Kylie Jenner has been labeled as the youngest self-made billionaire.
That has been the headline for the past few weeks and some of us just don’t know what to do with it or how to take it. There’s one thing for sure…
It’s a huge distraction.
How Distractions Start
Most distractions start with controversial statements. These controversial statements are mostly seen in politics, religion and entertainment.
Someone will say how they feel, someone else will disagree with it and then it starts. Everyone wants to be right and prove the others wrong. We’ve lost the art of respectfully disagreeing.
This is how people become distracted and their focus begins to shift. Now, we’re more focused on why Kylie is the first ‘self-made billionaire,’ yet, we haven’t started working on our own goals.
Going Down The Distraction ‘Black Hole’
Whether Kylie made those phone calls, sent those emails or came up with the chemicals for the makeup herself, it really doesn’t matter.
At the same time, we are worrying about if she really did it herself or if her money made it easier for her and so on. We obsess over if she is really self-made or if her family’s name had anything to do with it.
Her success is a never-ending conversation. Her life is going on, whether you agree with her new title, or not. We are steadily going down this black hole of distraction and it’s hard to stop, because we want so desperately to be right – we want to escape our own reality, by talking about hers.
Let’s Become Self-Made
Instead of being overly concerned about who she is and how she earned her money, let’s shift the focus back to ourselves. How are we going to be self-made? How far along are you with reaching your goal? Have you been keeping up with your own life?
Keep your eyes on your prize. What other people do with their money or how they make their money shouldn’t be any of your concern. The concern is, how are you going to put a dent in the universe?
Obsess over your own plan. Worry about how you’re going to get the results that you want. Don’t let the distractions of others stop you from achieving your goals.
Focus On Yourself
Before you even begin to have an opinion about anything else, work on yourself. Be self-aware. Know who you are.
We get so caught up in other people’s lives, that we forget to nourish our own. People say things, just to throw us off. Distractions are very real.
While the world is debating if she is deserving of that title or not, Kylie is still making money and living her life. It’s not bothering her on the same level as it is bothering everyone else.
Put your time, thoughts and effort into building your dream. Stop allowing these distractions to overwhelm your conversations and your personal space.
Reclaim your time and put the focus back onto you.