Perspective – How Do You See It?

Perspective - How Do You See It?

Your perspective dictates how you embrace your life. Everyone sees things differently from their experiences, therefore, everyone’s reality is different.

What one person sees as a failure, another person sees as an opportunity. How do these thoughts come about? You may not believe it, but your language and perspective have a lot to do with your social environment, how you think and where you are today.


Your language and how you use your words contribute to your level of thinking. A lazy person’s language is different from an ambitious person’s language, so they have a different level of understanding. The good thing is, you can always improve your language through learning, which will expand how you think.

Your speech attracts the type of friends you hang around. Do you talk about becoming wealthy or do you talk about the latest reality show? Does your conversation lean towards creating solutions or more towards judgment?

The language you choose to use can bring you closer to your goal (or not). Using certain words will entice certain people. This is why networking is an important part of becoming successful – you tend to create your own social environment with your choice of words.

You don’t have to walk around sounding like a dictionary, but communication influences your thought pattern and brings about others with the same mentality. It can inspire and build confidence in the right people, but only if the right people have a positive perspective.


Language also contributes to your perspective and how you see things. Again, some people see mistakes, where others simply see feedback.

Different words lead to different thoughts. Two people can observe the same situation, but will describe it from their own perspective. This leads to contrasting opinions, even though the experience was the same.

There are even times where we allow other people’s opinion to drive our perspective. What they think will create our self-esteem and the way we interpret things. Is it really your perspective, or theirs?

Like language, your perspective is also a choice. A problem can be seen as a permanent setback (negative), or it can be seen as a challenge (positive). Most people go out of their way to avoid problems, but some find satisfaction in enduring a challenge. It’s all about how we perceive the ‘problem’.

It’s the same thing, just worded and thought about differently (is the problem a setback or a challenge?). Your perspective can breed various results, depending on how you decide to think.

What Do You Choose?

The language you use and how you choose to see things has a great impact on your life. Although it may seem small, it could be the difference between making progress and being stuck.

Choose to see the positive before the negative – our minds gravitate towards the negative first, but make a conscious effort to do the opposite. You would want someone to see the good in you, before they judge you with the bad.

Be the same way with your environment and life. We aren’t able to control everything that happens, but we can control our language, perspective and how we will see it, from here on out.

#TBT: Focus On The Process, Not The Results

#TBT: Focus On The Process, Not The Results
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

When we set our goals, our mind automatically starts to focus on the end result, but the biggest part is figuring out how to hit the target and win.

Twenty years ago, it was a challenge to find an abundance of successful people. They were there, but our access was limited to television, radio and the newspaper.

Today, we can see success everywhere, at anytime. The internet has opened up many avenues for more people to achieve their dreams. Even people who aren’t successful can pretend like they are on social media.

Instant Gratification

This leads to ‘short-cut’ thinking. We’re so flooded with images of people who’ve reached their goals (or at least they look like they did), we begin to think that it’s an easy process.

Although it looks like it, the path to your goal isn’t easy and that’s not to discourage you. Anything worth doing will take hard work and consistency, but you must concentrate on the process.

Does anybody remember when Beyonce started out with Girls Tyme? No, we only recognized her when she came on the scene with Destiny’s Child. Prior to that, she was practicing and working her little heart out to be who she is today.

Technology has made everything so easy, we expect the goal to happen without going through the process. Fast food, texting, all kinds of apps – it’s designed to make life more convenient, but there’s one thing that won’t give you that instant gratification.

Why Is This Taking So Long?

When you have a goal to reach, it will take months or even years before you will see the end result.

Envisioning the end result is good to do. It gives you something to see in your mind as you work on your plan.

The trick is, you must focus on the plan, not the result. You can focus on the result all day long, but nothing will happen. You must focus on the plan that will get you there.

The plan is what needs to be figured out and adjusted on a regular basis. Things change and you have to be flexible enough to create solutions to those challenges.

No One Path Is Alike

There are no two paths alike, that will achieve the same goal. There may be an overall map that will carry you in the right direction, but as far as an exact path that we all can take and experience the same success, that simply doesn’t exist.

Everyone has to figure it out for themselves. This is why you focus on the path, because is will change. Life happens and you may have to rearrange what you are doing to accommodate your circumstances.

It’s important to stay open-minded because you never know who will be able to assist you. Do different things and take risks and see where it leads.

Envision Your Result, But Focus On The Process.

Hoping that you will succeed won’t work. Wishing someone will let you tag along won’t work. Those are distractions and the best way to avoid them is to buckle down and focus on your process.

While your goal won’t change, the path to get there will change many times. It will take mental and physical energy to take on this effort and to do your best. You must be ready and willing on all fronts to encounter your journey.

Don’t let time become a factor. Time is always there, it just depends on how you plan to use it to your advantage. As they say, it takes years to become an overnight success.

Be flexible, make adjustments and be persistent. Know that it will take time, discipline and consistency. People won’t see how hard you are working now, but they will definitely realize, once you’ve reached your goal and become successful.


Be Present, Even When It Seems Impossible

Be Present, Even When It Seems Impossible

Being present isn’t something that comes easy. It takes practice and mindfulness to achieve an organic state of awareness.

Of course, if it was easy, everyone would do it and the world would be a bit better. How can you begin to become more present and self-aware in your life?

Anxiety And Worry

Anxiety and worry are two of the biggest stressors in people’s lives today. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, or even how they will handle today.

How many times have you been in a situation where you’re doing something, but you’re not fully focused because your mind is somewhere else? Or, you’re listening to a friend and you begin to worry about their problems as if they were your own?

One way you can control your anxiety is to prepare as much as possible. You may not know what will happen in the future, but there are some things you can be ready for. Things like paying bills on time, keeping an umbrella in the car or having an emergency fund – all of these can help curb your self-imposed stress.

Another way to avoid anxiety and worry is to be present and find a solution. Worrying won’t make anything better – focus on what’s in front of you and how you can solve it, now. Some things aren’t in our power to personally manage, but yet, we still take it on as if it’s our responsibility. Either identify a result, or simply, let it go.


What makes people fearful? One of the biggest factors is being judged by others. Everyone wants to look good in front of other people, so we put emphasis on how we look and what we do. We do this to gain other people’s approval and to be accepted.

This is the wrong way to think. You don’t want to fit in with other people, you want to be yourself. When you are your authentic self, the right people will come to you. Being fake and trying to make others like you will only build a false sense of security – it’s important not to do this to yourself.

Find your presence when you feel the need to be validated by someone else. Think of what you’re doing in that moment – is this something you want to do or is this something you think someone else would want you to do?

You should always aim to please yourself before you please others. Living your life by someone else’s standards won’t allow you to thrive. Everyone has a unique gift to offer the world, but you must let go of that fear and be present enough in your own life to realize it.


Eventually, fear leads to regret because you were so scared to do that thing, you didn’t do it – now, you regret it.

Being sorry that you didn’t do what you wanted to do is like holding yourself hostage. No one is making you do anything, but for some reason, you choose not to do it anyway (possibly due to fear).

Don’t let self-doubt stop you in your tracks. We tend to box ourselves in the older we get and we don’t do what we want to do because we’re “adults” now and we lose our curiosity for life. We allow our responsibilities to become distractions (like bills and kids) and it takes over our lives. Before you know it, life has passed us by.

Take the time to be present, even when you’re an adult. Bills and kids don’t have to stop you from being present – be present with your kids. Pay your bills on time so you can afford the luxury of being present, instead of worrying. See the cycle?

Be Present Today And Always

Just about everything leads back to being present. If you want to become the best version of yourself, becoming self-aware is a great start.

Anxiety, fear and regret (among other things) all hold us back in one way or another. By being present, not only do you acknowledge that the only time is now (the present), you also begin to recognize the daily improvement within yourself.

Go ahead and give it a try – whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed by your thoughts, situations or other people, bring yourself to the present. Focus on what’s in front of you and what you can do in that moment. Worrying won’t make it better, fear won’t make it happen and regret won’t offer you another opportunity.

Life is lived in the present. Be where your feet are, today.

How To Create Success-Building Habits

Success-Building Habits

Having strong habits are important to building your foundation for success. When you have success-building habits, failure doesn’t scare you and setbacks won’t stop you.

Do your habits encourage your growth or hold you back? How can you develop the type of habits that will promote your positive intentions?

Habits That Destroy You

You may have a string of habits that you perform daily, but do they help you move forward?

When most people think of habits, they think of the good habits. On the other hand, there are habits that destroy your progress.

Eating unhealthy food or frivolously spending your money are examples of bad habits. These habits will lead you down a destructive path that will be difficult to recover from. Once you’re in an environment that favors a bad routine, it becomes comfortable to be there.

If you want to be lazy, broke and unintelligent, you’re on the right path. Otherwise, bad habits will stunt your potential. You’ll end up in a negative setting that discourages positive thinking. It’s best to turn those bad habits around, before they become too hard to break.

Constructive Habits

Constructive habits are the good habits – they reward you with success. You take actions that force you towards your intended outcome.

Exercising regularly, saving your money and studying your craft are examples of constructive habits. These habits offer you a chance at achieving your goals.

Instant gratification is not a result of performing constructive habits. If you save money today, you won’t be rich tomorrow. It’s a process that requires patience and dedication.

Most people give up because they don’t see results right away. It’s the same with bad habits – you don’t eat junk food one time and the next day, you’re overweight. It takes time to build a foundation, whether good or bad.

Success-Building Habits

Habits contribute heavily to the outcome of you goals. If you want to be successful at anything, you must perform success-building habits.

Your thinking is the foundation for supporting successful habits. It’s impossible to have negative thoughts and expect a positive outcome. Your mindset is where it all begins, so you must think in a productive manner. If you want to achieve your goal, your thoughts have to support it.

Building success habits also requires repetition. As mentioned before, doing a habit once will not create an automatic result. Repetition is key. Eat healthy for 30 days and you will see improvements with your body. Save money for 30 days and you will see an increase in your bank account.

Create Your Desired Results

By creating your success-building habits now, you will gain more control over your life.

Be responsible and be the example. Instead of waiting for things to happen, be proactive and make it happen. Take ownership of your circumstances and guide your plan to accomplishing your goals.

Having success-building habits can only make things better for you. It promotes action, it helps with overcoming procrastination and it gives you confidence to destroy your self-doubt.

You have a choice: you can be stuck for the rest of your life and live as a victim, or, you can pull yourself up and become what you envision. Choose dedication and begin creating your success-building habits today!


The Hard Truth About Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

The Hard Truth About Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Your self-limiting beliefs is what holds you back. It’s that negative chatter in your head that tells you that you can’t do it before you even start.

You haven’t even begun, yet, you’re already defeated.

It starts in your mind. You believe the negative self-talk, but you ignore the positive. It should be the other way around.

We want someone to cheer us on, but you have to get it right in your head first.

It makes no sense to want your dream to thrive on the outside, but you’re killing it on the inside.

The funny thing is, you’re in control. You can change it if you want to. Being the best at what you want to do just requires a little effort and inner support from you — your mind.

Don’t let everything live in your mind. You have the ability to ignore it if you don’t like it. If it makes you feel good, let it run all through your brain! Don’t let go of that feeling! Allow it to take over!

But somehow, the negative, unproductive thoughts run rampant in your mind. “Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, so why even try.” It rings all up and through your brain and you let it.

There needs to be a switch, here.

I get it — positive is boring and hard. Negative is edgy and exciting.

Once you understand that you have full, total control over your mind, you’ll feel like you’ve been cheating yourself all this time.

You’ll complain, “Why didn’t they teach me that in school? Why didn’t anyone tell me that I HAVE THE POWER?”

People did tell you. The fact is, you chose to listen with a deaf ear. Your attention craved negative things. It’s more exhilarating.

Your focus is controlled by others who don’t have your pure interest at heart. They’ll show and tell you anything, in exchange for your loyalty.

That’s what happens when you don’t think for yourself. You’re lost, waiting on someone else to tell you what to do and how to live your life. You look to them as if your life depended on it.

Practice your positive. Repeat affirmations until it gets stuck on repeat in your head. Read biographies of people who didn’t give up on themselves. Listen to motivational podcasts.

Lately, people have been saying that motivation doesn’t work.

It works if you didn’t have any motivation to begin with.

Take a chance and live like you’ve always imagined. Spread out a blanket on your front lawn and have a snack while looking at the clouds. You can do that!

What’s stopping you?

Nothing. Nothing but your own mind and what others might think of you.

Who cares?

Deep inside, they want to come and sit on your blanket. They want to look at the clouds, too.

But, they’re too worried about how silly it looks.

Think for yourself! Give yourself permission to do what you want to do! It doesn’t matter how it looks to others — all that matters is how it makes YOU feel.

Stop giving up your time and power to other people who don’t even care about you. Stop allowing them to crowd your mind with pessimistic clutter.

You are in control. Be you and take control of your life. Guide it the way you want it to go.

Besides…we’re all figuring it out as we go along. Figure out what you like and know that you can do it. No more wimpy thoughts about your capabilities.

You are who you believe you are. It’s your choice. Are you going to think big or think small?

Don’t be lazy with your thinking. Don’t be so quick to put yourself down, while pushing others forward.

Take the limits off of your mind and push yourself. You’ll be surprised at how far you can go when you believe.

(Previously published on


#TBT: You Don’t Have To Like It (Just Do It)

Just Do It

You’re ready to start committing to your goal. You’ve done all of the research and you know what it’s going to take. The plan has been thought out and you’re prepared. The start date comes around and you realize that you’re not feeling it. It looked good during research, but now it’s time to do the actual work.

When people say they want to reach a certain goal, they mostly think about the parts they like to do. This can be fun and it’s part of the reason why you want to do it, right? Everyone says, “Follow your passion! Do what you love!” That’s called a hobby. If you want to make a living off of what you love to do, it’s called a business.

Now, you have to do business things. It doesn’t seem so fun anymore. You can only get paid under the table for so long. You will run into someone who will ask you to fill out an I-9 or W-9 for whatever type of tax or identification purposes*. Now, you need to temporarily stop baking cupcakes and start doing the paperwork necessary to make your business official.

Yes, I know you hate paperwork and filling out different forms and making payments to cover your business name with the state, etc. Well, you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it. While you’re baking those lovely cupcakes, you also have to make time for the things you need to do to make your business grow and to generate more customers. You can pay someone to do these things for you or you can take the time and do it yourself. I know it’s laborious, but you should always aim to have all of your ducks in a row.

You just learned that you need a license in order to bake those lovely cupcakes you’ve been baking for the last ten years. You already know how to do this, so why do you need a license? Well, it’s the law (for example purposes). If you get a surprise inspection one day, you’ll be glad you did it. Get your lovely cupcake baking license and keep moving forward. Want to be recognized as a woman-owned business? That’s a task – you’ll need the last three years of taxes, articles of organization, the date your business started, meeting minutes, NAICS codes, etc*. Ask anyone in a legal business and they will tell you that there’s much more to running a business, other than doing the part you love.

It sucks that these things come up, but don’t let it ruin your passion for those cupcakes. There are many other things you will have to do, just so you can bake those lovely cupcakes. As your business grows, you’ll be able to hire someone to help you with the boring, tedious paperwork. Again, you don’t have to like all of the exhausting, monotonous work, but you have to do it. Don’t let it stop you from starting your business. Everyone has to do it – no one is picking on you. If it’s needed, then do it. Plain and simple. The complaining and whining will only hinder your progress.

One more time: you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it. If it was easy, everyone would be successful.

*The examples in this post are merely used as a guideline in starting a fictitious cupcake business. Please do your own research in order to succeed.

How Emotions Can Prevent Your Journey To Success

How Emotions Can Prevent Your Journey To Success

Everyone has their emotions. Some days, we feel happy and some days we feel sad. Most of the time, we don’t really know why, we just know that we feel that way.

Your emotions play a huge part in the outcome of your goals. Results aren’t based on emotions, they are mostly based on logic. It goes back to your mindset – if you believe you can, then you can. The opposite also holds true.

Do you make decisions based off of your emotions? When was the last time you put your feelings aside in order to make things happen?

Emotions Can Get In The Way

Have you ever had to make a choice, whether to go with your head or your heart? You may go with your heart, but when it comes to results, technically, your head should win every time.

Emotions can cloud your best judgment. When you think with your feelings, you expect others to think that way, as well. You think that maybe they’ll like you more or things will go the way you want them to go. That’s not always true.

That’s because business has nothing to do with emotions. Remember, you can control your emotions – you don’t have to react to everything. No one cares how you were feeling at the time. Feelings don’t create results.

Things Just Need To Get Done

Guiding your decisions with your emotions will end up leading you down a path you didn’t want to be on. Save your feelings for baby showers and cute pets.

When it’s time to get things done, your emotions can cause you to procrastinate. You’ll sit there and contemplate on which scenario will work out better. If it doesn’t work out, then you feel even worse for not making a better, fact-based decision.

If you allow your brain to lead you, the outcome will be more solid and stable. There’s no emotions in figuring out solutions – it will either work, or it won’t. There’s no need to feel sad or angry about it. Make the adjustment and move forward. This is how things get done.

Remove Emotions, Remove Drama

When you lead with your heart, especially concerning goals and business, it almost never ends well. Basing decisions off of your emotions will lead to more drama and your feelings will get hurt (because you’re emotional).

Removing your feelings is the best way to handle things. You’re able to think clearly and be more reliable. The results will make logical sense and everything will flow more smoothly.

Also, you won’t get involved on a personal level. Once you put your feelings into a project, it becomes personal. It creates drama and friction with others. Everyone doesn’t feel the same way about everything, so just come with the facts and not your feelings.

Time Management And Emotions

Being emotional can take up so much of your time and effort. It often delays the process of taking action.

Make an attempt to simplify things. Overthinking and injecting your feelings will only waste more time. If you want things to get done, your focus should never be on how something makes you feel.

Concentrate on the results, which come from a direct mind, not an emotional mind. If you want the best outcome, don’t give in to your feelings.

Move Forward, But Without Your Feelings

If we did things whenever we felt like it, nothing would get done. We tend to get caught up in how certain things make us feel and we don’t follow through as efficiently as we should.

You’ll never lose weight if you feel like eating junk food. You’ll never be a chess champion if you feel like looking at social media all day. You’ll never be a success at anything, if you never feel like it. Stop waiting to ‘feel like it’ and just do it!

Discipline wins over emotions, every time. Think about where you want to be, put your feelings aside and put in the work. If you always operate from an emotional standpoint, you’re making things harder than they have to be.

Let’s get in the habit of making decisions from a sensible place. Don’t let your emotions prevent your success.


Be Better Each Day

Be Better Each Day

Being successful doesn’t happen all at once – you have to practice getting better. Accomplishing your goal takes time and energy. The process seems long, but if you do a little bit everyday, you’ll gain more ground and improve more than you originally thought.

Be careful about what you put into your mind and body and know how to handle your money. “What do you mean Goalden Lady?” Let’s break it down below:

Be Better, Mentally

Your mind is constantly at work . It’s always busy thinking, putting sentences together, recalling memories, following directions – it’s a nonstop, active roller coaster.

It’s easy to let garbage enter your mind. Once it’s there, it takes over your thought patterns and logical reasoning. Things like gossip websites and TV shows – you want to be aware of the type of content you process, especially when going out into the world.

Some things you encounter when you’re out and about, is (a lot of times) negative. If you think you can’t do anything about it, think again.

Read motivational and inspirational blogs and articles. Listen to podcasts that force you to think constructively. Network with people who share the same productive interests as you.

When you grow your mind, you grow your life.

Be Better, With Your Health

Being healthy is important, but we treat it like we can order a new body on Amazon if we damage the one we have. At the moment, it’s impossible, so let’s be good to the one you have, now.

Eat a healthy diet. It’s the same concept with your mind – if you put garbage into your body, you will get garbage out through low energy levels, stress and disease.

When you eat better, you’ll feel better. Who wouldn’t want that? We base our diets on what tastes good, as opposed to what is good for our bodies. Some diseases can be prevented, just by adjusting what you eat.

The point of food is to give you energy, not to taste good. Consult a nutritionist to see what diet works best for you. You’re worth the investment.

Be Better, With Your Wealth

People say money is not important, but in some cases, it is. The world operates on money – if you don’t use it wisely, you’ll always be a step (or five) behind.

No matter how much you make, always save something. It doesn’t have to be $500 – it could be anything. We tend to think that we need to have a huge amount all at once, before we save it and that’s not the case.

You can save $1 a day and you would still have more in 30 days than you had before. Start somewhere, but more importantly, be consistent with it. When life’s emergencies happen (and they will), you’ll be prepared to handle them better, than if you had nothing.

How To Be Better, Everyday

Understand that no one falls on top of the mountain. Some people are born with a greater advantage than others, but that doesn’t matter. You can still make the choice to do better.

Start and do a little everyday. Watch a documentary about your hobby, drink a glass of water, save $5 whenever you can – just start and remain persistent.

When you do a little each day, you create a valuable habit that will help you in the future. After 6 months, you’ll be smarter, healthier and wealthier than you were before!

This is how you become better – brick by brick. A house won’t appear out of thin air, you must build it daily and every brick counts.

When you look back on it, you’ll be glad you started when you did. Create your own path, be resourceful and follow through. Be confident and know that you will make it happen.


What To Do When Life Sucks

what to do when life sucks

We all have these elaborate ideas of how we want life to turn out. There are goals that we’re after and dreams that we want to fulfill.

What happens when things don’t go our way? Is it a sign to stop? Should we ignore it and keep going? Or, do we cut our losses and move on to something easier?

Everyone has a different response to life. Every challenge is unique, but there are two main things you can do to remain stable and see it through.

2 Things To Do When Life Sucks

  1. Believe in yourself. It sounds corny, but it’s true. People say it so much that it has lost it’s true meaning. When things don’t go your way, instead of letting it happen, think about how to respond in a positive manner. Know that you can handle it, because you’ve handled things before. This may be a little different, but you have to fix your mind to believe that you can overcome it. The first thing we normally do is get down on ourselves and our ability to face it. Change your perspective and have the confidence to know that you will be fine and do your best. The only thing that’s stopping you is the negative story you tell yourself in your mind.
  2. Take responsibility. Whatever happened may have not been your fault, but take responsibility for how you respond. Things happen all the time, but how you respond is key. Some people let things happen and they end up somewhere they don’t want to be. Take control and guide the situation in a favorable direction. At the very least, attempt to make things better. Do your part by figuring it out and taking the appropriate action. If it doesn’t work, be responsible and do something else. Giving up won’t help at all, but if you hold yourself accountable, the results could work towards the improvement of your situation.

The Outcome

If you do these two things, you’ll be putting yourself at an advantage. While it may not be fair, life will suck at some point and the best thing you can do is respond to it in a way that will benefit you.

That’s not to say that things will turn out exactly the way you want them to, but it’s definitely better to drive the situation than to let it drive you. If you let it drive you, there’s no telling where you’ll end up. Then, you’ll wish you exerted more effort and energy into controlling the outcome.

Be Mentally Strong

Above all, don’t let it get you down. It’s so easy to let the pieces fall where they may, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Know that you have the choice to make things better in your life.

Sometimes, we forget that we even have a choice. We’re so used to our circumstances that we become complacent and fall into a non-productive routine, where we just let things happen. Your effort still counts, even if you have made numerous attempts.

You have the power to change your position. When life happens, believe that you can handle it and take responsibility for how you respond. Step in and be a part of driving the solution, as opposed to giving in to the issue. Knowing how to manage life when it sucks, can make all the difference.


The Process Of Getting To The End Result

Planning goals can be overwhelming. There are many things to decide and put into place, in order to get to the end result, because that’s what we want, right?

Getting to the end result is the priority, but there’s much to do before that. There’s a few things that need to be done first, before you meet your success.

Create A Plan

Creating a plan gives you a blueprint to go by. Even though you have a plan, be sure you leave room for flexibility. Anything can happen and you should be prepared to accommodate those new ideas that come up at the spur of the moment.

No one’s plan is ever perfect – it changes as you go along. The plan is actually there to give you an idea of where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

Write it all down. Keeping it in your head only gives you the option to procrastinate. If you write it down where you can see it, you’re more likely to follow through. It also allows you to see the big picture, while working on the small details.

Make The Commitment

This is a big one. People want the end result, but they don’t want to do the work or sacrifice their weekends, among other things. They would rather skip the process and go straight to accomplishing their goal.

It looks simple on social media, but what you don’t see is the commitment that was made. No one ever posts the uphill battles or the disappointments they experience. You must know that you will commit to taking action in order to see the results you want.

Make the commitment that you will continue to move forward, even if obstacles get in your way. Before you take any type of action, make the commitment in your mind that you will show up, no matter what happens.

Decide To Do Whatever It Takes

Once you make the commitment, you have to take action. Nothing happens until you take action.

It may be the wrong type of action, but you won’t know until you do it. If it is the wrong action, turn around and do something else until you get it right. Be determined to find a new way.

One of the biggest challenges is that people will say they want it and take action, but as soon as something doesn’t go their way or they run into too much ‘work,’ they decide it’s not for them and they quit.

Do whatever it takes. The more you stop, the more you have to keep starting over. After you make the mental commitment, take action and keep going, even when it gets hard.

The End Result

Depending on your goal, it may take days, months, or even years before you reach the end result, but you must follow through if you want to see it happen.

There will be difficult times – it’s not supposed to be easy. This is what separates you from the average people. Your motivation will be tested, but as long as you keep moving forward and eliminate the excuses, you will reach your intended results.

Be extraordinary. Do what others are too lazy to do. The more action you take, the closer you’ll get to your goal. Don’t be afraid to do what needs to be done to achieve your success!
