What’s The Excuse That’s Been Holding You Back?

What's The Excuse That's Been Holding You Back?

Everyday, it’s a different excuse. You’re having a bad hair day, the dog got away or the storm knocked out the internet. Therefore, you won’t take action.

These may be valid reasons as to why you won’t do anything, but in reality, they’re not reasons, they’re excuses.

We can think of many reasons not to do anything productive. Deeper than that, we’ll allow it to make sense, so we won’t feel guilty about not following through. How can we do better?

Time Is Not An Excuse

One of the biggest excuses is not having enough time. We tell ourselves that millionaires are millionaires, because they have all the time in the world. “If I had that kind of time, I’d be rich, too,” we say.

Millionaires may be rich, but with the exception of those who were born rich, what were they doing with their time, prior to being rich? Were they sitting around, talking about why rich people are rich?

This is the part that no one talks about – the late nights and early mornings, making ends meet, putting in time with the kids, keeping up with awkward schedules, etc. For the most part, they were working towards their goals and they never gave up. You’ve heard stories of people who work on their side business for 4 hours, after they came home from working 2 jobs. There’s discipline in that type of work ethic and it pays off.

Remember when you never had the time? Well, it’s up to you to bend it to your benefit and leverage it as much as possible. It’s all the same 24 hours, so if you want it to work out, you have to make it work for you.

Our minds tend to keep us on a schedule of daily habits. If you want to have a chance at reaching your goal, enhance your routine. Stretch, adjust or eliminate the details in your daily pattern. Disrupt your autopilot habits and become more aware of the goal you’re trying to achieve.

You could shorten your time watching television and replace it with creating a plan. Maybe you could research while you eat dinner. Or, you could listen to a podcast while taking a shower.

There are many ways you can make more time – it just takes a little altering to make it work towards your advantage.

It’s Not In Your Control

Everything that happens in life is not controlled by you. If you can accept that simple fact, you’ll save yourself a lot of stress.

Some of us get upset when life happens – we become emotional and start having negative thoughts. Like a child, we have a tantrum and we let it stop us from doing what we planned to do.

Yes, this presents a challenge, but at the same time, you have the ability to think your way through it. There may be a change of plans that have to take place, but it can be done.

Some of the things we tell ourselves is, “It is what it is…” or “I’m not about to do that, just so I can do this…” We make up these ridiculous excuses to justify our laziness. Now, you’ve allowed the situation to hijack your progress.

It’s difficult to get up after being knocked down. It becomes comfortable to stay there, because it’s easier than getting knocked down again. Why even try? Get rid of this excuse – it only puts you on a path to nowhere.

Don’t let the things you’re unable to control, have control over you. Have a ‘can-do’ attitude when things happen unexpectedly. These are the small battles that need to be won, so that you can move closer to your results. It’s not the end, there’s just another way to do it.

How Do You Want This To End?

The easy part of this, is that you get to make the decision on the outcome you want to see. The hard part is, you must consistently get up and take action, if you want to get there.

If you were in a physical fight, it’s natural to defend yourself and fight back, because you want to win. You’re doing your best to prevent yourself from being hurt. It’s the same with accomplishing your goals. When an obstacle hits you, don’t just lay down and take it – get up and take another swing.

Use your mind in the right way. That involves thinking positive thoughts and creating a growth environment for yourself. Instead of lingering on the problem (challenge) at hand, linger on finding a solution. How you respond to a challenge determines if you’ll be successful or not.

Don’t make a convenient excuse – overcome them. Whether you create them or life creates them, don’t let them get in your way. You are more than capable of changing your direction in order to make it happen and win.


Control And Preparation: The Conversation No One Wants To Have

Control And Preparation

It hurts. The world, as we know it, has come to a screeching halt. In times like these, what exactly do you do?

In the middle of the storm, all you can do is your best and prepare for the next time. You know what you’re up against, so start creating that blueprint for times like these, now. Don’t become so submerged in this stage, that you’re unable to think ahead (because it will happen again).

Between losing jobs, being isolated with the little ones and washing your hands, it can be overwhelming. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Positively speaking, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but you must prepare for it. Now is the time to work towards the next 8 to 12 years, when this happens again. Put yourself in a position to be better off than you are at this moment.


One of the first things you need to realize is that you have control over your own mind. You can easily get swept away emotionally by turning on the television or scrolling through social media. Listening to them, the world ended a week ago.

This is where the rubber hits the road. All of those motivational posts, blogs and podcasts you’ve been reading and listening to should come in handy here.

You may not control what happens, but you can surely control how you respond.

We can sit here and talk about how things aren’t fair and why did this happen and how wrong it was, but that does nothing. You are not a victim, so stop claiming it with your thoughts. It just puts you in a competition of who can win at being the most negative and depressed.

Instead, train your mind to find solutions. Don’t talk about the obstacle, talk about the answer. Even if it doesn’t work, you can always figure out another way. It’s definitely better than sitting on the sidelines, blaming and complaining.

When you make the attempt to do better by seeking solutions, you are going in the right direction. By turning on your light, you’ll start seeing opportunities that are disguised as obstacles. All you have to do is keep moving forward and aiming for the right results.

It may not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility. You can either continue to wait for help, or pick yourself up and move on. You can decide to wallow in tragedy, or put one foot in front of the other and make your way out.

Remember: it’s not a problem – it’s a challenge.

“I feel like everything is working against me – I feel like everyone else has a better life than me – I feel like I don’t know….” At some point, you must put your feelings aside. Don’t let hard times make you second guess your ability and confidence. They’re both still there, they’re just being put to the test.

Feel your feelings, but don’t feel them for too long. Give yourself time to work through your emotions and then pick up and go. The mistake that some people make is living in that unfortunate moment. It may even catch you off guard after you’ve moved on, but don’t stay there. Get it over with (feel it) and then, get over it (what’s next?).


The #coronavirus is hitting the economy from all ends – from big companies, all the way down to the small businesses. Schools have been shut down and leisure time has been significantly limited. It seems like we’re possibly entering into a new normal.

It may sound shallow, but money can solve a lot of challenges. At this time, there are people whose jobs are slowing down into nothing. Some people have already been fired or laid off. Either way, there’s no income to pay for the cost of living.

This is the worst, because the world runs on money. We depend on money to make a living for ourselves. When it disappears without a warning, what do you do? If you aren’t prepared, all you can do is your best at this time.

Once everything starts looking up and you’re able to gain ground, start saving for times like these. This is what you’ve been putting your money aside for – this is what a rainy day looks like.

Living paycheck to paycheck won’t do. Even if the government decides to step in, they won’t move fast enough or provide enough. Somehow, you must save, invest or develop multiple streams of income in order to save yourself in times like these.

When your back is against the wall, you do what you have to do. It’s not a good position to be in, because you don’t have options. Money gives you options and peace of mind, while you’re figuring out your next step. It’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about while transitioning from rock bottom.

Build your fort in times of peace, not war. Trying to put together all of your necessities in the middle of the crisis is too late. During peace, prepare for the unexpected – money isn’t the ultimate savior, but it can take care of a lot of things. It may not save you from getting crushed, but it’ll certainly soften the blow.


Your health is undoubtedly important. Without it, you couldn’t live up to your potential or participate in the world the way you want to.

Why not give yourself the best chance to avoid illness, no matter how big or small it is? Being healthy is one of those things that proves itself within the moment.

When something alarming happens outside, are you prepared to run for your life? When your child wants to play tag, can you keep up? Physical activity promotes a strong body, inside and out. All it takes is a little time and consistent effort.

What about eating the right foods? Do you feel tired after you eat? Does your body have a heavy feeling? The types of food you eat can have an affect on your health, as well.

Staying on the positive side of health is a lifelong practice. You may not feel or see the results instantly, but when that unexpected time comes and you have to perform, you’ll notice. Put yourself in a position to be physically stable at all times, regardless of what happens.

Your body is a magnificent machine. Give yourself a better chance at winning the health battle. Even when you’re not thinking about it, your body is steadily working to fight against illness, disease and other things.

People have overcome the odds when it comes to health scares. You may not have control over what you inherited health-wise, but you can manage as much as you can with a good, daily diet and exercise habits.

Stay Ready

This, too, shall pass. It is a stressful time, but don’t make it worse by crying and worrying – you’ve done enough of that already. It’s not working in your favor, anyway. You still possess the power to get up and be proactive.

Everyone has encountered that bump in the road. Some have stayed there and others have gotten over it. Would you rather become stagnant and live in the dark while the world moves on, or would you rather rise to your potential and create a better situation to take on the worst case scenario?

This information may not be of use to you right now, but it will definitely be useful if you put it into action, in anticipation of the next, ‘world-changing’ event. No one is coming to save you. Start now – the next time something like this happens, you’ll be ready and more prepared to stick it out.


You Win Everyday And You Don’t Even Know It

You Win Everyday And You Don't Even Know It

It’s the ultimate goal – everyone wants to win. Sometimes, we neglect the small wins, but those are the ones that move us towards the big wins.

When you don’t notice the little wins, you end up looking to others for confirmation of your worthiness and you lose your way. You become the victim and you want others to tell you that you’re great or acceptable.

You’ve been winning, but you’ve been listening to other people for so long, you don’t see it. Everyone’s wins aren’t the same. Everyday, we slay different dragons to the best of our ability – those are the small wins that we overlook.

Win In Your Mind

The very first rule of winning is don’t give power to what others think or say. This is the easiest way to throw you off of your path and waste valuable time.

The only thing that matters is what you think and how you move. Keep your mind focused on what you’re doing and not on what Sue says about your makeup – that’s not important. Your goals are way more significant than her simple opinion about how you looked today.

Be concerned with how you’re going to make today better than yesterday. People’s judgments are based on their insecurities. They want to shame you, to hide what they think of themselves, so it’s never really about you. Don’t let that doubt bring down your energy.

Fight that negative chatter in your head – it probably came from someone who said something senseless about you and you allowed it to linger. For every negative thought you have, replace it with a positive one.

Someone else’s careless opinions are never more important than what you already know. Have the courage to trust yourself.

A Win Is A Win

Big or small, a win is a win. Recognize the small wins, just like you recognize the big wins. Whether you find a dollar walking down the street, or you hit the lottery for $1,000, a win is a win.

We tend to give the big wins more attention than the small ones. The small wins are what carry us to the big wins. The details are what creates the big picture. If you’re unable to succeed on a small level, it won’t propel you to succeed on a bigger level.

Did the vending machine give you extra chips? That’s a win! Were you able to navigate a four way stop safely? That’s a win! Did a stranger smile at you today? That’s a win!

Why are those little things considered a win? These are wins, because if the vending machine took your money, you would be angry. If you were in an accident at that four way stop, it would ruin your day. A stranger being impolite to you would bother you mentally and destroy your focus.

Find the benefit in those small gains. They occur all the time – you just have to recognize them. It makes your day a little more positive and easier to handle.

What Makes A Winner?

Coming out on the other side of that challenge is what makes you a winner. You could have easily ignored it, or allowed it to become an opportunity for someone else. Instead, you chose to face it and work through it.

When other people are involved, it’s not important if you win first place or third place – you got farther than those who didn’t try at all. Even if it’s fifth place, be proud of the fact that you accomplished what you set out to do. Many people quit before they even start. A winner makes adjustments, while continuing to move forward.

Find your confidence and be your best. There’s always going to be someone with more advantages than you. If you are better than you were before, that’s all that counts. That’s a win!

Stop letting yourself be defined by what others say about you – that’s for losers. Don’t fall into the trap of living up to someone else’s standards of you. You win when you please yourself.

When you win on the inside, you can win on the outside. Start from within and have the courage to make those small wins count. If it helps, write it down and keep your own score card on how well you do throughout the day. When you achieve the little things, it gives you the drive to excel to bigger things.

Bet on yourself, move forward and be the winner that you already are!


How Discipline Outweighs Instant Gratification

How Discipline Outweighs Instant Gratification

Discipline is a word that successful people are comfortable with, but for others, it’s a Debbie Downer. Having self-discipline allows you to stay ten steps ahead of those future obstacles and challenges.

It takes discipline to achieve any goal, whether you’re a toddler learning to walk, or an adult getting in shape. It may sound repetitive and boring, but that’s where your achievement lives and if you want it bad enough, you’ll use discipline to get you there.

Instant Gratification

The opposite of being disciplined is indulging in instant gratification. Instant gratification is nothing more than doing what feels good in the moment.

Eating cake feels good in the moment, but if you have too many of those moments, you’ll gain weight, among other things. Once you start noticing the outcome, it’s not so gratifying anymore.

We all want to feel good in every moment, but a lot of times, it doesn’t turn out good in the end. Too much of anything isn’t good for you, so you have to be mindful and consider what’s more beneficial in the long run – eating cake all day and feeling crummy, or replacing it with an apple and feeling vibrant?

Yes, it sounds like a buzz kill, but when you experience the results that you thought were impossible, it feels awesome! Discipline turns some people off because they can’t see an immediate change, but all you need is a strong focus and determination to reach your desired outcome.

The person who decides to save a dollar a day, will benefit more financially down the road, than the one who decides to spend a dollar day. Not only will they be in a better financial position in the future, they will also have developed a mindset of discipline.

Discipline Is A Major Advantage

When your friends want to go out and have a good time every Friday and Saturday night, that’s instant gratification. When you make the choice to stay home and work on your side business, that’s discipline.

Who doesn’t want to have a good time on the weekends? You deserve it, right? Who wants to stay in the house, working on their future all the time?

Spending most of your paycheck as soon as you get it is not the move. It feels good over the weekend, but when Monday comes, you’re back to where you started. Having discipline will take care of that ‘back to rock bottom’ feeling.

Discipline is not sexy. It’s not the fun or hip thing to do. As boring as it seems, it’s the best tool you can use to prepare for the best results of any goal in mind.

Drinking water everyday, or putting money aside for unexpected emergencies can be hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Drinking water for two weeks will show the glow in your skin and the energy in your step. Having money saved for those little emergencies won’t blow your bank account back to zero. Being disciplined is a major advantage.

Discipline Gives The Best Rewards

If you’re not used to making small sacrifices in order to meet your achievements, take it one step at a time. The most important thing to do is start.

You don’t have to save $500 every week – start with $10. You don’t have to start doing cardio an hour a day – start with 10 minutes and build. That’s how you develop discipline and eventually, dominate life.

Discipline gives you the best rewards. No one can be their best without practicing some form of self-control. We all want to live our lives on a beach, not worrying about money or going to a job we hate every morning. In order to do what you want to do, you must do what you have to do. It’s going to take time and a strong, consistent effort, but that’s discipline.

When you master self-discipline, you grant yourself more options and opportunities. Take hold of your future by building your discipline, today.


Turn Your Panic Into A Plan

Turn Your Panic Into A Plan

Some things can be an inconvenience, like an unexpected bill or a flat tire. You might complain, get over it and you move on. Every once in a while, we come across a global inconvenience that puts the world on the edge of panic. We know what’s going on, but it feels weird because we don’t know exactly how to react or respond.

With the coronavirus, or COVID-19, its not that easy – we can’t be angry, complain, make a payment and go on with our lives. What started out as a distraction in another land, has turned into a disruption in our own homes.

When Panic Sets In

When we’re not familiar with an obstacle, our first reaction is to panic. There’s no plan, we’ve never seen it happen before and we have no idea where things are going.

We simply panic because we don’t know what to do. When everyone around you is just as afraid as you are, it causes confusion and anxiety. People begin to make up false information and conspiracies. Like the coronavirus, panic is contagious and spreads easily.

You see it when you go grocery shopping and everyone is filling their carts with tons of items and when you turn on the news and it’s plastered all over the television. It’s hard to ignore, so most of us join in, because if everyone else is panicking, something must really be wrong and we don’t want to be the oddball.

That’s how panic works. We see other people stockpiling groceries, so we do it too because we don’t want to be left without. The news keeps spewing statistics that may be close to true, so we allow it to put a halt on our daily lives.

When panic sets in, it causes us to not think for ourselves. We go with the crowd and panic along with them. Yes, the situation needs to be handled, but inviting panic into the equation doesn’t help you or the people around you.

Have A Panic Plan

How can you plan for the impossible? Is there a way to manage your life when life-altering events occur?

When things happen that you aren’t used to, remain calm and think. There’s no need for you to join the panic club and spazz out with everyone else.

Things may be different now – you may have to work from home, practice social distancing or quarantine yourself. These are actions that we’re not used to doing on a regular basis. It can be a scary time, but you still have control over how you respond in these types of situations.

Keep some sort of routine. Things are being done differently now, but that doesn’t mean to stop living your life. You still have goals to reach and obstacles to overcome. New challenges may present themselves during this time, but you want to practice being productive, as opposed to sitting in fear.

Even if you should become ill, you don’t want to just sit there, panic and be sick. You want to do what’s necessary to become healthy again. Taking charge and being worry-free is the first step.

Even though things are changing, stay consistent with your underlying goals. Don’t start making excuses, just because the virus is here. Keep practicing your public speaking, keep up with your diet, keep working on your business, etc. Whatever habits you had before, keep doing them and improving.

One of the most important keys to success is how well you can adapt to change.

Stay In Control

Although things are changing around us, we still have power over our productivity. There may be a global pandemic going on around us, but before you panic along with everyone else, think it through and see what you’re able to do.

Watch just enough news to get information and do your own research – when you have the knowledge, you can plan and respond, accordingly. Don’t watch it all day and allow it to feed your fear of what’s going on. That’s when it becomes worthless and you become paralyzed with panic.

Use your energy to focus on becoming well or doing something worthwhile. Keep or create your routine. Maintaining a sense of normalcy will save time and stress.

When you don’t know what to do, it’s best to do what you know. Don’t sit and panic – keep up your habits and continue moving forward, doing the best you can do.


Finding The Experience Within The Obstacle

Finding The Experience Within The Obstacle

Life is full of situations that go wrong, or at least, that’s the way we see it. Actually, these experiences show us who we are and what we’re made of.

You break up with a significant other, you get into a car accident, you’re 2 credits short of graduating, your shoe got caught in the vent – it goes on and on. How do you handle these moments?

Failing Is An Experience

Most of the time, things don’t go right the first time around. When that happens, is it a hint to just stop?

Most people will take it as a hint from the universe that they should give up. Failure isn’t bad, it’s just another way of saying something isn’t working. It’s an experience to learn from and do better. Taking action shouldn’t stop if you fail.

Get past what you were taught about failing – it’s not the end, it’s a suggestion. Don’t worry about others laughing at you or waiting for you to fall flat on your face. They won’t be laughing when they see your success, but you must keep failing until you get it right.

Failure simply means: this didn’t work, so try something else. Eventually, you’ll hit the nail on the head, but only if you stay focused and involved.

When Disaster Strikes

Life has a way of letting us know who’s in charge. Everything could be going well and then, something totally out of the ordinary happens.

When disaster strikes, there’s no doubt that it hurts in some way. It’s not what you expected, it happened at a bad time or, it puts your life on hold. If you’re unable to handle it immediately, you may have to take some time to work towards a solution.

Most people will play victim in these types of situations, because they are too lazy or they just don’t want to face it and deal with it. They will blame it on something or someone else and complain about the circumstances. It’s an easy way out.

While it may be true that you didn’t deserve what happened, it prepares you to conquer challenges on a greater level. It may not be what you’re used to, but if you’re determined, you’ll come out in a better position than you were before.

Save Yourself

When we have these experiences, we look to others for some sort of help or relief. That may not always be convenient, so you’re going to have to learn to save yourself.

The experiences that happen to you, are for you to learn from – it is unique to your life. What you learn from misfortune will help you in the long run, as long as you choose to cope with it constructively.

For example, what happens if you’re short on money? Most people ask for help. When you ask someone for help, they don’t have it (or pretend they don’t have it). The only option you have left, is to save yourself. Will you sink or swim? Put yourself in a position to be independent, as much as possible.

This is why it’s important to stay 10 steps ahead. If you’re short on money, maybe you should create a budget, get a second job or start your own side business. Do something with that negative experience and turn it into a teachable moment and thrive. Master the art of independence, so you won’t have to constantly be disappointed by depending on others.

Embrace The Experience

As bad as it seems, it won’t last forever. Don’t become a victim of your own life. You’re living the blueprint. Learn the lesson, be persistent and move forward with confidence.

There will be all kinds of experiences throughout life, but it encourages your personal growth. It’s not to tear you down – it’s to help develop your character and work towards your potential.

Whenever you catch yourself in a bad situation, ask, “What can I learn from this?” It’s not an easy thing to do while you’re going through it, but it will prepare you for any future challenge that may come your way.


Happiness Is Your Responsibility, Not The World’s

Happiness Is Your Choice, Not the World's

Your happiness is in your control. Often times, we allow outside circumstances to direct how we feel throughout the day. We have the power to feel the way we want to feel, but sometimes, we give up that responsibility to someone else.

Being happy and having the right attitude takes conscious effort. You can easily go through life thinking of unfortunate things that have happened in the past and reliving it everyday, but you also have the ability to decide to be positive and move forward.

Find Your Happiness

The reason why so many of us aren’t happy is because we are waiting on someone, or some thing, to make us happy. “I’ll be happy when I’m married – I’ll be happy when I lose 10 pounds – I’ll be happy when I finish school.” Relying on an outside source to make you feel good will fail every time.

When you wake up in the morning, give yourself permission to feel joy. Yesterday may not have been a great day, but you don’t have to invite that feeling into the next day, or the day after that. Even if you need to address the same challenge today, go into it with a positive mindset, knowing you will overcome it.

Find happiness on your own. Make the decision that this day will be productive and fulfilling, because you will make it that way. If you made the attempt and it doesn’t work out, leave it where it is – don’t carry it over into the next day. Keep a good attitude, start again and work through it with confidence.

A Good Attitude Is Rewarding

Possessing a positive attitude is more beneficial than having a bad attitude. How many times have you received poor customer service, because that person had a negative vibe?

Everyone won’t be chipper and delightful all of the time, but by having a good attitude, you remain in control of your feelings. Just because someone else isn’t having such a good day, doesn’t mean that you should give in and mirror their emotions.

Having a positive attitude lights up a room – you never know who it could affect. People with bad attitudes expect others to participate in their negativity, but you could always walk away or change the direction of the conversation.

Who wants to be around a person who’s always gloomy? Keep your attitude at a positive level and don’t let others steal your happiness.

Distractions And Discipline

Distractions are out there, fighting for your attention. It could be in the form of watching the news, people gossiping, or chasing that new, shiny object.

Whatever the situation is, don’t let your attitude follow the various distractions you encounter everyday. There are pleasant distractions that can make your day, but when it takes away your concentration, it can lead down a different road.

Distractions are a form of control. Whenever you fall for a distraction, it has power over your demeanor. There’s no way to avoid all distractions, but you still have control over how you receive and react to them.

Practice being disciplined with your attitude. When something grabs your attention, your reaction is normally to go with it. Letting distractions control your feelings can bring about anxiety and stress. Instead, acknowledge it, have your feelings about it (if necessary) and get back to your happiness. There’s no need to ruin a good day, over a small disturbance.

Happiness Takes Practice

Having a positive attitude should be common practice in your life. Don’t let other people take away the joy you want to keep.

It can be a daily battle, but it becomes easier the more you do it. By making the effort and choosing to have a brighter perspective, you open yourself up to opportunities and handle challenges more effectively.

This doesn’t mean that the bad distractions will go away, it just means that you’re in a better position to manage them – again, you have the power. When you choose to be happy, instead of allowing some outside force to hijack your emotions, you become more positive and it catches on to other people around you.

We all have a choice – are we going to guide the day, or let the day guide us?

Always keep your happiness, a good attitude and a bright perspective.


#TBT: How To Win The Day

How To Win The Day
Photo by Zac Durant

When we wake up in the morning, most of us act on autopilot. We go through this routine that needs to be done and we simply go about our day, hoping it will turn out well.

If you want to have a good day, you have to make it come about. Hoping and wishing will only take you so far. There are things you can do to ensure that you win your day, before it unfolds.

  1. Think it. Go over in your mind how you want your day to go. See your meeting being successful. Envision drinking water and having a healthy lunch. Anticipate having a productive day, where you create solutions and add value to the team. By seeing it in your mind first, you will already have a head start on how things will go. Visualizing helps to guide the outcome in your favor.
  2. Follow through. After you ‘see’ how great your day is going to be, do it. This is where the challenge lies. You can think of having an awesome day all you want, but you have to put effort behind it. It won’t happen magically. Once you think it, you must follow up with the type of actions that will create that awesome day for you. It starts in the mind, but you have to follow through and act it out to get those results.
  3. Give compliments and be supportive of others around you. When you have a pleasant energy about you, it spreads to others. In order to make your day great, the people around you have to be in the same boat. Although you’re unable to change anyone, you can direct the process by giving them a compliment or by helping them get over a challenge. Not only does it make you feel good, it also encourages them to have a good attitude, which leads to being more productive. It’s a win-win for everyone!

As you can see, there are many ways you can improve the outcome of your day. Allowing your day to float along without any effort from you, can lead to  stressful and ineffective reactions.

Take control of your day before it begins. This allows you to have a positive start towards a positive day. As you go throughout your day, remember, you are in control of how you respond.

Winning your day starts with you. By thinking it out, following through and being supportive, you can have your best day, everyday!


Conserving Your Personal Energy

Protecting Your Personal Energy

There are thousands of distractions that consume your energy daily. Today, it’s necessary to know how to respond, so that you are able to succeed and maintain your focus.

Distractions are like gravity – it constantly pulls you down. This can have an effect on how you interact with others, as well as how you take care of yourself.

When something drains your personal energy, it can put you in a bad place, mentally and physically. How can you protect your energy to be more productive?

Save Your Physical Energy

Getting enough rest and sleep helps to restore your energy. Unlike time, you can replenish your energy whenever you need to.

It’s normal to think about energy in a physical sense. If you exercise, you’re tired in the end. If you eat a junk food diet, your body won’t perform well when it’s time to.

Your physical energy allows you to carry yourself progressively throughout the day. If the elevator breaks down, taking the stairs can be a struggle if you aren’t used to moving your body and exercising.

When it’s time to put in extra effort on a project, it doesn’t help if your diet consists of candy and soda. What you eat has an effect on your thinking and focus. Over time, bad eating habits can decrease your physical energy.

Eating a healthy diet and exercising contributes to your everyday productivity. If you ever have to run from danger, you don’t want to be the one who gives out of breath after taking 3 steps. Give yourself a better chance by improving your vitality with a healthy diet and exercise.

Preserve Your Mental Energy

Worrying creates anxiety and takes up space in your mind. Being a people-pleaser can be stressful, simply because you want someone to like you.

All of these drain your energy, mentally. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so you must work on taking care of it, as well.

When you worry, you’re basically giving energy to what hasn’t happened yet. Sometimes, whatever is worrying you won’t see the light of day. Avoid the habit of constantly doubting the future. Don’t overthink it. Let it unfold naturally on it’s own and respond accordingly.

Also, you don’t have to react to every conflict, or answer to every bad thing someone says about you. It may be difficult, but develop the habit of letting it go. Your mind consumes so much energy when you’re mad at someone, or when you want to correct a conflict.

These situations leave you feeling mentally irritated. Not only will it possibly get you into trouble, but it takes away from your plans and goals. You have exhausted your mind with nonsense and in return, it hinders your progress.

If it won’t have an effect on the bigger picture of your life, ignore it. People will talk about you (in person or on the internet), just to make you angry. They know it will give them attention and shake your focus. You will save yourself lots of mental anguish, if you choose to just let it go.

Hold On To Your Advantage

It’s easier said than done, but you must learn to avoid wasting time on things that hijack your energy. Working towards a healthy lifestyle can help your energy and worrying about little things that won’t make a difference only hurts. The different ways your energy can be stolen is astonishing.

Keep your peace. Use your energy to move you forward and improve your situation. Your goals require steady focus – not constant distractions.

Give yourself an advantage by conserving your strength for the things that matter. Avoid giving your power away to negative thoughts and people who don’t deserve it. Protect your energy for yourself and your goals.
