Be Happy Now

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

No one knows how long they have left in their life. We have a habit of procrastinating and putting certain things off, thinking it will be better in the future.

Because we have lived this long, we always think there’s tomorrow. This works for having a plan and setting goals, because goals take time to accomplish, but there are some things that can happen now, like your happiness.

Being happy is a simple thing. It doesn’t have to be something big and elaborate in order for us to enjoy the moment.

Happiness can be a baby’s smile, a corny joke, or simply waking up in the morning.

Sometimes, people will tie happiness to an event.

  • “I’ll be happy when I get a raise.”
  • “I’ll be happy after I lose 10 pounds.”
  • “I’ll be happy if he even looks at me!”
  • “I’ll be happy if I get that car.”

Happiness can come from the result of something happening in your favor, but that’s not the extent of true happiness.

What about the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven or a hot shower after a hard workout? A cup of hot tea in the morning or putting on warm clothes, right out of the dryer? These are basic, everyday things that bring a moment of bliss into a busy life.

It’s not wrong to be happy once you have achieved your goals, but you can still allow happiness until that time comes.

Putting off your happiness can contribute to your overall well-being in a negative way. It doesn’t help being a grumpy person, blaming others and complaining about everything. Not only will other people not want to be around you, but you start to become dependent on other things to bring you happiness.

Happiness does not come from the outside. It is your choice to be happy and content. Other people will try to steal your joy, but don’t let them. They want you to be unhappy because they’re unhappy. By all means, don’t fall into that trap!

You are responsible for your happiness. Yes, joy may come from outside things, but that’s not the source of your joy. Before you walk out into the world, you determine your outlook for the day. It’s in your control, so why not start out happy?

Don’t delay being happy until something happens. Be happy in the meantime! It doesn’t have to be attached to a result. Find those little things that bring you peace of mind and joy on any given day.



How To Save Yourself

Photo by Jeff Isaak on Unsplash

We give so much of ourselves to other people. It’s the nice thing to do. What happens when you don’t have anymore left to give?

It should never get to this point, but it does. Everyday, we put others before ourselves. We make sure other people are fine, yet, we continue to strain ourselves through lack of sleep, ignoring our inner voice and most of all, sacrificing our peace of mind.

Everyone loves you and you’re an awesome and reliable person, but what happens if you just don’t show up?

This is why you must save yourself, FIRST. We can only do so much by saving other people from their problems. Their problems become our problems and we allow it.

Save yourself. Even when you’re in an airplane, they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before you help others. You can’t help anyone if you’re in trouble yourself.

  1. Say no. They’ll get over it. Most of all, they’ll learn to handle their own challenges and become more self-reliant. Or, they may find someone to replace you, but at least it won’t be you.
  2. Stop doing things. It’s easy to get caught up, doing everyday chores on autopilot. The truth is, if you can do it, so can they. Of course, no one can do it like you do it, but you have to remove yourself from the equation sometimes and let them figure it out.
  3.  Say ‘yes’ to yourself. Reward yourself. Take a random day off. Watch the sun set. Go to a park and feed the ducks. Stay in the bed a little longer. Do something for you. You deserve it more than anyone else, but no one is going to give you time to yourself – you must take it.

All of this is not to say don’t be helpful. It feels good to help out, but sometimes, people will take you for granted. They expect you to be their personal savior all the time.

Don’t let your niceness become your weakness.

Give yourself permission to say no. Take care of yourself – that’s the only way you’ll be able to help others when they really need it.

If you have a family, pace yourself. Tending to various needs of your loved ones can become a daunting task. Put a plan in place, so you won’t be worn out. Everyone can pitch in and help.

Most of all, take time for yourself. It’s okay to be selfish. You need to be selfish, so you can show up when it’s necessary. You’re not useful to anyone if you aren’t fit mentally and physically.

It’s hard to be great, especially when everyone else is constantly taking the best part of you. Take care of yourself, first. Your future self will thank you for taking the time to become a better you.
