Say Yes

For those of you in your twenties, please listen to this information. Coming from someone twice your age: go ahead and do your experiments now. Whether you went to college or not, get all of those ideas done and out of your head. It will serve you better in the future to do that now.

I’ve lived long enough to know how things basically go in life. I’m not saying that this is the way it happens for everyone, but for a lot of us, it will. That business idea you had in your head about building an app, do it. The idea about renting out hugs, do it. As crazy as it may seem, the best way to handle it is to get it out of your head. Otherwise, you’ll be thinking later in life if it would’ve worked out. Even worse, if someone else does it, and it works out for them, you’ll be sorry you never did it. Say yes to yourself and do it.

On another note, if you’re trying to start a business and you need a network of people to help push you along or to give you advice, say yes. If they ask if you can help them fold up chairs after the conference, say yes. If they ask you to walk their dog, say yes. At some point, you’ll figure out if they are just playing you or if they can be a positive force in helping you with your business. Building a network is important in running a business and to get you started, just say yes.

Say yes, when you’re young. You won’t have anything to lose and not much to sacrifice. If you do, then you can make it up in your thirties and beyond. You don’t want to turn forty or fifty and regret what you didn’t do in your life or think about the business ideas you didn’t pursue. By simply saying yes, you are opening up your world to more possibilities and that could lead to opportunities. Saying yes could lead you on the greatest adventure of your life. Don’t be afraid to try – say yes to yourself and yes to others.

Please be sensible and responsible when saying yes.

Overall, do it now while you have time and natural energy. As we get older, it does get harder for some of us to pursue those dreams we pushed to the side. When you have financial responsibilities and other life matters to handle, it’s harder to pull off. Do it now, so that when you get older, you can live knowing that you put it all on the line. You may succeed or you may not succeed, but at least you’ll be satisfied knowing you did your best.