Dealing With Disappointment

Dealing With Disappointment

Disappointment is one of those things you wish wouldn’t happen, but it always seems to find a way to rear it’s ugly head. Whether you find it coming from yourself or someone else, it has a way of disrupting your flow.

Unfortunately, disappointment is something we’re unable to avoid, but we do have the ability to work around it. Instead of trying to ignore it, be mindful and learn how to deal with it productively as possible.

What Disappoints You?

There are a million ways you can be disappointed. Deception, death, high expectations, sadness, anger, betrayal – it all falls under the umbrella of being disappointed. Whether something is unfair or not, it frustrates you.

It could be someone not showing up on time. Maybe you didn’t get the job you hoped for. Your best friend stole from you. Someone cut you off in traffic. There’s not as much money in your bank account as you thought.

Some of these disappointments are caused by other people, but some of it is caused by you. It’s important to know the difference, because you may not be able to fix other people, but you can definitely fix yourself.

Just know that other people are not you! Don’t expect them to do things the way you would do them – this is one of the easiest ways to disappoint yourself. Of course, we should all have high standards and expectations of each other, but in reality, it just doesn’t work that way.

Waking up in the morning to find there are no socks to wear can be disappointing, but you can fix that so it won’t happen again. Running out of gas while driving on the highway can make you mad, but you can fix that so it won’t happen again. These are situations that you bring upon yourself, but you can fix it. Be accountable and stop disappointing yourself.


Think about this: do others upset you or do you allow yourself to be upset by them?

One way is blaming and the other is taking responsibility. People do crazy things – you don’t have to like it, but you don’t have to let it ruin your day, either. That’s life. You don’t have to be offended by every little thing. If you can see it from another perspective, it will help you move on with your day.

We can not stop disappointment from happening. However, it does contribute towards the building of our integrity and character. It can be annoying, but if you can see the situation from a different angle, it can possibly put you at an advantage.

Adjust your outlook so you won’t experience a high level of disappointment. It can be heartbreaking when someone lets you down, but don’t let it become distracting. Some of us are stuck on something that happened ten years ago. It’s hard to forgive and let go, but you don’t want to live in a mental prison all of your life.

Forgiveness is for you, not for them. It allows you to move forward so you can continue to make progress in your life. When you hold a grudge, the other person doesn’t feel it – you carry that burden of disappointment. If you shift your perspective, you’ll enjoy the benefit of controlling your emotions (not your emotions controlling you) and creating a more improved outcome.

It’s Okay To Feel Your Disappointment

When other things disappoint you, especially if it has nothing personal to do with you, let it go. Giving up your energy to silly things can be draining. It sounds simple in theory, but why do we make it hard to do?

Sometimes, it’s the small things that can get to us – someone looking at us the wrong way, it rained when it wasn’t supposed to or your favorite team lost the big game. These type of things will happen. You have no control over it, but you can make the choice to forget about it and keep going. Don’t carry it with you the rest of the day – unless there’s something you can do, accept it and let it go.

Other times, disappointment can be more personal and difficult to deal with. A loved one becomes terribly ill or your child is following the wrong crowd. Situations like these are unable to let go as easily. It may hurt everyday, but the best way to handle it is to be as helpful and as positive as you can.

With some disappointments, there is no concrete way of handling them – you just have to let it run it’s course and work itself out. At the same time, you don’t have to live in it. Acknowledge it, but allow yourself to look ahead and continue to pursue your future.

No matter what happens or how you feel, the world doesn’t stop. There are ways to limit your disappointments and deal with them in a productive way – just don’t let it ruin your life.

Run YOUR Race

Photo by Matt Lee on Unsplash

Life can be hard. But if it was easy, we wouldn’t appreciate it the way we do.

I get it. No matter how much planning you do, it doesn’t seem to go the way you planned it. You set the goal for it to happen in 2 years and it’s been 4 years and you don’t see it. You wrote it down, you did the vision board, and you said the affirmations everyday.

By all means, don’t stop what you’re doing. If you stop, you’ll never see your success. Here’s how to run YOUR race.

  1. Don’t get distracted. Sometimes, we can focus too much on what others have achieved. There’s no rule book saying that we all are supposed to be millionaires by 35. Let go of the little distractions that pull you aside from your goal. Start with silencing notifications on your cell phone. Or, you could turn off the TV for a day, do your work and see what happens. Or, stop letting someone else’s ‘success’ get you down.
  2. Stop comparing your life to theirs. It’s difficult to know that you followed all the rules of life and you still feel like you’re behind. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. You should be further along. That’s life. Things happen everyday, but somehow, we figure out how to move on and keep pushing. Just because you don’t see somebody else’s struggles doesn’t mean they don’t have any. It’s impossible to focus on what you’re doing, if you’re paying attention to someone else.
  3. Focus on YOU. Put the horse blinders on. Figure out YOUR way. Help yourself first, then you can help others. It’s not being selfish. They even tell you on the airplane to put YOUR mask on first, then help the person next to you.
  4. Don’t give up on YOU. How many times have we been disappointed by other people? How many times have you given your best to someone and they step on it? No one is going to care about you, but YOU. Don’t depend on other people for your satisfaction in life. Only you can make things happen.
  5. Take a break. Do not mistake a break for stopping. Things can get heavy sometimes and you need to take a breather. That’s totally fine, but don’t allow taking a breather to turn into quitting. It’s not the same thing. Give yourself a chance to reset. It could bring about new ideas and thoughts to help push you forward.
  6. Celebrate the small wins. The little things that happen everyday, give yourself credit for them. It’s the small wins that pave the way for the big wins. It’s a sign that you’re on the right track. Small wins matter!                                                                                                                                                                            Even though you may not see your goals coming to be at the moment, it’s your responsibility to continue on and make it happen. If you stop, you’ll never get what you dream of – and no one else is going to give it you.

Keep your mind in a successful space. Keep doing the vision boards, writing down your goals and reading your affirmations. That’s what keeps you going. That’s what helps hold you up when others try to bring you down and say you can’t do it.

Have you ever heard someone say that the road to success was a piece of cake? No. Everyone has a story to tell. You just haven’t finished living your story yet, but when you do, what a story it will be and a great opportunity to help others.

YOU will be successful at your goals in life. When you get there, be that voice that helps others. Pay it forward, because you used to be that person.

Smile and know you are on the right track. There are lots of people who give up – don’t be one of them. Prove to yourself that you have what it takes to become the success YOU want to be!