Take the Time

Time seems forever. We always say we’re going to “do it tomorrow” because we assume we have time. It just seems that as long as we’re living, time keeps going on and on. This is a good thing – if you take advantage of time, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s constant, it never stops, and it serves as a measurement on when things should be done. It can be useful, if we use it correctly.

Everything and everyone takes time. We can’t create more of it, but we have to use what we get. We get the same amount everyday, at a steady pace. Therefore, we know what to expect, as far as time goes, but yet, we always put things off. Since we don’t know how much time we have, we should not waste it.

Ants work around a good system. They work hard all season to prepare for the winter. You can imagine how much food and supplies they have steadily stocked! Now, imagine if we could put that type of effort and energy into our goals. We would get so much done and be closer to our achievements. If you woke up every morning and took advantage of the time you have (because you do get 24 hours in a day), you would be very productive and satisfied at the end of your day. Who wouldn’t want that?

If you take your hours and break them down, you can see where all of your time goes. You may include the time it takes to sleep, eat, work traffic, being at work, down time at home, family/friend time, etc. When doing your work, you’ll want to have a stretch of time to accomplish what needs to be done. After you figure out the break down of your time in your average day, you can see where you may have more left if you knocked off an hour of sleep, or woke up an hour earlier. Just rearranging your day may help you to find more time to work on your goals.

If money was equal to time (24 hours = $24,000), we would have no problem taking it – we would wake up early every morning to take it! We wouldn’t waste it, we would use it all. At the end of the day, if you don’t use your money, it goes away. Then you wake up again and start over. You would never let any of that money go to waste! You would use every dime of it, everyday. That’s how time is – it’s valuable. If we use it the same way as if it were money, we would enjoy incredible benefits.

People always say they don’t have time, but once you look at it, you DO have time. You may have to sacrifice other activities or extend your waking hours, but the time is there. Take the time. It’s yours. You can’t save it for tomorrow. Drink some water and do what needs to be done, now. You won’t see any progress unless you TAKE the time.