arthritis or any other physical pain. Make the early choice to attempt new things right away and avoid procrastination.

Procrastination At It’s Best

Procrastination feels productive. In your mind, you have a great idea, but you just don’t have the time to do it. You’re not actually busy with solid work, you’re just busy doing ‘things’.

The first place procrastination starts is in your thoughts. After a while, it becomes a bad habit – you put everything off until the very last minute because you’re too ‘busy’.

Before you know it, two years have passed by and that great idea is still sitting in your head. Thinking back, there were plenty of times you could’ve started working on it, but you conveniently chose to put it off.

Learn To Be Productive

Productivity kills procrastination. Every chance you get and every idea you come up with, you should do something towards it to be productive.

Being a producer sounds harder than it really is – that’s because you’re not used to taking action with your ideas. The only way you will overcome procrastinating is by simply starting.

There is a such thing as being busy, but not being productive. Sometimes, we get caught up in the little work, as opposed to getting the bigger things done. We put more effort into looking like we’re busy, instead of doing the things that actually move the needle.

Yes, the little things need to get done, but don’t forget to make time for the other things that push you forward in a big way. Once you become established, you can pay someone to do the background tasks, while you focus on the bigger tasks.

How Can I Avoid Procrastination?

As mentioned, the best way to avoid procrastinating is by starting.

When you have an idea, your first instinct is to do it later. We all know that later never comes, but it sounds good, because we have good intentions.

No matter how you start, just start. Don’t overthink it – even if it is as simple as writing the idea down, do it. There’s power in writing your thoughts down on paper.

As long as you’re taking some type of action and getting it out of your head, you’re on the way to being more productive. Get in the routine of doing something towards your ideas, whether it’s making a phone call or going to buy what you need to make it happen.

It’s All About Taking Action

Letting your thoughts talk you out of taking action is part of your procrastination challenge. All it takes is discipline and a plan to rid yourself of the ugly habit of putting things off.

Remember to do just do something that relates to your idea. Even if it’s taking a walk to think through it and then writing down your thoughts afterwards. Things become easier once you get them going.

Going from being a procrastinator to a producer is a process. If you can do something active right after your thoughts, you’ll become better at it each time.

Develop the habit of being productive. The more you go out and do, the less regret you’ll live with as you become older. Do it now, so you won’t regret it later.


Believing In Yourself Is Half The Battle

Believing In Yourself Is Half The Battle

The internet has made a great impact within the last decade, especially with our minds. We are constantly bombarded with ads and comparison posts on social media.

Using the internet in the right way can be extremely productive, but on the other hand, you can easily fall victim to what you see and it’s effects on how you think.

Do you get caught in the ‘comparison’ trap? Are you a better person after you put down your device? Has the internet changed the way you think about yourself?

How Strong Is Your Self-Belief?

Believing in yourself is something that has to be worked on daily. There are times when you may feel a little intimidated, but you must have a solid foundation when it comes to your self-esteem.

The key to believing is building up your confidence. When no one else thinks you can do it, know that you can. Not only that, but practice being your best in everything you do. Creating a habit of high expectations will allow you to stand out from the crowd.

Be mindful of how you do things – as they say, how you do one thing is how you do everything. When you start accomplishing small daily tasks, it’ll carry over into accomplishing the bigger tasks. This is how you develop confidence, which is the path to believing in yourself.

Believing, One Day At A Time

When we see others on social media, everyone looks like they’ve succeeded in life. We begin to wonder, “Why am I not successful?

Most of the people on social media are showing off a fake lifestyle. The money, cars, private jets and vacation spots are props. They do it to make themselves look good, yet, it makes you feel inferior and slow.

Never compare yourself to anyone on social media (or in life). Everyone’s journey is unique to them. You will not get there at the same time as someone else, no matter how closely you follow their plan.

Understand that your success will come in your time. As long as you continue to have the courage to believe in yourself and take it one day at a time, you will make progress and that leads to success.

Believing In Yourself

Your actions also play a big role in believing in yourself. When your mind is set to follow through with a challenge, the next step is being determined enough to take action.

If you don’t believe you can do anything, then you won’t take action. On the other hand, if you have strong self-esteem, you will take action at a high level.

Believing makes way for high performance. Even if you have no one who cheers for you, you have to be your own cheerleader. It doesn’t matter what others think, you already know you can do it.

Build Yourself, Build Your Life

We all want to achieve great things in life, but it takes time and a strong mindset. Great things are very attainable in real life, but first, you must have that foundation of self-belief.

The biggest obstacle you will endure is having no one to tell you how great you are. You possess unlimited potential. Your greatness depends on your confidence to follow through.

Talk to yourself and tell yourself how unbeatable you are. Shine your own light and be magnificent. Never be embarrassed if you lose – you’re only learning so you can be just as effective and efficient the next time.

Don’t wait on anyone else to recognize your excellence. No one needs to tell you how intelligent and capable you are. Believe in yourself and be the example for others to follow.


How Emotions Can Prevent Your Journey To Success

How Emotions Can Prevent Your Journey To Success

Everyone has their emotions. Some days, we feel happy and some days we feel sad. Most of the time, we don’t really know why, we just know that we feel that way.

Your emotions play a huge part in the outcome of your goals. Results aren’t based on emotions, they are mostly based on logic. It goes back to your mindset – if you believe you can, then you can. The opposite also holds true.

Do you make decisions based off of your emotions? When was the last time you put your feelings aside in order to make things happen?

Emotions Can Get In The Way

Have you ever had to make a choice, whether to go with your head or your heart? You may go with your heart, but when it comes to results, technically, your head should win every time.

Emotions can cloud your best judgment. When you think with your feelings, you expect others to think that way, as well. You think that maybe they’ll like you more or things will go the way you want them to go. That’s not always true.

That’s because business has nothing to do with emotions. Remember, you can control your emotions – you don’t have to react to everything. No one cares how you were feeling at the time. Feelings don’t create results.

Things Just Need To Get Done

Guiding your decisions with your emotions will end up leading you down a path you didn’t want to be on. Save your feelings for baby showers and cute pets.

When it’s time to get things done, your emotions can cause you to procrastinate. You’ll sit there and contemplate on which scenario will work out better. If it doesn’t work out, then you feel even worse for not making a better, fact-based decision.

If you allow your brain to lead you, the outcome will be more solid and stable. There’s no emotions in figuring out solutions – it will either work, or it won’t. There’s no need to feel sad or angry about it. Make the adjustment and move forward. This is how things get done.

Remove Emotions, Remove Drama

When you lead with your heart, especially concerning goals and business, it almost never ends well. Basing decisions off of your emotions will lead to more drama and your feelings will get hurt (because you’re emotional).

Removing your feelings is the best way to handle things. You’re able to think clearly and be more reliable. The results will make logical sense and everything will flow more smoothly.

Also, you won’t get involved on a personal level. Once you put your feelings into a project, it becomes personal. It creates drama and friction with others. Everyone doesn’t feel the same way about everything, so just come with the facts and not your feelings.

Time Management And Emotions

Being emotional can take up so much of your time and effort. It often delays the process of taking action.

Make an attempt to simplify things. Overthinking and injecting your feelings will only waste more time. If you want things to get done, your focus should never be on how something makes you feel.

Concentrate on the results, which come from a direct mind, not an emotional mind. If you want the best outcome, don’t give in to your feelings.

Move Forward, But Without Your Feelings

If we did things whenever we felt like it, nothing would get done. We tend to get caught up in how certain things make us feel and we don’t follow through as efficiently as we should.

You’ll never lose weight if you feel like eating junk food. You’ll never be a chess champion if you feel like looking at social media all day. You’ll never be a success at anything, if you never feel like it. Stop waiting to ‘feel like it’ and just do it!

Discipline wins over emotions, every time. Think about where you want to be, put your feelings aside and put in the work. If you always operate from an emotional standpoint, you’re making things harder than they have to be.

Let’s get in the habit of making decisions from a sensible place. Don’t let your emotions prevent your success.


Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success

Time Is Never An Excuse For Reaching Success
The following is an excerpt from the book, “Help! I’m Stuck: How T Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

The Most Convenient Excuse

What is the most common excuse people use the most?

“I don’t have enough time.”

It’s not true, I don’t care who you are. We all work under a daily 24 hour time frame. How do you think other people become successful? They manipulated their 24 hour schedule.

To achieve your goals, you will have to make some sacrifices. If you’re unable to do everything within your day, you need to make some adjustments. Time is not the issue, following through strategically with your plan is.

It can be a challenge at first, but it is definitely possible. You will have to learn to make time, for time.

First, you must stop making the excuse that you don’t have enough time. If you truly want it, you’ll find the time to work on your plan.

Put in time on your lunch break, after work, after dinner, early in the morning, or on the weekends. Skip the party, and Happy Hours (among other things).

“But I hang out with my friends on the weekends. I have to wake up to go to work at six in the morning.”

Take a weekend off from hanging out with your friends, or get up at four in the morning to work on your goals, then go to work. 

It’s simple, but many people make it hard. Living a lazy life will bring you lazy results. Sacrifices will have to be made. You will have to skip Happy Hour from time to time.

The only way you’ll get the results you wish for is by putting in the time and consistent effort.

Actually, you could do all of these things and still make time to work on your plan. You may have to stay up late during the work week or get up early in the morning on the weekends, but there’s time to do it. The question is, will you make the sacrifice?

Utilize Every Minute

Once you begin to find the time to work on yourself, you’ll begin to see how critical each minute is.

Your goals should drive you to work diligently through to completion. If it doesn’t make you want to get up earlier or work later into the night to accomplish them, apparently, you don’t want it bad enough.

When you work on your dream, you’ll want to stay up later. You’ll want to be more productive on the weekends. You’ll want to turn down your friends for Sunday brunch. You’ll find it hard to focus on anything else. Your mind will become inundated with thoughts of success.

You’re on the right track. Your mind has become consumed with ideas and you become more aware of the time you have in your day.

Twenty-four hours won’t seem like enough time, but you will make it work. Every ounce of time you find within your day, you exhaust it. You are going to make it happen with the time you have been given.

Your environment will likely change to people who are more respectful of time. Everyone in your circle will be doing outside projects or side hustles. When you’re surrounded by people who are enthusiastic about their work, it rubs off on you.

Being in a productive environment helps you to stay on track and it allows you to become more creative.

Working towards your goals may seem hard, but after you start, the process becomes nearly effortless. You’ll lose those self-limiting beliefs as you grow. When you overcome challenges, you’ll learn from the past and know what to do the next time. Learning from the obstacles of the past allows you to make solid decisions and to move with more confidence in the future.

Excerpt from “Help! I’m Stuck: How To Increase Your Energy, Master Your Money And Control Your Time.”

Even At A Turtle’s Pace, You Can Still Make Progress

Even At A Turtle's Pace, You Can Still Make Progress

Everyone makes progress with their goals in their own time. We don’t achieve success together, not unless we’re on the same team. Developing the habit of progress is important to your goals.

It may take some people five years to write a book, while it may take others only three months. Time is always of the essence, but when it comes to making progress with our dreams, everyone is different.

A Turtle Still Makes Progress

A turtle is one of the slowest animals on earth. We could learn a lot from them about being persistent. Slow action is better than no action.

No matter how slow a turtle is, it always gets to it’s destination. It may not get there the same time as a dog, but nevertheless, it will get there.

A turtle probably doesn’t know it, but it has what we humans call persistence. No matter what happens, all it knows is to keep going (even in traffic).

It doesn’t matter how slow you think you’re going. The main point is that you don’t quit. Continue to make progress, even in the face of adversity.

Mistakes Are Proof Of Progress

Some of us stop ourselves before we even begin. We have a fear of making mistakes and having to deal with obstacles.

A mistake isn’t a hint that you should give up. A mistake is simply feedback. It will let you know what kind of adjustments that need to be made in order to improve what you’re doing.

Most people stop at mistakes. They think of it as a dead end. How else would you figure out how to do anything, without making mistakes?

A mistake will help you more than it will hurt you. It may seem painful in the beginning, but overall, it’s there to let you know that there’s a better way and you can make progress and create quality work.

Problems Promote Progress

Like mistakes, problems are there to help us towards a path of improvement. It’s hard to see it that way when your mindset is constantly set on ‘victim’ mode.

If you look at a problem as a challenge (because that’s what a problem really is), your mind will switch to finding solutions, as opposed to playing the victim.

When you play the victim, everything is everyone else’s fault. You take no responsibility for what happens and you complain to make it go away.

Problems won’t go away until you see them as challenges and become a solution-oriented person. Instead of accepting what happens, turn it around and create a strategy to overcome it. It may take time, but it’s still progress.

Follow Through

Be intentional by following through with your goals. The time will pass anyway, so you should go ahead and just start.

What if you would have started when you first thought about it? How far along would you be if you hadn’t procrastinated? Following through is a strategy that is often forgotten, once a mistake or ‘problem’ occurs.

Fast or slow, progress can be made as long as you continue to follow through. Whether it takes two years or two months, just keep moving forward. By putting it off, you’re making a promise that it’ll never happen.


What Side Of Judgment Are You On?

What Side Of Judgment Are You On?

Everyday, people battle with judgment. You are either judging and being critical of someone else, or you’re the one taking in the judgment, as if it’s the truth.

Both sides can be hard to deal with. If you are the person judging, more than likely, you have insecurities. Whatever you’re talking about concerning the other person, is something you need to look at yourself.

If you are the person receiving the criticism, you have to learn that it doesn’t matter what others think or say about you. Your self-esteem could be more solid, but you have to be confident within yourself.

What Judging Others Sound Like

Here are the thoughts of the person judging:

“Look at her. Who does she think she is? She thinks she’s prettier than everyone else. She’s just trying to get attention from anyone who will look.”

“Look at how he runs. He can’t even catch the ball and they threw it right to him! How did he make the team? He’s a bust – they should’ve never given him a chance.”

“She thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. Look at her, going to the library, showing off like she’s studying. It doesn’t take that much reading to pass the test!”

The Other Side Of Judgment

Here are the thoughts of the person being judged:

“I hope I’m doing the right thing. My parents think I’m making the wrong decision and I’ll fail. I’ll go ahead and do what they want me to do, so they’ll be happy.”

“My muscles aren’t big enough, compared to the other guys. They look at me every time I walk into the locker room, like I don’t belong there. Maybe I’ll just stop training altogether.”

“I haven’t received an acceptance letter from any of the colleges I applied for. Maybe they’re right – it doesn’t matter how much I study, I won’t get into a good school. I’ve been doing all of this hard work for nothing.”

Correct Yourself And Be More Productive

Placing judgment on others is a sneaky way to make you feel good about yourself. In reality, you’re only reflecting the way you feel about yourself, onto others. Instead of being insecure, figure out how you can improve upon what you don’t like about yourself.

Sometimes, it can even be a secret admiration that you have for that person, but it comes out as being critical. It’s okay to respect or give credit to others, because it gives you something to work towards and be proud of yourself.

Everyone has emotions and sometimes, we can let out emotions get the best of us. No one likes to have their feelings hurt, but at the same time, you must realize that you shouldn’t take everything personal.

Bending over backwards to make others happy, does not serve you. After a while, you’ll begin to see that no matter what you do to please other people, they will never be satisfied.

Do things for yourself and make yourself happy. Don’t worry about what he thinks or if she’ll agree with it. Do what you do and move on with your life.

Often times, we waste so much of ourselves by taking in what others say about us. It’s tiring, living up to someone else’s expectations. Trying to fit in never works, because everyone is unique. You are meant to be you.

Do You

Both examples are holding you back. Your thoughts are very important when it comes to shaping your future. Either way, you could use your power to develop your best self.

Have the courage to admit if you are one of these people. It might make you feel a certain way, but the good thing is, you can fix it.

Life is too short to be living someone else’s false dream of what you should be. Being critical of others only takes away the time and energy you could use to work on yourself.

The next time you find yourself about to judge someone else, or giving in to someone else’s thoughts of you, don’t. Think about it and redirect your efforts towards helping yourself and being more productive with your own life.


Even When You’re Down, You Can Always Look Up

Even When You're Down, You Can Always Look Up

It’s hard to look up and be optimistic when things aren’t going your way. Unexpected situations can derail your plans and send you into a whirl wind of negative thinking.

Even when you experience difficulties in life, you still have options. They may not be the kind of options you like, but the choice is still there and it’s up to you to decide.

What Did I Do To Deserve This?

When it rains, it pours. It’s like you’re unable to stop things from happening. Nothing seems to be going in your favor.

It’s easy to get depressed and fall into a negative spiral. Why should you be happy if there’s nothing to be happy about? You begin to think it won’t change anything that’s going on, so down the rabbit hole of darkness, you go.

You’re comfortable with letting your adversity win. There’s no energy left in you to fight, so you stay down and hope that it will hurt a little less.

You can stay down. Then again, you can also get up.

The Choice Is Yours – Look Up

Yes – you have the choice to get up. Actually, when you’re down, there’s no other direction you can go, but up.

You can wallow in disbelief, or you can believe in yourself. You can remain stuck, or you can move. You can think of all the ways it won’t work, or you can think of the infinite possibilities.

There’s never an end. Most of the time, we just choose to stop and give up. If there’s no one there to pull you out or motivate you, you feel like it’s the end of the road.

But, it’s not the end. You always have options. They may not be to your liking, but there’s always something you can do.

Besides – no one is coming to save you.

Keep Your Head Up

Sometimes, it can get worse before it gets better, but that’s no reason to lie down and accept it. Take a deep breath, gather your strength, and figure it out.

Unfortunate situations happen to all of us. When you see others who seem to have it all together, they’re either faking it or they’ve gathered the power to move on.

The main thing to remember is that you’re not the only one. There’s always someone who has it worse than you – that’s nothing to brag about, but it should allow you to feel and be a bit more grateful.

Make the decision to look up and move. Know that you still have a choice, even in the most unlucky circumstances. We tend to forget that the privilege of choice is still there.

Things Will Get Better

Some people just don’t believe they can improve their lives. They think that others are born with a better advantage or luckier, therefore, things turn out in their favor.

Successful people are lucky, but it’s only because they decided to look up and keep going, even in the face of disaster. When you look up, find the light and make your way to it. Understand that you have the ability to turn things around.

So stop beating yourself up, stop lying down and taking it and stop thinking it’ll never get better. The only way you can pull yourself out of that hole is if you decide to.

Don’t wait on someone else to do it – do it yourself, for yourself.


How To Achieve Big Dreams With Small Steps

How To Achieve Big Dreams With Small Steps

Having goals and dreams are an important part of success. How would you know where to go or what to do without some sort of plan in place?

Having a strategy will give you direction, but what else do you need? When we’re asked what our dreams and goals are, we normally respond with our hopes and wishes. That’s great, but that won’t be enough to get you there.

“What Are Your Dreams And Goals?”

“I hope I can make lots of money! I hope I can work for a top 10 company!” This is how we look at our goals. We know the results we want, but we don’t think about the details and how we’re going to get there.

Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but the most important thing is how will you make it happen? Exactly, what do you need to do? Do you need to go to school for training? Are you able to work as an apprentice? Could you read a couple of books and get started right away?

Seeing the big picture is the blueprint of your goals. The other aspect you must focus on are the details.

Details Create Results

Everyone wants a chocolate cake, but no one wants to go through the process of making it. Sometimes, it’s enough to make some people not want it at all.

If you want your dream bad enough, you’ll work through the small details. Hoping and wishing will not get you the results you’re looking for. Yes, it’s important to have faith and believe in yourself, but you must back that up with action and the action is in the details.

Don’t be afraid to tackle the process – it’ll be well worth your time and effort. Being lazy about it won’t bring it to life.

The details are what make your dreams come true. It doesn’t happen overnight – you have to continue to move forward, even in the face of adversity.

Obstacles And Challenges

Working through the process also comes with hurdles that you must solve and get over.

Obstacles and challenges can occur at any moment. Remember, this is not permission to stop, but to figure it out, become smarter and move on. These inconvenient mishaps are what teaches you lessons and make you stronger.

Also, you will make mistakes. No one has ever achieved their goals without getting things wrong. Making a mistake simply gives you feedback and allows you to create a better way of going about your strategy.

Dreams Aren’t Easy

People on social media make achieving their dreams look so easy and stress-free. No one posts about their failures and setbacks. All you get to see is the pretty side of success.

We know the end result of what we want, but let’s not forget to do the hard part and fill in the details. The details are where you actually build your dreams.

No, it’s not easy and you won’t get it all done today. What you can do is start today by being productive and intentional by working on your plan. Write down the little things you need to do on a daily basis to see the big picture.

The results are the byproduct of your journey. If you concentrate on the details while keeping the dream in mind, you will accomplish what you set out to do and possibly more.


Growth Happens, But Only With Change

Growth Happens, But Only With Change

There’s a strong chance that you won’t grow into your true self, without experiencing change. Change is the only constant in this world. If you can force yourself to be uncomfortable for a period of time, you will reward yourself with growth.

Most people want to level up in life and live like they dream. It’s very possible, but first, you have to get past your fear and be okay with taking uncomfortable action. It’s the only way.

Being Uncomfortable Promotes Growth

We all like the idea of knowing what’s going to happen next. Even though some of us don’t make daily plans, we find comfort in doing the same thing day in and day out.

What happens when something rocks your routine? When you’re not used to things going a certain way, panic or anxiety may set in. Fear comes in and you don’t automatically know what to do.

This is normal, but at the same time, be solution-oriented. Don’t focus on the issue, but find an answer. It may not be the right answer, but you’ll figure it out along the way.

Being uncomfortable should promote growth, not stress. Allow yourself to be excited when something different occurs. This is how you grow into your greatness.

Rituals Are Good, But So Is Change

Doing the same thing over and over does have it’s benefits. You know what you’re doing and you do it efficiently. On the other hand, you can become complacent when you know what to expect.

When you know the outcome of everything that you’re doing, it can be easy on your mind. It’s not challenging. The only way you can challenge yourself is to do something different, or let things unfold without your effort.

Surprise yourself every now and then. Be spontaneous and see where it leads you. You don’t necessarily have to let things happen, but change up your exercises or your route to work. Test your body and your mind’s potential.

Growth Builds Confidence

People lack confidence because they are afraid to fail. Receiving negative feedback when you are in the process of learning (because that’s what failure is) can ruin your self-esteem.

Know that others will laugh at your efforts and even make rude, critical comments. It’s going to happen, so let’s get past that part. You are responsible for your mindset and your choices and they are responsible for theirs.

When you walk into the unknown, it’s scary. The only way you can build confidence is by facing the challenge. If it doesn’t work out the first time, make adjustments and do it until you get it right.

You will find your courage and grow, simultaneously.

You Are Very Capable

Stretching yourself to the best of your ability is where growth lies. There’s nothing to be afraid of when you experience something out of the norm.

Don’t be afraid to confront that obstacle. You may not know what to do immediately, but if you look at it from a different perspective and figure it out, you will increase your courage and your thinking skills.

Create and embrace change in your life. You can live beyond your wildest dreams, but you must be open to accepting change. Growth takes courage. Take advantage of change when it happens.
