Everyday, people battle with judgment. You are either judging and being critical of someone else, or you’re the one taking in the judgment, as if it’s the truth.
Both sides can be hard to deal with. If you are the person judging, more than likely, you have insecurities. Whatever you’re talking about concerning the other person, is something you need to look at yourself.
If you are the person receiving the criticism, you have to learn that it doesn’t matter what others think or say about you. Your self-esteem could be more solid, but you have to be confident within yourself.
What Judging Others Sound Like
Here are the thoughts of the person judging:
“Look at her. Who does she think she is? She thinks she’s prettier than everyone else. She’s just trying to get attention from anyone who will look.”
“Look at how he runs. He can’t even catch the ball and they threw it right to him! How did he make the team? He’s a bust – they should’ve never given him a chance.”
“She thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. Look at her, going to the library, showing off like she’s studying. It doesn’t take that much reading to pass the test!”
The Other Side Of Judgment
Here are the thoughts of the person being judged:
“I hope I’m doing the right thing. My parents think I’m making the wrong decision and I’ll fail. I’ll go ahead and do what they want me to do, so they’ll be happy.”
“My muscles aren’t big enough, compared to the other guys. They look at me every time I walk into the locker room, like I don’t belong there. Maybe I’ll just stop training altogether.”
“I haven’t received an acceptance letter from any of the colleges I applied for. Maybe they’re right – it doesn’t matter how much I study, I won’t get into a good school. I’ve been doing all of this hard work for nothing.”
Correct Yourself And Be More Productive
Placing judgment on others is a sneaky way to make you feel good about yourself. In reality, you’re only reflecting the way you feel about yourself, onto others. Instead of being insecure, figure out how you can improve upon what you don’t like about yourself.
Sometimes, it can even be a secret admiration that you have for that person, but it comes out as being critical. It’s okay to respect or give credit to others, because it gives you something to work towards and be proud of yourself.
Everyone has emotions and sometimes, we can let out emotions get the best of us. No one likes to have their feelings hurt, but at the same time, you must realize that you shouldn’t take everything personal.
Bending over backwards to make others happy, does not serve you. After a while, you’ll begin to see that no matter what you do to please other people, they will never be satisfied.
Do things for yourself and make yourself happy. Don’t worry about what he thinks or if she’ll agree with it. Do what you do and move on with your life.
Often times, we waste so much of ourselves by taking in what others say about us. It’s tiring, living up to someone else’s expectations. Trying to fit in never works, because everyone is unique. You are meant to be you.
Do You
Both examples are holding you back. Your thoughts are very important when it comes to shaping your future. Either way, you could use your power to develop your best self.
Have the courage to admit if you are one of these people. It might make you feel a certain way, but the good thing is, you can fix it.
Life is too short to be living someone else’s false dream of what you should be. Being critical of others only takes away the time and energy you could use to work on yourself.
The next time you find yourself about to judge someone else, or giving in to someone else’s thoughts of you, don’t. Think about it and redirect your efforts towards helping yourself and being more productive with your own life.