
You know how much effort you put into your work. Never cheat yourself out of being consistent with your progress. You have no one to satisfy, but yourself. One of the best feelings is to go to bed with satisfaction and wake up the next morning ready to do it again!

Satisfaction puts you in a good place. Everyone wants to be satisfied with what they have, what they are doing and what others have to offer them. It means you are good with the way things have turned out. Your expectations have been met and now you can happily move on to the next challenge.

When you do your best, sometimes, you look to others for approval. It’s natural to seek a positive opinion on a task you complete. When you don’t get the reaction you wanted, don’t go putting yourself down. Everyone doesn’t go around giving out compliments and acknowledgement on how well you did something. Instead, it’s best not to seek any type of reaction at all.

Once you start looking for approval from people, it’s almost like a drug. You become dependent on what they will say about you or your work. It begins to affect you in a negative way. When you don’t get that reaction, you’re depressed or begin to brainstorm on what you did wrong and it takes up valuable time. You may even go around looking for a pat on the back. Actually, they were probably too busy thinking about their own issues. Not everyone has the time or consideration to acknowledge everything you do.

Therefore, satisfy yourself. Wake up in the morning and know you’re going to bring it! You can even throw a compliment to someone else for a job well done! Work through your day, doing everything with focus and persistence. So what if no one recognizes all the awesome things you’ve been doing, you see the bigger picture and you know your reward.

Once you’re done with the day, you will feel accomplished. You have moved that needle of progress! No one may not have told you how great you did that day, but know this: you will go to bed with satisfaction and that’s one of the most magnificent feelings in the world! Then drink some water – you deserve it!