Stop Reflecting; Let 2018 Go

Photo by Roi Dimor on Unsplash

It sounds kind of harsh, but in order to make any progress, you have to let something go.

Reflection is necessary and it should be done. Take time to look back and see how you can improve on the upcoming year. The issue is, sometimes, we can reflect a little too long and stay there as we’re going into 2019.

More time should be spent on planning for 2019, as opposed to reflecting on 2018. Since 2018 is almost gone, it won’t do any good to stay in reflection for too long. Don’t let the past keep you there.

Go for 2019. Get out of your comfort zone (2018) and step into the New Year with confidence. You’ve reflected enough. You know what you need to do.

If you don’t know, then do this: Pick something from the categories of mindset, health and wealth.

For example, you may want to work on your focus (mindset), eat cleaner (health) and save more money (wealth).

Now, let’s get more specific. You want to have deep focus without giving in to distractions while you’re writing your book. You want to eat at least one plant-based meal per day. You want to save at least 10% of your paycheck, every pay period.

That’s how you begin 2019. If it didn’t happen in 2018, let it go and start now. Don’t make it harder than it has to be.

Everyday is a chance at a new opportunity. Don’t get stuck looking back.
