The Waiting Game

How many times has it crossed your mind that you think you’re not successful? You’ve been doing something for two weeks and it’s just not happening? Disappointed, you move on to something else, hoping it will give you the results you’re quickly looking for.

Everyone else seems to have it together. They’re making money, getting married, taking trips to the islands, but whatever you’re doing is not bringing you that type of joy that you see other people having.

When you see someone that is successful, you’re probably looking at their accomplishment after years of sacrifice and hard work. You didn’t see when they were up late at night or skipping the Friday night parties to work on their goals. No one ever sees that part, because it’s boring and weird.

The struggles they went through on financial and personal levels doesn’t phase you. It wasn’t important to you because that’s the part you don’t see – you’re not looking for the rain, you’re looking for the sunshine.

Today, many of us have ‘microwave’ dreams. We want to be successful without putting in the work. Becoming a millionaire should only take 2, maybe 3 weeks, right? That’s what it looks like on your social media feed, but in reality, it takes years.

With valuable resources, like the internet, it is possible to achieve a 10 year goal in 5 years or sooner, but, there’s one ingredient in the success recipe that never changes:

You must put in the work.

When you plant those seeds, it takes time for them to grow into a beautiful flower. You have to consider the soil, the weather, pests and other outside factors. Things will happen that weren’t supposed to happen. Something will happen out of the blue and time may not be on your side.

Waiting can be hard, especially when you’ve put so much effort into making it work, but yet, nothing has caught on. Keep working and waiting and putting in the time.

You never know when your time will come. You don’t know how close you are to accomplishing your dream. Those people on social media won’t talk about it, because it looks cooler to pose by the private jet and the new Lambo.

There is no quick and easy way to success. It’s something you must work on day in and day out, consistently. There may be .00001% of people who were successful at the very first thing they tried, but for the rest of us, there’s discipline, focus, persistence, time management, mindset, environment and other things to consider around us, before we blossom into that beautiful flower.

The waiting game is all about doing the work and being patient. A steady drop of water can wear a hole in a rock. Your time may not come as soon as you want it to, but if you keep pushing for it, the results will come.
