How do you begin to build your future? You know what your goal is, but how do you make it, so it comes to life?
Goals are a great way to start your life’s plan. Your future is what you make it. The key thing is to be clear on exactly what you want.
Do you want to be a doctor or do you want to be the top doctor in the southeast? Do you want to be a ballerina or do you want to be the best ballerina, with the most appearances in ballerina history?
It may seem silly at first, but this is how you create your future. It won’t just happen on it’s own – you must be specific and deliberate with your thoughts.
Activate Your Future, Now!
- Have a goal. The very first thing you need is a goal that you would like to accomplish. There are many people who haven’t even thought about what they want to do with their life – they’re just going with the flow, hoping for a piece of someone else’s success. This is the starting point. What would you like to do in the future that would give you satisfaction everyday?
- Get specific. It’s not enough to want to be successful or to make a lot of money. Think of what you would like to do and how well you want to do it. If you want to be a doctor, what kind of doctor? Where would you like to work? Would you like to volunteer in that field? Don’t be afraid to fill in the details.
- Take responsibility for your goal. You’ve figured out what you want to do and all of the details. Now, the responsibility is yours. Do the research and create a plan that will get you where you need to be. Whether it gets hard or it falls apart, be responsible and take care of it. Consider what needs to be done and move on it.
- Do the work. The most important step is to do the work. Don’t let anybody’s judgment or any type of procrastination get in your way. After you plan your work, you must work your plan. Make the decision to do what needs to be done and don’t stop until you meet your end result.
Win The Battle, Win The War
Know that there will be obstacles and challenges throughout your journey. This is to be expected, but you must work through them. Take it step by step and focus on what’s in front of you. It’s all a part of the process.
Do the things that will push you towards starting. Be definite, intentional and take action. Commit to your daily growth. Everyday, tell yourself that you will be the best foot doctor in the southeast region of the country and don’t stop until you are!
Decide what you want to be and go out and create it – your future is yours to shape. Believe in yourself and trust the process. Nothing can stop you from achieving the life of your dreams.