Suicide: Don’t Overthink Yourself To Death

This message is for anyone who has ever contemplated ending their own life.

I can imagine that there are many factors that contribute to that very thought.

Being positive can be hard. People can be mean and difficult. Things don’t always go the way we want them to go.  Life can be tough. We all have days, weeks and months where nothing is ever right.

You were made to be here and spread your gift. You are not a mistake. Everyone is here for a reason and you must find yours. Don’t give in to those who try to make your life a living hell.

Don’t think you’re alone – you’re not the only one. There are millions of people on this planet that have to make the effort to live their life everyday. They have struggled with the idea of giving up. Please find your strength and make the decision to live.

Talk to someone – there is help for you. Just like anybody else, you deserve to be here. If people are trolling you online, turn off your device. If people are bothering you at school or at work, tell an adult or a superior, or change location.

The opportunities for you to reinvent yourself and simply start over are endless.

Things can change for the better, but you have to believe it and act towards the type of change you seek. Nothing positive can happen without your input. You’re the only one that can make things better. Your life is your responsibility – don’t leave it in someone else’s hands.

The possibilities in life are limitless. Taking your own life only leaves the rest of us to suffer without the wonderful things you have to offer. If your breakthrough was coming tomorrow, would you give up today?

Continue to fight for your life because the best is yet to come. There are people who care about you and actually want you to be here! It’s never worth it to end your life – you’re not finished yet. There is something amazing in all of us. Your struggle may help someone else through their hard time.

Don’t overthink yourself to death – you can get through this. There is a reason you are still here – take it one day at a time and keep living.

This message was written with love. If you need help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or chat online at The Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
