How To Get Past Your Fear Of Success

fear of success

Do you sabotage your own success? When something makes you uncomfortable, do you ignore it? When someone asks you to do something different, does it make you cringe? You may have a fear of success and not even know it.

Actually, it’s the change that you really fear. It’s a safe, cozy and familiar environment where you are, but that won’t help your personal growth. The unknown can be scary, but living with the regret of not taking a chance, is even scarier.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of – many people have a fear of success, whether they know it or not. You could be holding yourself back from blossoming into your own life.

What Are The Symptoms?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you could have a fear of success:

  • You don’t take calculated risks
  • You make excuses when you fail
  • You reject promotions
  • Your life has been the same for years
  • You don’t attempt to improve your life
  • You do the same thing, day in and day out
  • You turn down new experiences
  • You always brush off suggestions
  • You aren’t open to change
  • You talk negatively about other successful people

Moving Past Your Fear Of Success

This may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. You will need to expand your mind and be open to doing something different.

  1. Be okay with changing your mind. It happens everyday – people change their mind about things. Nothing is written in stone. Sometimes, we forget that we have the power of making a simple choice. When you change your mind, it means you’re thinking. You are considering the possibilities and outcomes of certain situations. Doing the same thing everyday makes you a robot – you’re just going through the motions. It all starts with trusting yourself enough to change your mind.
  2. Get out of your comfort zone. We all have a comfort zone, where we like to stay because it doesn’t change and we know what to expect. If you want something different, you must do something different. It can be as simple as taking another route to work or doing something different with your hair. When you do something out of the ordinary, things begin to happen. Opportunities may come or you may discover something new that you like. Being comfortable may provide a form of stability, but deciding to do something different will give you ‘new life.’
  3. Say ‘yes’ to new opportunities. Normally, you shut down when something new comes into your life. Let’s change that – whatever it may be, just say ‘yes’ and see where it takes you! It may be uncomfortable at first, but stick with it and know that you can do it. If it’s not for you, at least you know and you can say that you attempted to do it. If it is something that allows you to grow on another level of your life, you win! Don’t be afraid to do something that you don’t normally do – that’s how you grow.

Success Favors The Bold

You won’t be able to achieve anything if you don’t take a chance. If it won’t kill you, find your courage and give it a chance.

Do the opposite of what you would normally think. Being a robot will lead to an unexciting and dull existence. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, with people who bring out the best in you!

The fear of success is real. If you have it, be confident and make it better. Yes, you will fail (learn) along the way, but it happens to all of us. On the other side of fear is success and it is very well within your reach.


Figure It Out Along the Way

Photo by Michael Heuser on Unsplash

On the path to pursuing your goals, there will be some uncertainty. It’s natural to want to know how to do something so that you can be successful at it. Unfortunately, success doesn’t work that way.

You won’t know how to do everything. Obstacles will reveal themselves and you have to figure out how to handle them. This is not a sign for you to give up. How do you expect to accomplish anything at the first sign of defeat?

Growth is promoted through challenge. Facing that obstacle is what makes you a success in progress. It’s a stepping stone and an opportunity for you to gain more knowledge about what you’re doing.

It’s not easy and that’s why most people quit and settle where they are. Taking chances isn’t for the weak of heart. Even the smallest risk will push you out of your comfort zone.

Comfort is what holds people back the most. They don’t want to take a chance at solving a problem, unless there’s an immediate benefit. When there is no easy advantage to be gained, they stop.

The process isn’t meant to be simple, but if you’re going to reach your goal, you must figure things out along the way.

No one’s path is the same. There is no hack, or some secret that others know and you don’t. If there was an exact blueprint to success, everyone would be successful.

You must figure it out as you go along. While you’re figuring it out, you’re also learning the ropes. You will learn what to do and what NOT to do. Welcome the opportunity of firsthand wisdom.

Being familiar will get you no where. Backing away from a challenge doesn’t help you grow. Get used to any obstruction that blocks you from accomplishing your goal. Master the art of problem-solving.

The experience belongs exclusively to you. No one can walk in your shoes.

We want to stay at our level of comfort, because we know what to expect. There are no surprises and we know how things will turn out. Opting out will only give you the same results and nothing new will happen in your life.

It doesn’t hurt to take a risk and move forward. With determination and discipline, you can get through anything. Don’t let fear kick in and scare you away. Figure it out as you go along and you’ll see improvement the next time around.

Obstacles aren’t bad. They’re just little adventures within the process. It puts you closer and closer to your outcome. Explore and figure out your little adventures and you’ll be better for it.