How The Internet Can Help You Or Hurt You

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The world has truly improved from the use of the internet. Technology has increased our efficiency and our global communication has soared to unthinkable heights.

There have been may positive things that come from the digital era, but at the same time, it has different effects on different people. Everyone doesn’t benefit from it the same way.

The internet has proven to be a great commodity in our lives, but like everything, there’s also a downside.

What Are The Advantages Of The Internet?

The internet has improved communication. Instead of sending a letter to someone overseas, we can use email to send it within seconds. There is virtually no wait time before you hear from someone.

For entrepreneurs, the internet has enhanced networking and making contact with major players in certain industries. Connecting with others of the same interests helps with building your product or service.

For students, it has provided another layer of understanding. If the student doesn’t understand the lesson, there are other tutorials or learning websites that help contribute to their learning experience. Anyone can learn anything, at the click of a mouse.

What Are The Disadvantages Of The Internet?

Although the internet has done wonders for information and learning, it can be a hindrance.

Taking in too much information can cause overwhelm. Some people get so wrapped up with consuming information, it keeps them from taking action. They continue to learn a little bit more, yet, they avoid the actual process of doing the work.

The internet is an awesome tool for the curious mind, but it can also be a huge distraction. Social media and various websites can hold you back from getting things done. It’s easy to get sucked into the vortex of gossip and entertainment, but not so easy to pull away from it.

If you participate with offering comments and publishing your work on the internet, you will definitely bring out the trolls. They can be hard to ignore, but some people are unable to take the unnecessary insults and negativity that they dish out and end up letting their dreams get crushed.

Don’t Let The Internet Take Over Your Future

When you need to look up information, do so, but give yourself a limited amount of time. At some point, you have to start actually working on what you want to do. If you find yourself reading more and more, figure out what you need to do to get started and begin!

Social media and other communication outlets can be very distracting. Again, give yourself a set time to scroll through it, or make it a reward after you’ve done your work. If you make it the first thing you do when you sit down at the computer, your work will never get done.

Also, be mentally strong enough to avoid the negativity from other people. Anybody can be tough behind a screen and a keyboard. Don’t let trolls have power over you and don’t encourage them by reacting. It’s not worth your time.

The Responsibility Is Yours

The internet can be used for good or bad, but it depends on how we decide to use it. Think of how it can promote your future, not control it.

So let’s not allow the internet to drive our future into a non-productive black hole, where we may never come out, again. Instead, let’s use it to our advantage and create a forward moving world that impacts and benefits everyone in a positive way.
