The Slow Process of Success

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

How many times have you seen other people around you succeed? When will it happen to you? How did they achieve their goals so fast? What’s the secret?

Every time you look up, someone else has the success you crave. They seem to have it all together and everything is working out for them – they have no worries.

In the meantime, you’ve been struggling. You’ve been trying to figure out algorithms and marketing strategies. This has been going on for 2 weeks now. It’s just not happening for you.

The reality is, success is a slow process. There are very, very few people in the world who achieve their dreams in 2 weeks. It just doesn’t happen that quickly.

“Yes, it does!” you say. “How come everyone is successful around me and I’m not?”

First of all, you didn’t see their process. No one notices you until you’re successful. Up until then, it was failure after failure. Money was running out. Things didn’t work. They started over hundreds of times. Yes, all of that happened, but that doesn’t register with you because all you see is the end result.

Secondly, it takes time. When you plant a seed, it doesn’t fully bloom the next day. You must water it, care for it, sing to it, keep it’s soil healthy, and keep the weeds away. Eventually, it will blossom into a beautiful flower. It’s the same with success. You must nurture the process along the way to secure a solid outcome.

Third, the secret is consistently taking action. Nothing happens if you sporadically work on your goal. Doing it here and there, with months in between, won’t get it. Everyday, you must take a step. Sometimes, that step will extend into the next day, or it might even break. That’s not a hint to stop, but a hint to fix it and keep moving forward.

Understand that success is very possible.

It’s all in your mind. If you decide to be persistent and take action everyday, it will happen. When you make the commitment to succeed, you will realize that the journey is more valuable than the result.

Get into the habit of going through the process of success. It’s what champions of the world do. Successful people acknowledge other successful people and say, “Wow! You went through all of that?! How did you do it?” They admire the growth and the evolution that it took to get there.

Average people say, “Wow! They’re lucky!” They only recognize the outcome and aren’t able to seeĀ  the daily practice and time consumption that it took. They don’t comprehend that luck is a byproduct of taking action.

Don’t cheat yourself – give it a chance. Overnight success takes years. Find something you want to accomplish and be willing to put in the time, thinking and action that it requires.

Then, and only then, will you reach success.
