We see the success, but not the process. Many of us use hope as a strategy, but that only leads to a headache and disappointment.
What is it that others are doing to accomplish their goals? Creating vision boards, watching motivational videos and reading inspiring books can help, but it won’t do the work for you.
Looking at other people can give you an ambitious feeling towards your own goals, but what are you actually doing to get there?
Don’t Overthink, Just Start
You want to be there already. You’re on chapter one and they’re on chapter twenty and it frustrates you. “What am I doing wrong?” you ask yourself.
Comparing yourself to others doesn’t help. It’s great to see that someone has done it – it gives you faith that you can do it, too. When it comes to the work and effort, that’s a different story.
What you’re missing is the middle – the actual process. That means continuous effort, many sacrifices and everything in between. It’s the boring part that no one acknowledges until you become a success.
Because we tend to compare ourselves to others, it becomes a hindrance. It causes us to constantly think about why we aren’t where they are. We begin to makes excuses and deny responsibility in order to make ourselves feel better.
All of this overthinking can push you to the point where you forget about starting your own journey, because you’re consumed with their success. Your plans are thwarted, simply because you’re stuck on how you should be in their shoes by now.
If you keep worrying about others, you’re unable to work on yourself. Mind your business and start building your own success. You’re not supposed to create their vision, you’re supposed to create your vision.
It’s Not Fair
If you ask anyone who is successful, they’ll tell you that it wasn’t as easy as it looks. Achievement doesn’t happen in a straight line.
It happens to everyone. A potential business didn’t get the loan, the athlete has an injury or you didn’t pick the winning lottery ticket. Whatever the reason, everyone will encounter a setback. The difference is in your level of resilience.
This is another place where people give up and get stuck. They complain, “It’s not fair” and they stop. Newsflash: It will never be fair. Throwing yourself a pity party won’t change anything. Thinking of how others have an advantage over you is a waste of your productive time and energy.
Instead of trying to wrap your mind around why someone else has more privilege, find a way to meet and overcome your own challenges. There’s always a way to do something – you just have to think it through, find a solution and take action.
Everyone has their own mountain to climb. You won’t reach the peak by looking at them. It may not be fair that they have a rope to help them to the top, but that shouldn’t be your concern. Yes, it would be helpful if you had one, but at the moment, you must focus on what’s in front of you.
Don’t lose your opportunity by watching someone else. Be patient with yourself, but most of all, start the journey.
Success Is Yours If You Want It
It doesn’t happen with a snap of your fingers. Hoping, wondering and wishing aren’t blueprints for success. Don’t fool yourself – it can be done, but it’s going to take consistent effort and determination.
Success must be earned. It can be magical, but you have to create that magic by taking action. We all have dreams, but as they say, at some point, you have to wake up and work for it.
Doing something everyday that will bring you closer to your goal will put you further ahead than watching others. Get started and let your mistakes and failures be your guide.