Don’t Depend On Others To Give You Praise

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Since childhood, we’ve been accustomed to receiving compliments and praise from others. If we did well in school, our teacher would applaud us. When we do well at work, we may receive an award or a promotion.

Receiving praise feels good. It’s a positive approval of our behavior and gives us a sense of acceptance.

What happens if we don’t get the recognition we deserve? Should everyone expect to be acknowledged for their hard work? Does it change your approach towards your goal?

Is Praise Necessary?

Although it’s not necessary, it’s good practice to give others compliments and to let them know when their work is appreciated. A positive environment encourages positive interaction of creation and ideas.

As we become older, the compliments and appreciation are almost nonexistent. It’s noticed, but it’s not expressed verbally. Everyone becomes wrapped up in their own world and we sometimes forget to speak on one another’s value.

When No One Praises You

Instead of reacting angrily or being disappointed because someone didn’t recognize our efforts, we should give ourselves praise.

Depending on others to encourage you or acknowledge your work can negatively affect you. If you don’t receive praise, you may begin to second guess yourself, or even react by sabotaging your own work.

Kids will act out if they aren’t recognized. As adults, we stop making progress by getting caught up in our feelings.

This weak behavior doesn’t affect the person you’re looking to praise you, it affects you. You shouldn’t stop being your best, just because someone didn’t compliment your efforts or approve what you do.

Praise Yourself

There will be times when no one will give you the praise you deserve. It’s your job to keep making progress. Continue to do your best, because you never know who is watching. Someone may give you an opportunity that may advance you to another level.

Give yourself praise. Acknowledge your own hard work and efforts. Never wait on someone else’s approval or recognition. You can compliment your own achievements.

Empower yourself by feeling good about your own work – there’s nothing wrong with having self-confidence! Don’t wait on somebody else to give you approval, approve yourself!


We’ve been taught that it’s not nice to have strong positive feelings of yourself, but there is a difference between arrogance and self-confidence. Being arrogant is when you express an exaggerated opinion of yourself to be accepted. Self-confidence is walking in your own courage and determination, without needing anyone’s approval.

Being sure of yourself is the foundation of your self-esteem. Compliments and praise are a great way to start off as kids, but as adults, we must realize that it’s our responsibility to find our own certainty.

Take back your power and know the greatness that is inside of you! Always stand in your strength and continue to make progress, even when no one is giving you praise.
