The Journey To Finding Yourself

The Journey To Finding Yourself

Knowing who you are can be a real challenge. Years of environmental conditioning can alter your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. Often times, we go throughout our lives and assume the identity that has been given to us. Finding yourself, indeed, is a lifelong journey.

Ever since you were young, people have been saying things to you and about you. The bad things they say tend to stick with us, because we replay it in our minds and begin to believe it.

How do we get to know ourselves? Should we receive what other people say about us as true? Do you have the courage to find and become who you are meant to be?

How Do You Go About Finding Yourself?

Finding yourself is definitely a journey that you want to take seriously. It’s not something that you have to wait to do until you’re 18 – you can start at anytime.

Understand that this will take time and you must be patient. It’s unrealistic that you will find yourself in 30 minutes and be done with it. This will be something to practice on a regular basis, if you want to see results.

To begin, take a few minutes each day and write down something that has held you back every time you wanted to do it. Where did it come from? Why do you believe it? How can you change it to your advantage?

It’s not for you to dwell on the past, but for you to work through it and become mindful of why you believe it. Then, you can find a way to combat the negative and turn it into a positive.

People Can Be Critical

Imagine someone told you that your ideas suck and if it was great, someone else would’ve done it by now. As a result, every time you have an idea, you don’t take action.

Everyone is worthy of seeing their idea through. There will always be people who are critical of the positive things you do. It’s their way of getting in your head, so they can feel ‘big’. If you allow them to take advantage of your thoughts in this way, they will have control over you, because they have the power to change your mind.

It’s your responsibility to guard your mind. You can listen to what others say, but you don’t have to accept it or let it sink into your thoughts. You have the right to dismiss anything that anyone has to say about you – even when it comes to TV or social media.

Figure out a way to turn this critical way of thinking around. Whenever your mind slips into thinking unproductive thoughts, have the confidence to believe in yourself. Crush that criticism and work towards your initial plan.

Believe In Yourself

Going through the process of finding yourself may be long, but it is well worth it. Remember, this is life work, not homework – everything won’t happen overnight. Not only does it make you a more productive person, but it strengthens your self-esteem.

Other people will put their insecurities and fears on you. It’s important that you know this, so you won’t believe and internalize what they say about you. This is why knowing yourself is so necessary.

You don’t have to be what others say you are. Continue your journey to find yourself. Believe in who you are and live up to that idea. Create yourself – don’t leave it up to others to do it. Some people give great advice and say nice things, but for those that don’t, learn to let it go and move on.
