How To Be Happy Without Feeling Guilty

How To B Happy Without Feeling Guilty

We’ve been conditioned to feel anxiety or stressed whenever situations happen in our lives. Even if it’s something good that makes you happy, instead of being grateful or feeling joy, we feel like it isn’t enough.

Let me be the one to tell you right now: you have a right to be happy. There’s nothing wrong with feeling content or being excited about your future, even if others aren’t.

Be Happy On The Inside

Finding your inner happiness is important – it doesn’t work unless you find it, first.

How do you find your happiness? Think about what you are grateful for. It’s the little things that bring you joy – a blossoming flower, a laughing child or drinking cold water on a hot day.

How you feel about yourself plays a huge role – think of three things that you love about yourself. Don’t think of how much weight you want to lose or if you’re having a bad hair day. Simply think of what makes you feel good.

Yes, it’ll take some effort because we’re used to seeing the bad before we see the good. See the good in yourself for a change and take that with you throughout the day. Be happy about the person you are growing into.

Be Happy On The Outside

Often, we depend on others to make us happy. If someone is having a bad day, we carry that weight as if it were our own. If you make a mistake, it bothers you all week. You don’t have to do that.

Don’t let things that happen in your environment determine how you should feel. Of course, something could always go wrong, but you don’t have to give in to that negativity. Shift your perspective and find some joy.

Your life isn’t controlled by what’s going on around you. Remember, you have a choice to be happy. Do a random act of kindness to inspire the rest of your day – it’s hard to feel bad when you’ve done something good for a stranger.

Life Is Too Short

Get out of that rut and find your happiness! You don’t have to go around smiling all the time – you’re not trying to show that you are happy. Your goal is to feel happy.

Your life is in your hands. Are you going to waste time being down and stressed out because you watched the news? Or are you going to take advantage of the fact that you have a choice to be happy?

Life happens. You can choose to live it in the dark or you can live it in the light. Everything is not sunshine and rainbows, but be mindful of those moments where you can find peace and be delighted.

It’s easy to fall into discouragement and misery when nothing is happening, but again, don’t let the outside forces control the rest of your day. With all of the distractions going on, it’s hard to find some joy, but it’s still your choice and your responsibility.

Never Feel Guilty About Your Happiness

There will be times when you’re having a great day and someone says something negative to you. People will make you feel guilty about being happy and try to spoil your good mood.

Don’t let anyone steal your joy. You are responsible for your own happiness and they are responsible for theirs. You are not obligated to make other people feel good about themselves – that’s something we all have to learn how to do on our own.

Know that you deserve to be happy. If someone else isn’t happy, it’s not your fault. Taking on other people’s emotions as your own seems sympathetic, but sometimes, we allow it to consume us and it’s not our issue to deal with.

Let’s not forget that you have your own dragons to slay. In the midst of it all, you can still find your peace of mind. Being angry along with someone else only takes away from your positive vibes. Be sympathetic, but don’t feel guilty about your happiness.

We all strive for happiness and it comes to us at different times. When you get it, you must allow yourself to feel it for as long as you can. Tomorrow is not promised and you shouldn’t waste it, just because someone else may be having a bad day.

Make the decision to be happy from the moment you wake up. Find three things that you are proud of about yourself and take that with you. Throughout your day, identify the small things that bring you joy and live in that moment. Most of all, don’t let the outside influence how you feel on the inside.


Don’t Believe What They Tell You

by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash

You decide to be who you want to be. There is no ‘maybe’ or ‘can I’ or ‘what do you think’. None of that. Get it in your head that you can be who you want to be – it’s your decision.

Believing in yourself is hard. It takes guts to take control of your thoughts and become your vision. Most people will go by what their parents say or what their teacher says about them.

Don’t believe what they say! Don’t let it enter your mind and take over. If you let it, you will be what they say you are. You will slowly adapt to their opinion of you.

They may call you awkward, but you’re not. They may say you’re lazy, but they haven’t seen you work. People will say all kinds of things about you, but don’t be what they say.

This is how you begin to win. Believe what YOU think. Throughout life, there will be plenty of people trying to make you into someone else, but always remember that you are who you are. They can take it or leave it.

People are shocked when they find out that someone isn’t who they ‘thought’ they were. They’re appalled because that person didn’t match their image of what they imagined.

Don’t let let it distract you. The only person you should be concerned about is you. Keep building yourself. Keep being awesome. Keep making progress to YOUR idea of greatness.

Let others know, too. Evidently, people don’t know that they can be who they want to be. They have the power to be magnificent. They have the energy to move in the direction of their choice. Sometimes, they have so many other people in their ear, it drowns out their own thoughts.

If your mom wants you to be a lawyer and you don’t, that’s her issue. If your father wants you to be a doctor and you don’t, that’s his problem. It may disappoint the people you love, but would you rather make them happy or make yourself happy?

It’s upsetting to see grown people living the life that their parents wanted. If that’s what you want, that’s fine, but please don’t waste your entire life being something you’re not.

It is a tough decision, especially when it comes to loved ones, but always bet on yourself. Don’t allow those opinions to be your life’s path – it’s your choice. Follow through and be you.



Be The Person You Want To Be

Photo by Bruce Tighe on Unsplash

You want to be an entrepreneur? That’s fine, if it makes you happy.

You want to work 9 to 5? That’s fine, if it makes you happy.

There’s no set formula for success. As a matter of fact, you define success.

Success for you could be swimming from one side of the pool to the other – making money at your hobby – getting your newborn to laugh – designing the scariest Halloween costume – meditating and actually feeling the benefits – losing 20 pounds – or just being happy.

Many things can define success, but it’s your definition that counts. No one else can define it for you. We’re all different and we have our own unique paths to our achievements. We’re not here to do the same thing and arrive at the same destination. We create and design your own lives.

Just because someone is less fortunate than you doesn’t mean they aren’t happy. Just because someone is rich doesn’t mean they can’t experience severe depression. Just because someone is wealthy doesn’t mean they can’t lose it all.

Life is what you make it, good times and bad times and everything else in between. Anything can happen to anybody, but you have control over what you become.

It may take 5 months or it may take 5 years, but it’s your responsibility to get there.

One mistake that some people make is thinking that everyone has the same outlook. We box ourselves into one way of thinking. In the Age of Information, we can break out of that box and explore life on many levels.

Before, all we knew was what older people told us, so that was the path we followed. That was success. Now, we have many resources that can lead to various options. No longer do we have to ‘take this path, or you’ll be a failure.’ We have many ways we can hit our target.

Un-box yourself. There are more choices out there than what we’ve been used to. Our resources are no longer limited. We have the ability to become exactly who we want to be.

If you want to be a toy collector and that makes you happy, be that. That’s your success. Just know that becoming a doctor or a lawyer won’t bring you happiness just because it pulls in a big salary. A lot of those people are miserable.

There is no better opportunity in the history of time, than now. Take advantage of the privileges you have and create your happiness through your definition of success.