Step Into It

Everyone experiences fear. If you let it, fear can slowly pull you away from life’s opportunities. When it comes to achieving our goals, we can create fear in our mind and it stops us before we have the chance to start. We unconsciously teach babies how to fear and even other adults, too. Fear can either help you, or hurt you.

Fear can be a healthy thing. Yes, you should be afraid to put your hand on a hot stove. Running in traffic could possibly kill you. Drinking gasoline doesn’t sound like a good idea, so it’s probably not.

In those cases, fear is a good thing. When you fear something that you’ve never done and you know it can’t physically hurt you, that’s different. In this case, fear holds you back.

When you fear starting new tasks or ideas, it can hurt your potential. Learn to step into it. The whole idea of stepping into your fear is to make your fear disappear little by little, so you can complete whatever is challenging you. If you have a fear of water, step into it – don’t dive into the pool, but start by sitting on the side and dangling your feet. If you fear talking to strangers, step into it. Simply say ‘hi’ or ‘have a nice day’. It won’t hurt. Drink some water. You can do it.

Dealing with your goals and tasks can be tricky, because when you create the illusion of fear, you’re only stopping yourself. You may try to blame something else, but it’s up to you to make things happen. You are responsible for pushing your goals ahead. Don’t allow fear to stop you from moving forward.

We all have fears that we need to step into. Just take it one step at a time. Everyday, try to accomplish a little at a time. This is how you build yourself into a better person, day by day, one step at a time. Before you know it, months and years will go by and you will have become a stronger person, by stepping into your fears!