How To Turn Procrastination Into Progress

How To Turn Procrastination Into Progress

Procrastination occurs in many ways. Some people put things off at the suggestion of others, while some are stuck being comfortable.

With the internet, most things have become easier to access. Today, you don’t need to wait for anything to happen. Delaying any type of progress is a choice that you consciously make.

With that being said, how can you stop being hesitant? Is it possible to pull yourself out of that negative vortex? When is the best time to go from procrastination to progress?

The Procrastination Trap

Change can be as difficult as you make it. Sometimes, we tend to make things harder than they really are, especially if it’s outside of our confort zone.

Instant gratification is a procrastination trap. You’re so used to having things happen instantly, you begin to think that everything should happen right now.

When you come across something that takes a little more time to come together, you become anxious. Then, you decide to leave it alone, because it’s not happening fast enough.

This leads to you procrastinating on many things, simply because it doesn’t happen right away. Realize that it takes time for some things to fall into place – all you have is time. Prepare yourself with patience and realize that everything doesn’t come about within a moment’s notice.

The Progressive Mindset

In order to make progress, it starts in your mind. Your mind is your first line of defense when it comes to obtaining information and processing it.

Your environment may be bad, your friends may be critical and your luck may not be going good, but you still have a choice. Don’t let the limitations around you affect your way of thinking.

When you think, think of positive things. Think about improving yourself, achieving that goal, having a good day, helping someone in need, or receiving good news. It may not turn out the way you think, but you learn to accept things the way they are and adjust, so you can make changes.

Progress happens when you’re able to shift your thinking and adapt to any outcome that may happen. Procrastination will hold you back from even making that first attempt, but a positive mindset will allow you to follow through and create a solution.

Procrastination Begins With Small Steps

Once you find a solution, you can begin to step into your life. As long as you don’t let procrastination stop you, you will eventually develop a productive habit.

When you get into the practice of actually starting, it’s not as hard as it seems. Begin with something small and easy to accomplish. This will have a snowball effect – the more you do it successfully, the better you can accommodate bigger tasks with confidence.

Taking small steps isn’t frightening. It’s small enough to begin, but big enough to get you going in the right direction, away from procrastination.

Outside factors can have an influence on how you move. Don’t let your environment intimidate you and don’t let small-minded people convince you to stay complacent. Starting small is better than not starting at all.

Beating Procrastination

Overcoming the habit of procrastination won’t be easy. It’s not something you can expect to happen within 24 hours. The best time to start is always NOW.

Like anything else, making progress will take time and effort to establish and maintain. There are many distractions working against you already, but as long as you don’t expect things to happen instantly, have the right mindset and take small steps, it’ll all come together.

Procrastination comes in many different forms, but you can handle it. With the right outlook, you can defeat the battle of putting things off and become more productive and dynamic with your goals.


The Waiting Game

How many times has it crossed your mind that you think you’re not successful? You’ve been doing something for two weeks and it’s just not happening? Disappointed, you move on to something else, hoping it will give you the results you’re quickly looking for.

Everyone else seems to have it together. They’re making money, getting married, taking trips to the islands, but whatever you’re doing is not bringing you that type of joy that you see other people having.

When you see someone that is successful, you’re probably looking at their accomplishment after years of sacrifice and hard work. You didn’t see when they were up late at night or skipping the Friday night parties to work on their goals. No one ever sees that part, because it’s boring and weird.

The struggles they went through on financial and personal levels doesn’t phase you. It wasn’t important to you because that’s the part you don’t see – you’re not looking for the rain, you’re looking for the sunshine.

Today, many of us have ‘microwave’ dreams. We want to be successful without putting in the work. Becoming a millionaire should only take 2, maybe 3 weeks, right? That’s what it looks like on your social media feed, but in reality, it takes years.

With valuable resources, like the internet, it is possible to achieve a 10 year goal in 5 years or sooner, but, there’s one ingredient in the success recipe that never changes:

You must put in the work.

When you plant those seeds, it takes time for them to grow into a beautiful flower. You have to consider the soil, the weather, pests and other outside factors. Things will happen that weren’t supposed to happen. Something will happen out of the blue and time may not be on your side.

Waiting can be hard, especially when you’ve put so much effort into making it work, but yet, nothing has caught on. Keep working and waiting and putting in the time.

You never know when your time will come. You don’t know how close you are to accomplishing your dream. Those people on social media won’t talk about it, because it looks cooler to pose by the private jet and the new Lambo.

There is no quick and easy way to success. It’s something you must work on day in and day out, consistently. There may be .00001% of people who were successful at the very first thing they tried, but for the rest of us, there’s discipline, focus, persistence, time management, mindset, environment and other things to consider around us, before we blossom into that beautiful flower.

The waiting game is all about doing the work and being patient. A steady drop of water can wear a hole in a rock. Your time may not come as soon as you want it to, but if you keep pushing for it, the results will come.
