Who knows where the sky ends? It keeps going on and on – it’s final destination does not exist. Therefore, it is limitless, meaning it is without limits.
Who would be crazy enough to put a limit on a beautiful creation, such as the sky?
Yet, we place limits on ourselves all the time. We even allow others to place limits on us.
The dangerous part is: we believe it and accept it as true. Then we live it.
Do you realize how much time is wasted believing in something that is absolutely not true?
Better yet, let’s not waste time thinking about that. It’s time to move on. Become who you are. That idea that’s been in your head all this time? Let’s do the research and see if it works.
The sky is the limit. Drink some water and think it through to action.
You don’t know what you are capable of, until you remove your limited way of thinking.
Let this be the last time you utter the words, “I can’t.”
There will always be someone there to push back on every idea and thought you have. Unless you’re around the right people, it’s best to keep those ideas and thoughts to yourself.
Get around those who want to see you thrive and succeed. Learn to believe in the positive support instead of the negative trash. Don’t choose to give your energy to the bad things others say, but give your energy to the greatness that you know you possess!
There’s always room for growth. We’re all great at something. Letting others put a cap on your abilities will mentally hold you back. Don’t listen to them, as they are reflecting their insecurities on you. Just because they didn’t do it, they want to tell you that you can’t do it.
That is not you. The sky is the limit. It can be achieved, but not if you have a limited mindset. Stop allowing other people to put their issues on you. Become self-aware and know who you are. Keep doing the work, whether you’re working on your personal growth or on an outside project.
Continue to do your best. The last thing you want to say in your old age is, “I wish I would have…”
The sky is the limit.