Even When You’re Down, You Can Always Look Up

Even When You're Down, You Can Always Look Up

It’s hard to look up and be optimistic when things aren’t going your way. Unexpected situations can derail your plans and send you into a whirl wind of negative thinking.

Even when you experience difficulties in life, you still have options. They may not be the kind of options you like, but the choice is still there and it’s up to you to decide.

What Did I Do To Deserve This?

When it rains, it pours. It’s like you’re unable to stop things from happening. Nothing seems to be going in your favor.

It’s easy to get depressed and fall into a negative spiral. Why should you be happy if there’s nothing to be happy about? You begin to think it won’t change anything that’s going on, so down the rabbit hole of darkness, you go.

You’re comfortable with letting your adversity win. There’s no energy left in you to fight, so you stay down and hope that it will hurt a little less.

You can stay down. Then again, you can also get up.

The Choice Is Yours – Look Up

Yes – you have the choice to get up. Actually, when you’re down, there’s no other direction you can go, but up.

You can wallow in disbelief, or you can believe in yourself. You can remain stuck, or you can move. You can think of all the ways it won’t work, or you can think of the infinite possibilities.

There’s never an end. Most of the time, we just choose to stop and give up. If there’s no one there to pull you out or motivate you, you feel like it’s the end of the road.

But, it’s not the end. You always have options. They may not be to your liking, but there’s always something you can do.

Besides – no one is coming to save you.

Keep Your Head Up

Sometimes, it can get worse before it gets better, but that’s no reason to lie down and accept it. Take a deep breath, gather your strength, and figure it out.

Unfortunate situations happen to all of us. When you see others who seem to have it all together, they’re either faking it or they’ve gathered the power to move on.

The main thing to remember is that you’re not the only one. There’s always someone who has it worse than you – that’s nothing to brag about, but it should allow you to feel and be a bit more grateful.

Make the decision to look up and move. Know that you still have a choice, even in the most unlucky circumstances. We tend to forget that the privilege of choice is still there.

Things Will Get Better

Some people just don’t believe they can improve their lives. They think that others are born with a better advantage or luckier, therefore, things turn out in their favor.

Successful people are lucky, but it’s only because they decided to look up and keep going, even in the face of disaster. When you look up, find the light and make your way to it. Understand that you have the ability to turn things around.

So stop beating yourself up, stop lying down and taking it and stop thinking it’ll never get better. The only way you can pull yourself out of that hole is if you decide to.

Don’t wait on someone else to do it – do it yourself, for yourself.
