#TBT: Turn Your Panic Into A Plan

#TBT: Turn Your Panic Into A Plan

Some things can be an inconvenience, like an unexpected bill or a flat tire. You might complain, get over it and you move on. Every once in a while, we come across a global inconvenience that puts the world on the edge of panic. We know what’s going on, but it feels weird because we don’t know exactly how to react or respond.

With the coronavirus, or COVID-19, its not that easy – we can’t be angry, complain, make a payment and go on with our lives. What started out as a distraction in another land, has turned into a disruption in our own homes.

When Panic Sets In

When we’re not familiar with an obstacle, our first reaction is to panic. There’s no plan, we’ve never seen it happen before and we have no idea where things are going.

We simply panic because we don’t know what to do. When everyone around you is just as afraid as you are, it causes confusion and anxiety. People begin to make up false information and conspiracies. Like the coronavirus, panic is contagious and spreads easily.

You see it when you go grocery shopping and everyone is filling their carts with tons of items and when you turn on the news and it’s plastered all over the television. It’s hard to ignore, so most of us join in, because if everyone else is panicking, something must really be wrong and we don’t want to be the oddball.

That’s how panic works. We see other people stockpiling groceries, so we do it too because we don’t want to be left without. The news keeps spewing statistics that may be close to true, so we allow it to put a halt on our daily lives.

When panic sets in, it causes us to not think for ourselves. We go with the crowd and panic along with them. Yes, the situation needs to be handled, but inviting panic into the equation doesn’t help you or the people around you.

Have A Panic Plan

How can you plan for the impossible? Is there a way to manage your life when life-altering events occur?

When things happen that you aren’t used to, remain calm and think. There’s no need for you to join the panic club and spazz out with everyone else.

Things may be different now – you may have to work from home, practice social distancing or quarantine yourself. These are actions that we’re not used to doing on a regular basis. It can be a scary time, but you still have control over how you respond in these types of situations.

Keep some sort of routine. Things are being done differently now, but that doesn’t mean to stop living your life. You still have goals to reach and obstacles to overcome. New challenges may present themselves during this time, but you want to practice being productive, as opposed to sitting in fear.

Even if you should become ill, you don’t want to just sit there, panic and be sick. You want to do what’s necessary to become healthy again. Taking charge and being worry-free is the first step.

Even though things are changing, stay consistent with your underlying goals. Don’t start making excuses, just because the virus is here. Keep practicing your public speaking, keep up with your diet, keep working on your business, etc. Whatever habits you had before, keep doing them and improving.

One of the most important keys to success is how well you can adapt to change.

Stay In Control

Although things are changing around us, we still have power over our productivity. There may be a global pandemic going on around us, but before you panic along with everyone else, think it through and see what you’re able to do.

Watch just enough news to get information and do your own research – when you have the knowledge, you can plan and respond, accordingly. Don’t watch it all day and allow it to feed your fear of what’s going on. That’s when it becomes worthless and you become paralyzed with panic.

Use your energy to focus on becoming well or doing something worthwhile. Keep or create your routine. Maintaining a sense of normalcy will save time and stress.

When you don’t know what to do, it’s best to do what you know. Don’t sit and panic – keep up your habits and continue moving forward, doing the best you can do.


Take Control By Learning How To Respond

Take Control By Learning How To Respond

Life isn’t fair – we know this. Things happen out of our control and we allow our emotions to flow out of control, too.

This is not the way to respond – this is reacting. It’s not necessary to react every time something happens. How should you respond? Does it help remove all of the unfairness that life throws at you?

Responding vs. Reacting

When something unexpected happens, most people react. By reacting, it means to make it worse, or to add more drama to what’s happening. This isn’t a helpful way to solve a problem.

If there’s a car accident and someone gets hurt, how do you react? Or do you respond? Here’s the difference:

Reacting would be seeing someone who is seriously injured and telling them how bad it looks. You’re freaking out and screaming, as if you’re the one who’s hurt. The person who’s injured goes into an even deeper panic, as you point out how terrible everything looks.

As a person who responds, you would assess the situation, call 911 and calmly talk to the injured person. You let the person know that help is on the way and you talk to them in a positive manner. Everything is under control and the injured person finds comfort in the support that you provide.

Which person would you rather have assisting you in a time of need?

Control What You Can

Most times, your emotions will lead to an unintended place. People will determine how they will move forward with you, depending on how you react or respond.

Never worry about what you aren’t able to control. It’s fine to be concerned, but it’s best to be positive – there’s no need to think with a negative mindset.

When you worry, you’re robbing yourself of the present. The present is the only time you can choose what you do. Even then, it may not go your way, but you must learn to hold your composure and respond in the best way possible.

Reacting will cause stress and anxiety. Being emotionally “on” all of the time because something happened out of your control does nothing to help your situation. It leads to the wrong choices and drains your energy.

You Are In Control

Will responding, instead of reacting, take away all of the unfairness in life? It definitely won’t, but it will give you confidence over what you can control. If you develop confidence over what you can control, you’ll develop more confidence over what you aren’t able to control.

Make it a habit to respond as if the situation is happening to you – put the shoe on the other foot. Would you want someone making everything worse for you, or would you want them being helpful and encouraging?

No matter the outcome of the situation, the best part about it is that you were able to support someone in their time of need. Or, you were able to solve a problem so things could move forward more efficiently, without your emotions being a factor.

When given the chance, be productive and don’t allow your emotions to over rule logic. Take control and do something to help. Be of good service and support. Just remember to always remain calm and do the best you can to make the best of any situation. Don’t give your power to worrying.

Only you can change how you behave in any given circumstance. Will you become angry and fold, or will you think it through and continue to improve? Manage your emotions to your advantage, or it will become your greatest disadvantage.


When An Unexpected Moment Turns Into A Lifetime

Don't Let One Unexpected Moment Turn Into A Lifetime

We go through life, choosing different unexpected moments to highlight throughout our day. Some of those moments are fulfilling and others can ruin us for days, while disturbing our potential.

The challenges that occur in life, happens to everyone. It may not be the exact same issue, or maybe not as severe compared to some, but things come up daily that we need to deal with.

Are you the person who takes it all in stride or do you allow it to wreck the rest of your day? What does it take to move on successfully? How do you respond to those unexpected situations?

Moments Happen

You have your day planned out in your head. Things are going well, then all of a sudden, you get a flat tire. This wasn’t part of the plan. Great.

Most people will let their entire day go down the drain, just because their tire went flat. At the same time, you could put your emotions aside and deal with it.

Things happen all the time, whether we plan for it or not. Yes, it puts a wrinkle in your day, but what can you do? You can either be mad and handle it, or you can be glad that you know how to handle it and move on with your day.

Your Moment, Your Choice

The unexpected is almost impossible to avoid. It’s hard to tell when it’s going to happen and even more difficult to know what to plan for. The closest thing you can do is prepare for it.

Even though you may think that when the unexpected happens, you have no choice but to endure it, but that’s not totally true. There’s no doubt that you have to get through it, but you can control how you respond to the situation.

Most people choose to be mad about it, even when it’s over. Your tire went flat, now you have to change it or call for help, then, you’ll be late for work and the rest of your day is completely off.

While that may be true, you could also easily decide to deal with the challenge at hand and move on. It may have some effect on the rest of your day, but don’t allow it to control the rest of your day (or life).

Let It Go

There are people who will let a flat tire ruin their entire week. The issue was fixed, but they choose to hold on to those negative feelings of having to spend money, the wasted time, and just the inconvenience of it all.

Life has moved on, but they are still on last week. There are positive things that have happened since then, but they’re too busy being stuck on the flat tire to acknowledge it.

This goes for everything. No matter what happens, we must learn how to deal with it in the moment and continue on. The worst thing you can do is to keep reliving that moment over and over again, willingly. Don’t let that moment drag into the rest of your life. Let it go.

Get Over It

As harsh as it may sound, we all must get to a place where we can get it over with, then, get over it.

Get it over with, then, get over it.

It happened. It was troublesome, unexpected and it cost money. Look at the bright side – you got through it and you learned how to prepare a little bit better for it next time.

Bad times don’t deserve a permanent spot in your life, but your goals do. The same energy it takes to be mad at the unexpected, could be the same energy you use to fuel your dreams at any time.

Don’t let one moment turn into a lifetime. You are strong and you will get through it, but you have to believe that you can. Get over it, move on and don’t look back – you’re not going that way.
