(Written pre-COVID19)
In some parts of the world, it’s ‘back to school’ time and students are preparing to level up – everyone is getting ready for the next grade. This means that the work may be a bit more challenging, but you’re expected to learn and make progress.
Once we leave school, moving forward to the next level (or, the next grade) stops. There’s no one there to care if we continue to advance to the next part of our lives.
The Process Of Leveling Up
In school, you were given a certain curriculum to complete for whatever grade you were in. If you did the work and passed the tests, you were promoted to the next grade.
Every grade demands another level of intelligence and presents a new set of challenges. The ultimate goal is to get to the next grade, successfully.
Every year, you would be promoted to the next grade and learn something that built upon what you learned the year before. It was a process that allowed you to achieve your academic goals, while increasing your thinking skills.
What Happened?
After graduating from the final phase of school, we settled into working a job, paying bills and living for the weekend. There were no more levels for us to accomplish.
School may have it’s faults, but one thing it did teach was the value of having levels in your life. Having levels in your life, like school, helps you to focus on moving forward and making major strides in your life.
The most we do now is make New Year’s resolutions. For most of us, that only lasts until the end of January and the rest of the year is uneventful.
As adults, we don’t plan different levels and phases of our lives. We tend to just ‘wing it’ and hope for the best. At most, we do just enough to get by and that leads to surviving, as opposed to living.
There Are Levels To Life
Even though we’re happy to be out of school, we don’t go on to live a happy, productive life. No one is holding us accountable to go to the next level, so we’re stuck on that one level where school left off.
In order to succeed at anything in life, you must create a system of levels. Writing down your goals are great, but once you figure out what to do, you have to take action and follow through.
Taking action will lead to mistakes and things going wrong. Once you overcome that challenge, you’re on to the next level. This is where progress is made and goals are accomplished.
Have A System In Place
Create a strategy for your goals. Keep a record of what works and what doesn’t. Build on your progress by measuring your results.
If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, write down what you will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for each day of the week. Keep track of what you actually ate, compared to what you were supposed to eat. When you review your results, you can make adjustments to do better the following week.
Having a system in place will hold you responsible and give you direction. When you write it down and record your outcomes, you can easily determine how to proceed more efficiently in the future.
After graduating from school, never stop learning – be a student of life. Put a system in place to keep advancing towards your dreams. Hold yourself accountable and keep following through. Continue to level up until you have the life you’ve always imagined!