The majority of us are afraid of doing simple things. Eating alone, attending a seminar by yourself, or putting your work out into the world – for some reason, it scares us to be judged by others.
Being judged is the reason you are afraid. You don’t want anyone to make fun of you or you don’t want them to think of you a certain way. It’s time to get over what ‘they’ think and find your confidence!
Be In Control
Is there a question you need to ask someone in order to possibly move forward? Ask it. Do you have an invention that needs to be approved? Get it done. Does your career require you to speak in public? Then speak.
Whatever it is, just do it! Being afraid of someone saying ‘no’ or putting down your idea is not the end of the world – 10 times out of 10, you’ll live.
Allowing that type of control over your life is unacceptable. It’s not something that will ruin your day, it could potentially ruin your life. Learn to take a verbal punch and keep it moving.
Does It Really Hurt?
When you’re rejected, it may hurt, but you must build yourself to tolerate it because you’ll get rejected more times than you’ll get accepted. Nothing is hurt, but your feelings. If it doesn’t hurt you physically, you’re good to keep going!
There will always be insecure people who will try to make you feel bad about your progress. When you give them your attention, it only makes it worse. Ignore them and be determined to find your way.
Stop letting other people’s judgment shape your life. You have more power than you think, so dig in and begin to use it. Be strong and push forward.
The Pain Of Regret
Imagine being an older version of yourself. Would you be at peace, knowing you were too afraid to take those chances? Would you be satisfied with the fact that you let others affect the way you lived your life?
The pain of regret is very real. You’re unable to go back in time and change the outcome of your life, so live it with full intention. Give yourself permission to not care about what other people think. They will be the ones who wished they had the confidence you had.
Be Courageous
The older you become, the more you realize that time is flying by. Some of those opportunities won’t always be available – you don’t have time to be afraid.
If you’re going to be afraid, be afraid that you won’t get another opportunity and take that chance. Be afraid that you might lose function of your body and start making moves. Be afraid that someone will control your mind and start thinking for yourself.
The fear of people judging you will keep you from your own greatness. You were built to climb many levels in life, not to be held back because of what they think. Don’t second guess yourself, based on someone’s negative opinion.
Be your own hero. Direct your own action packed, suspense-filling life movie. Have stories to tell your future grandchildren, so they can see how brave and awesome you were. Live your life to the fullest.