Growth Happens, But Only With Change

Growth Happens, But Only With Change

There’s a strong chance that you won’t grow into your true self, without experiencing change. Change is the only constant in this world. If you can force yourself to be uncomfortable for a period of time, you will reward yourself with growth.

Most people want to level up in life and live like they dream. It’s very possible, but first, you have to get past your fear and be okay with taking uncomfortable action. It’s the only way.

Being Uncomfortable Promotes Growth

We all like the idea of knowing what’s going to happen next. Even though some of us don’t make daily plans, we find comfort in doing the same thing day in and day out.

What happens when something rocks your routine? When you’re not used to things going a certain way, panic or anxiety may set in. Fear comes in and you don’t automatically know what to do.

This is normal, but at the same time, be solution-oriented. Don’t focus on the issue, but find an answer. It may not be the right answer, but you’ll figure it out along the way.

Being uncomfortable should promote growth, not stress. Allow yourself to be excited when something different occurs. This is how you grow into your greatness.

Rituals Are Good, But So Is Change

Doing the same thing over and over does have it’s benefits. You know what you’re doing and you do it efficiently. On the other hand, you can become complacent when you know what to expect.

When you know the outcome of everything that you’re doing, it can be easy on your mind. It’s not challenging. The only way you can challenge yourself is to do something different, or let things unfold without your effort.

Surprise yourself every now and then. Be spontaneous and see where it leads you. You don’t necessarily have to let things happen, but change up your exercises or your route to work. Test your body and your mind’s potential.

Growth Builds Confidence

People lack confidence because they are afraid to fail. Receiving negative feedback when you are in the process of learning (because that’s what failure is) can ruin your self-esteem.

Know that others will laugh at your efforts and even make rude, critical comments. It’s going to happen, so let’s get past that part. You are responsible for your mindset and your choices and they are responsible for theirs.

When you walk into the unknown, it’s scary. The only way you can build confidence is by facing the challenge. If it doesn’t work out the first time, make adjustments and do it until you get it right.

You will find your courage and grow, simultaneously.

You Are Very Capable

Stretching yourself to the best of your ability is where growth lies. There’s nothing to be afraid of when you experience something out of the norm.

Don’t be afraid to confront that obstacle. You may not know what to do immediately, but if you look at it from a different perspective and figure it out, you will increase your courage and your thinking skills.

Create and embrace change in your life. You can live beyond your wildest dreams, but you must be open to accepting change. Growth takes courage. Take advantage of change when it happens.
