Are You A Procrastinator Or A Producer?


Procrastination shows up in every aspect of our lives. Most of the time, when we think about doing something, the first reaction we have is to put it aside and do it later.

Life waits for no one. Living with regrets when you’re older is just as bad as arthritis or any other physical pain. Make the early choice to attempt new things right away and avoid procrastination.

Procrastination At It’s Best

Procrastination feels productive. In your mind, you have a great idea, but you just don’t have the time to do it. You’re not actually busy with solid work, you’re just busy doing ‘things’.

The first place procrastination starts is in your thoughts. After a while, it becomes a bad habit – you put everything off until the very last minute because you’re too ‘busy’.

Before you know it, two years have passed by and that great idea is still sitting in your head. Thinking back, there were plenty of times you could’ve started working on it, but you conveniently chose to put it off.

Learn To Be Productive

Productivity kills procrastination. Every chance you get and every idea you come up with, you should do something towards it to be productive.

Being a producer sounds harder than it really is – that’s because you’re not used to taking action with your ideas. The only way you will overcome procrastinating is by simply starting.

There is a such thing as being busy, but not being productive. Sometimes, we get caught up in the little work, as opposed to getting the bigger things done. We put more effort into looking like we’re busy, instead of doing the things that actually move the needle.

Yes, the little things need to get done, but don’t forget to make time for the other things that push you forward in a big way. Once you become established, you can pay someone to do the background tasks, while you focus on the bigger tasks.

How Can I Avoid Procrastination?

As mentioned, the best way to avoid procrastinating is by starting.

When you have an idea, your first instinct is to do it later. We all know that later never comes, but it sounds good, because we have good intentions.

No matter how you start, just start. Don’t overthink it – even if it is as simple as writing the idea down, do it. There’s power in writing your thoughts down on paper.

As long as you’re taking some type of action and getting it out of your head, you’re on the way to being more productive. Get in the routine of doing something towards your ideas, whether it’s making a phone call or going to buy what you need to make it happen.

It’s All About Taking Action

Letting your thoughts talk you out of taking action is part of your procrastination challenge. All it takes is discipline and a plan to rid yourself of the ugly habit of putting things off.

Remember to do just do something that relates to your idea. Even if it’s taking a walk to think through it and then writing down your thoughts afterwards. Things become easier once you get them going.

Going from being a procrastinator to a producer is a process. If you can do something active right after your thoughts, you’ll become better at it each time.

Develop the habit of being productive. The more you go out and do, the less regret you’ll live with as you become older. Do it now, so you won’t regret it later.
