Don’t Let Up

The holidays are quickly approaching. There’s so much movement around you – people are shopping, getting ready for travel, or some have already taken off from work. Whenever some sort of holiday is around the corner, most people begin to slack off with their work, eating, exercising, etc. Yes, you can enjoy time off from everything, but don’t get off track.

We all can’t wait for that holiday dinner, time with family and friends, and a chance to relax from the rhythm of everyday living. You may want to sleep in or even hang out around town, just to do something different. It’s important to recharge yourself every once in a while.

Even when you have goals you’re working on, it’s just as important to take some time away. This allows you to not only relax, but to gain new ideas in the process. Sometimes, you’ll have a ‘why didn’t I think of that before’ moment and it pushes you to new levels with your work. That’s how ideas grow your goals and they begin to chug along.

Do take some time – DON’T take too much time. What is too much time? It depends on your work and how often you put forth your efforts. I trust that you know how long, is too long. This is your work and no one can push it and drive it the way you do. Don’t let up. Continue to work your plan. Just because the New Year is coming, doesn’t mean to celebrate and forget about your goals. If anything, the thought of the New Year should be exciting! It’s another chance to see how far you can advance your goal into reality.

Don’t let up. It is very easy to unwind, but it can be hard to get back on the grind. Don’t allow yourself to forget about what you were doing before the holiday. Set an alarm on your phone to let you know when you should officially start back. This will keep you on track and won’t let you get too lazy.

As the saying goes, “Work hard – play hard.” You have to work hard first, before you can play hard. Then, you have to get back to work, before you can play again. Sometimes, you can get so into the rhythm of working your goal, you don’t stop for the holidays. That’s great. For those who definitely need the breather, go ahead and enjoy. Just don’t let up.