Inner strength is something that you can not find from anywhere else – it’s inside of you. This means that no one can give it to you or offer it at your convenience.
You feel like you can take on the world when someone encourages you and that’s a great feeling. What happens when there is no one there to give you that motivation? Do you wait for it before you move on or do you somehow create it yourself and go about your day?
Your Emotional Attachment To Opinions
Most people allow the opinion of others to dictate how their day goes. If someone gives you a compliment on your shirt, you’re in a pleasant mood. If someone rudely interrupts your conversation, you’re annoyed and it ruins the rest of your week.
Throughout life, everyone isn’t going to “like your shirt”. It’s nice that you were given a word of kindness, but does it throw you off when you receive the opposite?
Allowing your emotions to be attached to someone else’s opinion is one of the easiest ways to lose yourself. You’ll find yourself always trying to please others and living for what they say about you. You don’t have control over what someone says or thinks about you, but you do have control over how you respond to it.
There are people in the world who live to bring others down. They get their excitement from watching you crumble under their words. Don’t be an easy target – if you know they say certain things to spark a reaction, as simple as it sounds, just don’t react.
No one controls your emotions but you. You have a goal to conquer, so don’t let a little negative comment or action disrupt what you’re doing. It’s all a distraction to keep you down – know that you have the inner strength to ignore it and move on.
Waiting For Permission
Another way you give away your power is by waiting for permission. Growing up, it was the thing to do – you raise your hand to ask to go to the restroom or you ask your mom to go outside and play. Permission has it’s place for certain things, but it shouldn’t become a habit when it comes to your vision.
As an adult, you shouldn’t ask or wait for permission to follow your dream. No one in this world has the blueprint to the perfect life. If you ask, people will mostly give you a negative point of view or a million reasons why it wont’ work. Again, their opinion keeps you from accomplishing your goal.
Create a life where you are in control. Waiting for someone to agree with your idea is a waste of time. If you know what you want to do, do it. If it goes wrong, you learn from it and keep going – time waits for no one.
When others say, “Don’t do that, it’ll ruin your life…” your inner strength says, “Let’s do it and see what happens – you’ll figure it out along the way.” Looking for approval from others never works in your favor.
Imagine what you could do if you followed your own power.
Your Inner Strength Is Already There
Your inner strength is tested everyday. You already have it, you just need to activate it for yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to flip your switch on – you are the source.
Motivation is nice, but it’s best to be your own motivation. You can look to others for inspiration, but at some point, you have to take the reins and inspire yourself. Encouragement feels good, but you can talk to yourself better than anyone else can.
You’d be surprised at how often you give away your emotional energy to others on a daily basis. Find the power to walk your own path. Your inner strength is there – don’t be afraid to use it.