We’ve been used to using an excuse to get out of just about anything we don’t feel like doing. Sometimes, we use them so consistently, it seems like it’s not a big deal and it turns into a worthless routine and a waste of energy.
Actually, excuses over a long period of time will cause you to miss out on your own life. How do you even begin to create a habit of avoiding excuses?
Understand What An Excuse Is
Excuses are lazy reasons we give ourselves, or others, to not follow through with what needs to be done, or a responsibility.
Some may say, “…but it’s a valid reason…”. If it’s a valid reason, then it’s not an excuse. Don’t get caught up in thinking that every excuse is a valid reason.
Deep down inside, we know when we give in to those ‘valid’ reasons. Later, we begin to feel some sort of guilt because we dodged what we could’ve done.
Excuses are disguised as reasonable explanations, when they’re really not. Don’t let it fool you into being lazy and unproductive. Also, beware of others who try to give you excuses to use.
Recognize What Your Excuse Sounds Like
Everyone has a certain word or phrase they use when confronted with a request or responsibility. It usually sounds something like:
“I don’t want to.”
“I’m tired.”
“Why can’t she do it?”
“I did it yesterday.”
“If he would’ve done it the right way in the first place…”
All of these are the beginnings of a whiny excuse. When you recognize what your excuse sounds like, you can make the attempt to avoid going down that road.
Start by knowing you can do whatever it is that needs to be done. You can make it happen and move on with your day. Handle your responsibilities with confidence and be accountable for what you do.
Just Do It!
What should you do if you hear yourself about to create an excuse? Just do it!
How do you overcome a life full of excuses? You conquer it by dealing with it head on. Be honest with yourself and lean into it. Yes, it’s hard, but there’s no other way to rid yourself of this ugly, unfulfilling habit.
It’s easier said than done, but it is very possible. Free yourself and become the excellent person you want to be. Nothing comes easy – it starts with eliminating those useless thoughts and words and taking action towards becoming more responsible.
If You Want To Be Excellent…
It all begins in the mind. If you want to be excellent, don’t wish for it, be it.
Being the example holds you to a higher standard. People who play on a different level never consider using excuses. When something needs to be done, it gets done.
No matter how tired you may be, or how late it is, you can always do a little more. When you practice being ambitious, it gets easier with time. You’ll become a beast at getting things done. There’s no room for being average in your journey to success.
Understand the power you have. Many people have done great things before you and you possess the ability to do great things, also. As long as you keep moving forward and stay focused, committed and resilient, you can make all the dreams in your heart come true.