The process of success has nothing to do with a ‘secret’ or a ‘hack’. We make it seem as if there is a button we can push and the next day, we’re successful. It doesn’t happen that easily, but it’s not as hard as you think.
Social media will have you thinking that all of our achievements are just one magic step away. You are always one step away, but only if you keep going. If you quit, you’ll only be left with an empty feeling of regret.
Give Yourself Permission, Not Excuses
Most of us have a reason to stop ourselves before we start.
“The time isn’t right.”
“I need more information.”
“I’m waiting to see if Beth is going.”
“Doug tried to do it and he lost lots of money and failed.”
We are so creative when it comes to making excuses. Excuses only give you permission NOT to start. What you need to do is give yourself permission to start.
What are you waiting on? Why are you so scared? If it won’t kill you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and make the attempt. You don’t have to wait on anyone or anything. Give yourself permission to reach your goals.
Make The Commitment
After you decide to give yourself permission, make the commitment that you will stick with it, no matter what happens.
Intentions are good, but commitment is better.
Distractions are the enemy of commitment. Although the internet is a great resource, we often use it for other things and it becomes a huge distraction.
It’s easy to become sidetracked by anything if you don’t have a solid commitment towards your work. For example, your environment can be a distraction. People want you to take a ride with them to the store or something on TV catches your eye. Before you know it, the day is gone, along with your productivity.
When you make a commitment to yourself, not only are you building your confidence, you are also building your belief. You can’t build your personal foundation by letting distractions throw you off balance.
Be aware of where your time goes. There will always be other things you’d like to do, but commit to your plan first.
Take Action!
Again, what are you waiting for? You have enough information to begin, so start taking action!
This is where most people become paralyzed and afraid. There’s always something that will conveniently stop you from starting.
In order to be successful, you have to fail – it’s part of the process. There’s no way around it, but through it.
Get in the habit of starting. No matter what it takes, do something to get the ball rolling. By taking action, you are putting your plan into motion and allowing yourself to play on another level.
Success Awaits
It’s not as hard as you think. When you give yourself permission, make a commitment and take action, anything is possible. It all begins in your mind.
By establishing these habits, you develop yourself into a more disciplined, focused and confident person. If you stay on your path and create your own luck, you’ll open your future up to more opportunities than you can imagine. Success awaits!