Control And Preparation: The Conversation No One Wants To Have

Control And Preparation

It hurts. The world, as we know it, has come to a screeching halt. In times like these, what exactly do you do?

In the middle of the storm, all you can do is your best and prepare for the next time. You know what you’re up against, so start creating that blueprint for times like these, now. Don’t become so submerged in this stage, that you’re unable to think ahead (because it will happen again).

Between losing jobs, being isolated with the little ones and washing your hands, it can be overwhelming. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Positively speaking, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but you must prepare for it. Now is the time to work towards the next 8 to 12 years, when this happens again. Put yourself in a position to be better off than you are at this moment.


One of the first things you need to realize is that you have control over your own mind. You can easily get swept away emotionally by turning on the television or scrolling through social media. Listening to them, the world ended a week ago.

This is where the rubber hits the road. All of those motivational posts, blogs and podcasts you’ve been reading and listening to should come in handy here.

You may not control what happens, but you can surely control how you respond.

We can sit here and talk about how things aren’t fair and why did this happen and how wrong it was, but that does nothing. You are not a victim, so stop claiming it with your thoughts. It just puts you in a competition of who can win at being the most negative and depressed.

Instead, train your mind to find solutions. Don’t talk about the obstacle, talk about the answer. Even if it doesn’t work, you can always figure out another way. It’s definitely better than sitting on the sidelines, blaming and complaining.

When you make the attempt to do better by seeking solutions, you are going in the right direction. By turning on your light, you’ll start seeing opportunities that are disguised as obstacles. All you have to do is keep moving forward and aiming for the right results.

It may not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility. You can either continue to wait for help, or pick yourself up and move on. You can decide to wallow in tragedy, or put one foot in front of the other and make your way out.

Remember: it’s not a problem – it’s a challenge.

“I feel like everything is working against me – I feel like everyone else has a better life than me – I feel like I don’t know….” At some point, you must put your feelings aside. Don’t let hard times make you second guess your ability and confidence. They’re both still there, they’re just being put to the test.

Feel your feelings, but don’t feel them for too long. Give yourself time to work through your emotions and then pick up and go. The mistake that some people make is living in that unfortunate moment. It may even catch you off guard after you’ve moved on, but don’t stay there. Get it over with (feel it) and then, get over it (what’s next?).


The #coronavirus is hitting the economy from all ends – from big companies, all the way down to the small businesses. Schools have been shut down and leisure time has been significantly limited. It seems like we’re possibly entering into a new normal.

It may sound shallow, but money can solve a lot of challenges. At this time, there are people whose jobs are slowing down into nothing. Some people have already been fired or laid off. Either way, there’s no income to pay for the cost of living.

This is the worst, because the world runs on money. We depend on money to make a living for ourselves. When it disappears without a warning, what do you do? If you aren’t prepared, all you can do is your best at this time.

Once everything starts looking up and you’re able to gain ground, start saving for times like these. This is what you’ve been putting your money aside for – this is what a rainy day looks like.

Living paycheck to paycheck won’t do. Even if the government decides to step in, they won’t move fast enough or provide enough. Somehow, you must save, invest or develop multiple streams of income in order to save yourself in times like these.

When your back is against the wall, you do what you have to do. It’s not a good position to be in, because you don’t have options. Money gives you options and peace of mind, while you’re figuring out your next step. It’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about while transitioning from rock bottom.

Build your fort in times of peace, not war. Trying to put together all of your necessities in the middle of the crisis is too late. During peace, prepare for the unexpected – money isn’t the ultimate savior, but it can take care of a lot of things. It may not save you from getting crushed, but it’ll certainly soften the blow.


Your health is undoubtedly important. Without it, you couldn’t live up to your potential or participate in the world the way you want to.

Why not give yourself the best chance to avoid illness, no matter how big or small it is? Being healthy is one of those things that proves itself within the moment.

When something alarming happens outside, are you prepared to run for your life? When your child wants to play tag, can you keep up? Physical activity promotes a strong body, inside and out. All it takes is a little time and consistent effort.

What about eating the right foods? Do you feel tired after you eat? Does your body have a heavy feeling? The types of food you eat can have an affect on your health, as well.

Staying on the positive side of health is a lifelong practice. You may not feel or see the results instantly, but when that unexpected time comes and you have to perform, you’ll notice. Put yourself in a position to be physically stable at all times, regardless of what happens.

Your body is a magnificent machine. Give yourself a better chance at winning the health battle. Even when you’re not thinking about it, your body is steadily working to fight against illness, disease and other things.

People have overcome the odds when it comes to health scares. You may not have control over what you inherited health-wise, but you can manage as much as you can with a good, daily diet and exercise habits.

Stay Ready

This, too, shall pass. It is a stressful time, but don’t make it worse by crying and worrying – you’ve done enough of that already. It’s not working in your favor, anyway. You still possess the power to get up and be proactive.

Everyone has encountered that bump in the road. Some have stayed there and others have gotten over it. Would you rather become stagnant and live in the dark while the world moves on, or would you rather rise to your potential and create a better situation to take on the worst case scenario?

This information may not be of use to you right now, but it will definitely be useful if you put it into action, in anticipation of the next, ‘world-changing’ event. No one is coming to save you. Start now – the next time something like this happens, you’ll be ready and more prepared to stick it out.
