The Professional Planner

Planning and preparation helps us navigate our journey. Once you plan to do something, you go ahead and prepare to do it. That’s how it usually goes. There are some people who stay in the planning phase. I call them Professional Planners.

Professional Planners are great at talking about what they are going to do. Sadly for them, that’s where it stops. They will even write it down and show you how they’re going to effectively crush the goal they have before them. Unless it’s their job to make plans and preparations for others to do these things, they aren’t any help to themselves.

A goal is best reached through planning, preparation, and hard work. The Professional Planner stops after preparation. It’s like they don’t know how to physically start. They can plan and prepare all day long, but when it comes down to doing it, they freeze up. According to them, more research is needed or the time isn’t right. Timing is never right when you’re starting a new project. Actually, the right time is always, right now.

If you have goals, the point of the planning and preparation is to guide yourself on how to accomplish the goal. There are a lot of people who ‘plan’ to do some fantastic things, but the world won’t ever know it, because they don’t follow through. Putting your hard work out there is a frightening thing, but that’s the only way you will know if it works. Doing more research will not help – putting action to the plan is what helps. Even if you skip the planning and preparation and go right into action, that’s better than not doing anything at all.

Follow through with your work, all the way to the end. Deal with all of the praise and negativity that comes with it. You’ll get used to it and then you can adjust it for the next time you put it out there. This is how you proceed into your greatness. Just know that this is what the road to success looks like. At some point, you have to implement your plan, so you can know how to make it better.

Please, don’t be a Professional Planner. It can hurt you in the long run. Before you know it, you’ll be in your old age, saying, “I wish I had done that – I should have followed through.” Don’t do it to yourself. Go out and work it!