Things Change – Change Things

Get used to change. It happens. People make it seem so bad when something doesn’t go the way they expect it to. All you need to do is learn how to be flexible and change with it.

Change can be good. Some of us change our minds and that’s fine. What you shouldn’t do, is be indecisive. That’s a different story. If you change your mind because something isn’t working out and you know of a better way, by all means, change it – that’s not an issue. It becomes an issue when you are indecisive and can’t make up your mind over something simple (i.e., red shirt or blue shirt). That wastes time and mental energy. You have better things to think about.

Be open to doing different things. Practice by changing things yourself. Take another route to the grocery store. Buy some shoes you wouldn’t normally buy and see how they feel. Doing different things allows you to see what you really like or what could possibly happen. It helps to expand your thinking and breaks you out of your regular routine. It’s good to have a schedule to go by, but every now and then, be spontaneous and change it up. You never know who you might meet or where you might land. It could change your life.

When something changes, learn to go with it. By complaining and wishing it didn’t happen, it does nothing for you or the situation. Don’t get stuck just because it happened. Sometimes you can do something about it and sometimes you can’t. Figure it out and move on.

Stay open and flexible. Things change. Go with it and see where it takes you. Whether it turns out good or bad, I guarantee, you will learn something in the end.