Success Is Not Magical And The World Is Not Fair

Success Is Not Magical And The World Is Not Fair

We see the success, but not the process. Many of us use hope as a strategy, but that only leads to a headache and disappointment.

What is it that others are doing to accomplish their goals? Creating vision boards, watching motivational videos and reading inspiring books can help, but it won’t do the work for you.

Looking at other people can give you an ambitious feeling towards your own goals, but what are you actually doing to get there?

Don’t Overthink, Just Start

You want to be there already. You’re on chapter one and they’re on chapter twenty and it frustrates you. “What am I doing wrong?” you ask yourself.

Comparing yourself to others doesn’t help. It’s great to see that someone has done it – it gives you faith that you can do it, too. When it comes to the work and effort, that’s a different story.

What you’re missing is the middle – the actual process. That means continuous effort, many sacrifices and everything in between. It’s the boring part that no one acknowledges until you become a success.

Because we tend to compare ourselves to others, it becomes a hindrance. It causes us to constantly think about why we aren’t where they are. We begin to makes excuses and deny responsibility in order to make ourselves feel better.

All of this overthinking can push you to the point where you forget about starting your own journey, because you’re consumed with their success. Your plans are thwarted, simply because you’re stuck on how you should be in their shoes by now.

If you keep worrying about others, you’re unable to work on yourself. Mind your business and start building your own success. You’re not supposed to create their vision, you’re supposed to create your vision.

It’s Not Fair

If you ask anyone who is successful, they’ll tell you that it wasn’t as easy as it looks. Achievement doesn’t happen in a straight line.

It happens to everyone. A potential business didn’t get the loan, the athlete has an injury or you didn’t pick the winning lottery ticket. Whatever the reason, everyone will encounter a setback. The difference is in your level of resilience.

This is another place where people give up and get stuck. They complain, “It’s not fair” and they stop. Newsflash: It will never be fair. Throwing yourself a pity party won’t change anything. Thinking of how others have an advantage over you is a waste of your productive time and energy.

Instead of trying to wrap your mind around why someone else has more privilege, find a way to meet and overcome your own challenges. There’s always a way to do something – you just have to think it through, find a solution and take action.

Everyone has their own mountain to climb. You won’t reach the peak by looking at them. It may not be fair that they have a rope to help them to the top, but that shouldn’t be your concern. Yes, it would be helpful if you had one, but at the moment, you must focus on what’s in front of you.

Don’t lose your opportunity by watching someone else. Be patient with yourself, but most of all, start the journey.

Success Is Yours If You Want It

It doesn’t happen with a snap of your fingers. Hoping, wondering and wishing aren’t blueprints for success. Don’t fool yourself – it can be done, but it’s going to take consistent effort and determination.

Success must be earned. It can be magical, but you have to create that magic by taking action. We all have dreams, but as they say, at some point, you have to wake up and work for it.

Doing something everyday that will bring you closer to your goal will put you further ahead than watching others. Get started and let your mistakes and failures be your guide.

Make A Commitment or Hope For A Coincidence?

Make A Commitment or Hope For A Coincidence?

Your level of commitment has a lot to do with how far you’ll go with your goals. If you never promise yourself to remain determined and unbothered, you’ll be in the same place, year after year.

What about those people who seem to be lucky – the ones who are born into money or who have numerous assets passed down to them? Is it fair to say it was merely a coincidence of life?

Commitment Is A Great Start

There’s this thing you want to do. It’s going to change your life and take away all of your worries and stress. Within that moment, you decide to commit to making it happen.

Committing to a goal is a huge part of the success foundation. Things don’t just happen out of the blue or fall into your lap – there must be an idea, an action and a result.

How do you develop an idea into a result? By commitment. Committing yourself to the journey that is supposed to create a better version of yourself is part of what it takes.

Some of us will commit in the beginning and fall off, mainly because the result isn’t coming fast enough. Yes, it becomes challenging and the obstacles can be overwhelming at times, but by making the commitment, you should have the desire to see it through.

People say motivation is a scam or it doesn’t work, but everything starts with a thought. Nine times out of ten, motivation sparked your decision to commit in the first place. Your greatness may not happen in a week, but it surely won’t happen if you give up.

This is what separates the average from the extraordinary.


Granted, there are some people who will never have to start their life from the bottom or know what it feels like to struggle. We all are dealt a different hand, but don’t let that get in the way. Stop comparing and get to work.

It does no good to be jealous of your friend’s massive inheritance or their family passing on a job to them. Are you just going to pout and speak badly upon their “luck” to make yourself feel better?

That’s what most people do. It’s easy to complain and blame someone else for your shortcomings. It’s not a coincidence that they were born with more advantages. Stop thinking you got the short end of the stick and become the person to create an inheritance to pass to your family.

We fail to see that this is what happened to the “lucky” ones. Someone started, prepared and made the commitment to build their empire. This doesn’t happen out of the blue – someone was determined, consistent and did the work.

Advantages don’t happen by coincidence. It started somewhere, with someone who was forward-thinking. It’s not that someone wished hard enough, but someone took action hard enough and it happened.

Call it a coincidence if you want to, but at some point, someone had to get the ball rolling and it created a benefit for others. That’s how coincidence works.

Will You Wish Or Work?

Your grandparents may not have had a million dollars for you to inherit, but you can make the commitment and begin creating opportunities that will assist the ones you love. Life isn’t always fair, but you do have the ability to do something about it.

For one, you can take advantage of the internet. There are limitless videos, pdf’s and other sources you can look into. Commit to investing in yourself and improving your circumstances. The access is available for everyone, but you must not become distracted by the noise and use it to your best interest.

Also, mind your own business. Everyone is living their own lives – they don’t need a commentator or someone to talk about what they’re doing wrong. Discussing someone else’s downfall might make you feel good, but you’re only slowing down your own progress – its’ a waste of energy. Instead, use that energy to train your mind to focus on you and what you’re going to accomplish.

Overall, pick your poison – are you going to compare yourself to others, blame it on coincidence and complain, or are you going to roll up your sleeves and decide to commit to the betterment of your future?

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself

We tend to be hard on ourselves, unnecessarily. If we do something wrong, we get angry with ourselves, or if we don’t know enough, we stop altogether. Just know that you are doing great, as long as you keep moving forward!

Success isn’t easy. It’s an uphill battle, having to deal with the different challenges and obstacles. There will be many different things that will make you want to quit, but you must find your focus and follow through, even on your bad days.

Judgment From Others

Others will judge you and say insulting things that will make you want to give up. They don’t know the work it takes to achieve a goal. It’s easy to ridicule someone, but it’s more difficult to fight on and win.

Know that you’re doing fine. You are the one making the sacrifices, putting in the odd hours and making adjustments. They aren’t doing the work – you are.

Being lazy and pointing fingers isn’t going to carry you to success. That’s why you’re spending your time wisely, doing things that aren’t comfortable and diligently working.

Failure Is Learning

Don’t let others make you feel bad about what you’re doing – failure is a requirement of achievement. Failure is only learning, it’s not the end! It doesn’t mean you have to stop – in fact, it means you need to keep going!

Being hard on yourself only slows down your progress. Learn to feed your faith and starve your doubt. Be your own cheerleader. Find something good in your day that will spark your mind and give you new ideas.

Celebrate The Small Wins

You have something to be proud of and you should recognize that. Give yourself credit for the little things that are helping you move the needle. Over time, the small wins will carry you to the big wins. Small or big, you’re still improving!

There are people who are trying to stop you already, so don’t stop yourself. You must be your own motivator and your own inspiration. Stop depending on others to give you permission to fulfill your dream.

Criticism Will Never Go Away

Trolls and critics will always be there – they’re not going anywhere. Unfortunately, that’s a given. As a matter of fact, you know you’re doing something right whenever a troll or a critic pops up to say something negative about you.

It’s one of those things you must get used to. Build your mind to be strong enough to take the toughest insult. Use it as motivation and fuel to keep going, so actually, they’re helping you towards your results.

You Didn’t Come This Far, Just To Come This Far

Allowing insults and negativity to make you second guess your path is not the type of feedback you need on your journey, so don’t accept it.

You are here for a reason and to give up now would be giving up on all of the hard work that you’ve done so far. It takes a special kind of person to believe in themselves, especially when no one else does, but you have what it takes!

Give yourself a break and don’t be so hard on yourself. Continue to grow and focus on what’s in front of you – baby steps. Don’t let anything stop you from moving forward.


The Process Of Getting To The End Result

Planning goals can be overwhelming. There are many things to decide and put into place, in order to get to the end result, because that’s what we want, right?

Getting to the end result is the priority, but there’s much to do before that. There’s a few things that need to be done first, before you meet your success.

Create A Plan

Creating a plan gives you a blueprint to go by. Even though you have a plan, be sure you leave room for flexibility. Anything can happen and you should be prepared to accommodate those new ideas that come up at the spur of the moment.

No one’s plan is ever perfect – it changes as you go along. The plan is actually there to give you an idea of where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

Write it all down. Keeping it in your head only gives you the option to procrastinate. If you write it down where you can see it, you’re more likely to follow through. It also allows you to see the big picture, while working on the small details.

Make The Commitment

This is a big one. People want the end result, but they don’t want to do the work or sacrifice their weekends, among other things. They would rather skip the process and go straight to accomplishing their goal.

It looks simple on social media, but what you don’t see is the commitment that was made. No one ever posts the uphill battles or the disappointments they experience. You must know that you will commit to taking action in order to see the results you want.

Make the commitment that you will continue to move forward, even if obstacles get in your way. Before you take any type of action, make the commitment in your mind that you will show up, no matter what happens.

Decide To Do Whatever It Takes

Once you make the commitment, you have to take action. Nothing happens until you take action.

It may be the wrong type of action, but you won’t know until you do it. If it is the wrong action, turn around and do something else until you get it right. Be determined to find a new way.

One of the biggest challenges is that people will say they want it and take action, but as soon as something doesn’t go their way or they run into too much ‘work,’ they decide it’s not for them and they quit.

Do whatever it takes. The more you stop, the more you have to keep starting over. After you make the mental commitment, take action and keep going, even when it gets hard.

The End Result

Depending on your goal, it may take days, months, or even years before you reach the end result, but you must follow through if you want to see it happen.

There will be difficult times – it’s not supposed to be easy. This is what separates you from the average people. Your motivation will be tested, but as long as you keep moving forward and eliminate the excuses, you will reach your intended results.

Be extraordinary. Do what others are too lazy to do. The more action you take, the closer you’ll get to your goal. Don’t be afraid to do what needs to be done to achieve your success!
