Throughout life, we all have felt a sense of failing. Something didn’t work out the way we wanted or an outside source (such as a test) had labeled us a failure.
The old way of thinking of failing is self-limiting. Society has taught us that failing is bad, that we aren’t worthy of giving it another try and there’s no way out.
There are very few of us that had someone to teach us the real meaning of failing. It’s actually the opposite of what most people think it is. Failing isn’t something to be ashamed of – actually, it’s a push in the right direction towards success.
What Happens When You Fail?
Failing has such a bad reputation, that we have developed a fear of failure. This leads to judgment and overall, not following through with the task that you “failed” at.
People may ridicule you for not achieving a goal that you were working on. They may call you names or tell others that you aren’t as great as you think you are. All of sudden, it feels like the world has lost complete faith in you.
This is what leads to fear of failure. It has such a negative meaning, that we try our best to avoid it. No one wants to be ridiculed if they don’t have to. Your self-esteem is crushed and you refuse to put yourself through such torment.
So, what do you do? In short, suck it up and keep it moving. There are people in this world who are waiting for you to do something wrong, just so they can have something to talk about. The same people aren’t doing anything productive to move their lives forward, so they try to bring you down to their unproductive level.
You don’t have to allow this to affect you.
How Does Learning Happen?
Do you think people learn things the very first time they read or study it? Absolutely not. It takes more than one shot to become a high achiever.
Failing is the new learning – how else does learning occur? The only difference is, is that people who accomplish their task gave it one more chance. That’s the difference between a winner and a loser.
Learning isn’t a perfect process. Mistakes, obstacles and setbacks are promised to happen, but the only way you will make your way to becoming successful is by making constant progress. That means failing and being resilient on a consistent basis.
Failing teaches you what not to do. It gives you a new and improved strategy to implement the next time. Overall, it points you in the direction you should go.
That’s what learning is – doing things until you accomplish them. The only way you can do this is through actively failing.
What Does It Mean?
Words are powerful. We never realize how much they impact the outcome of our lives until we take a closer look at what we’re actually saying.
Any word that is synonymous with failing, isn’t an insult. Setbacks, obstacles, mistakes – all of those words give you feedback for you to create a better plan, in order to move forward.
These are constructive words – there’s nothing offensive about them. It only seems that way when you’ve been conditioned to see it that way. Don’t allow other people to control you with their interpretation of negative words.
Failing is the new path to learning. Every outstanding person has used failing to pave the road to success. You have what it takes to fail your way to success. If it doesn’t work, review what happened and give it another shot – not only will you grow, but you might mess around enough times and accomplish your goals!